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Matthew being one of the twelve apostles, and early called to
the apostleship, and from the time of his call a constant
attendant on our Saviour, was perfectly well qualified to write
fully the history of his life. He relates what he saw and heard.
He is eminently distinguished for the distinctness and
particularity with which he has related many of our Lord's
discourses and moral instructions. Of these his sermon on the
mount, his charge to the apostles, his illustrations of the
nature of his kingdom, and his prophecy on mount Olivet, are
examples. He has also wonderfully united simplicity and energy
in relating the replies of his Master to the cavils of his
adversaries. There is not, as Dr. A. Clarke justly remarks, one
truth or doctrine, in the whole oracles of God, which is not
taught in this Evangelist. The outlines of the whole spiritual
system are here correctly laid down: even Paul himself has added
nothing: he has amplified and illustrated the truths contained
in this Gospel;--under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost,
neither he, nor any of the other apostles, have brought to light
one truth, the prototype of which has not been found in the
words and acts of our blessed Lord as related by Matthew.
01 The genealogy of Christ from Abraham to Joseph
18 He is miraculously conceived of the Holy Ghost by the Virgin
Mary, when she was espoused to Joseph
19 The angel satisfies the doubts of Joseph, and declares the
names and office of Christ: Jesus is born
* generation
# ge 2:4 5:1 is 53:8 lu 3:23 ro 9:5
* the son of David
# mat 9:27 15:22:42-45 2sa 7:13,16 ps 89:36 132:11 is 9:6,7
# 11:1 je 23:5 33:15-17,26 am 9:11 zec 12:8 lu 1:31,32,69,70
# jno 7:42 ac 2:30 13:22 ro 1:3 re 22:16
* the son of Abraham
# ge 12:3 22:18 26:3-5 28:13,14 ro 4:13 ga 3:16
* Abraham
# ge 21:2-5 jos 24:2,3 1ch 1:28 is 51:2 lu 3:34 ac 7:8 ro 9:7-9
# he 11:11,17,18
* Isaac begat
# ge 25:26 jos 24:4 1ch 1:34 is 41:8 mal 1:2,3 ro 9:10-13
* Jacob begat
# ge 29:32-35 30:5-20 35:16-19 46:8 49:8-12 ex 1:2-5 1ch 2:1
# 5:1,2 lu 3:33,34 ac 7:8 he 7:14 re 7:5 jude 1:1
* Judas
# ge 38:27,29,30 46:12
* Judah, Pharez, Zarah
# nu 26:20,21 1ch 2:3,4
* Zerah
# mat 9:4
* Thamar
# ge 38:6,11,24-26
* Tamar. and Phares
# ge 46:12 nu 26:21 ru 4:18 1ch 2:5 4:1
* Hezron
# lu 3:33
* Aram
# ru 4:19 1ch 2:9
* Ram
* Aminadab
# ru 4:19,20 1ch 2:10-12
* Amminadab. Naasson
# nu 1:7 2:3 7:12,17 10:14
* Nahshon
# lu 3:32
* Salmon
# ru 4:21 1ch 2:11,12
* Salma, Boaz, Rachab
# jos 2:1 6:22-25 he 11:31 ja 2:25
* Rahab. Booz
# ru 1:4,16,17,22 2:1-4:22
* Obed begat
# lu 3:32
* Jesse
# ru 4:22 1sa 16:1,11-13 17:12,58 20:30,31 22:8 2sa 23:1
# 1ch 2:15 ps 72:20 is 11:1 ac 13:22,23
* Solomon
# 2sa 12:24,25 1ch 3:5 14:4 28:5
* her
# 2sa 11:3,26,27 1ki 1:11-17,28-31 15:5 ro 8:8
* Urias
# 2sa 23:39 1ch 11:41
* Uriah
* Roboam
# 1ki 11:43 12:1 1ch 3:10 2ch 9:31 13:7
* Rehoboam. Abia
# 1ki 14:31
* Abijam
# 2ch 12:1
* Abijah. Asa
# 1ki 15:8-23 2ch 14:1 15:1 16:1
* Josaphat
# 1ki 15:24 22:2 2ki 3:1 2ch 17:1 18:1 19:1 20:1
* Johoshaphat. Joram
# 1ki 22:50 2ki 8:16
* Jehoram
# 1ch 3:11 2ch 21:1
* Ozias
# 2ki 14:21 15:1-6
* Azariah
# 2ch 26:2
* Uzziah
* Joatham
# 2ki 15:7,32-38 1ch 3:11-13 2ch 26:21 27:1
* Jotham. Achaz
# 2ki 15:38 16:1 2ch 27:9 28:1 is 7:1-13
* Ahaz. Ezekias
# 2ki 16:20 18:1 19:1 20:1 2ch 28:27 29:1 30:1 31:1 32:1
# is 36:1 37:1 38:1 39:1
* Hezekiah
* Manasses
# 2ki 20:21 21:1-18 24:3,4 1ch 3:13-15 2ch 32:33 33:1-19
* Manasseh. Amon
# 2ki 21:19-26 2ch 33:20-24
* Josias
# 1ki 13:2 2ki 21:26 22:1 23:1-30 2ch 33:25 34:1 35:1 je 1:2,3
* Josiah
* Josias. Some read, Josias begat Jakim, and Jakim begat