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ISA-11:9 ...for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD,
 as the waters cover the sea.

Copyright (c) 1985-2007



1Peter 1

  • 1. Peter <4074>, an apostle <0652> of Jesus <2424> Christ
  • <5547>, to the strangers <3927> scattered <1290> throughout
  • Pontus <4195>, Galatia <1053>, Cappadocia <2587>, Asia <0773>,
  • and Bithynia <0978>,
  • 2 Elect <1588> according <2596> to the foreknowledge <4268> of
  • God <2316> the Father <3962>, through <1722> sanctification
  • <0038> of the Spirit <4151>, unto obedience <5218> and
  • sprinkling <4473> of the blood <0129> of Jesus <2424> Christ
  • <5547>: Grace <5485> unto you, and peace <1515>, be multiplied
  • <4129>.
  • 3. Blessed <2128> [be] the God <2316> and Father <3962> of our
  • Lord <2962> Jesus <2424> Christ <5547>, which <3588> according
  • <2596> to his abundant <4183> mercy <1656> hath begotten <0313>
  • us again <0313> unto a lively <2198> hope <1680> by the
  • resurrection <0386> of Jesus <2424> Christ <5547> from the dead
  • <3498>,
  • 4 To an inheritance <2817> incorruptible <0862>, and undefiled
  • <0283>, and that fadeth <0263> not away, reserved <5083> in
  • heaven <3772> for you,
  • 5 Who <3588> are kept <5432> by the power <1411> of God <2316>
  • through <1223> faith <4102> unto salvation <4991> ready <2092>
  • to be revealed <0601> in the last <2078> time <2540>.
  • 6. Wherein <3757> ye greatly rejoice <0021>, though now <0737>
  • for a season <3641>, if <1487> need <1163> be, ye are in
  • heaviness <3076> through <1722> manifold <4164> temptations
  • <3986>:
  • 7 That the trial <1383> of your <5216> faith <4102>, being
  • <1096> much <4183> more precious <5093> than of gold <5553> that
  • perisheth <0622>, though it be tried <1381> with fire <4442>,
  • might be found <2147> unto praise <1868> and honour <5092> and
  • glory <1391> at <1722> the appearing <0602> of Jesus <2424>
  • Christ <5547>:
  • 8 Whom <3739> having not seen <1492>, ye love <0025>; in whom,
  • though now <0737> ye see <3708> [him] not, yet <1161> believing
  • <4100>, ye rejoice <0021> with joy <5479> unspeakable <0412> and
  • full of glory <1392>:
  • 9 Receiving <2865> the end <5056> of your <5216> faith <4102>,
  • [even] the salvation <4991> of [your] souls <5590>.
  • 10. Of which <3739> salvation <4991> the prophets <4396> have
  • enquired <1567> and searched <1830> diligently, who <3588>
  • prophesied <4395> of the grace <5485> [that should come] unto
  • you:
  • 11 Searching <2045> what <5101>, or <2228> what <4169> manner
  • <4169> of time <2540> the Spirit <4151> of Christ <5547> which
  • <3588> was in them did signify <1213>, when it testified <4303>
  • beforehand <4303> the sufferings <3804> of Christ <5547>, and
  • the glory <1391> that should follow <5023>.
  • 12 Unto whom <3739> it was revealed <0601>, that not unto
  • themselves <1438>, but unto us they did minister <1247> the
  • things <0846>, which <3739> are now <3568> reported <0312> unto
  • you by them that have preached <2097> the gospel <2097> unto you
  • with the Holy <0040> Ghost <4151> sent <0649> down from heaven
  • <3772>; which <3739> things the angels <0032> desire <1937> to
  • look <3879> into <1519>.
  • 13. Wherefore <1352> gird <0328> up the loins <3751> of your
  • <5216> mind <1271>, be sober <3525>, and hope <1679> to the end
  • <5049> for the grace <5485> that is to be brought <5342> unto
  • you at <1722> the revelation <0602> of Jesus <2424> Christ
  • <5547>;
  • 14 As obedient <5218> children <5043>, not fashioning <4964>
  • yourselves according <2596> to the former <4386> lusts <1939> in
  • your <5216> ignorance <0052>:
  • 15 But as he which hath called <2564> you is holy <0040>, so
  • <2532> be ye holy <0040> in all <3956> manner of conversation
  • <0391>;
  • 16 Because <1360> it is written <1125>, Be ye holy <0040>; for
  • I am <1510> holy <0040>.
  • 17 And if <1487> ye call <1941> on <1941> the Father <3962>,
  • who <3588> without <0678> respect <0678> of persons <0678>
  • judgeth <2919> according <2596> to every <1538> man's work
  • <2041>, pass <0390> the time <5550> of your <5216> sojourning
  • <3940> [here] in fear <5401>:
  • 18 Forasmuch as ye know <1492> that ye were not redeemed
  • <3084> with corruptible <5349> things, [as] silver <0694> and
  • gold <5553>, from your <5216> vain <3152> conversation <0391>
  • [received] by tradition from your <5216> fathers <3970>;
  • 19 But with the precious <5093> blood <0129> of Christ <5547>,
  • as of a lamb <0286> without <0299> blemish <0299> and without
  • <0784> spot <0784>:
  • 20 Who verily <3303> was foreordained <4267> before <4253> the
  • foundation <2602> of the world <2889>, but was manifest <5319>
  • in these <3588> last <2078> times <5550> for you,
  • 21 Who <3588> by him do believe <4100> in God <2316>, that
  • raised <1453> him up from the dead <3498>, and gave <1325> him
  • glory <1391>; that your <5216> faith <4102> and hope <1680>
  • might be in God <2316>.
  • 22 Seeing ye have purified <0048> your <5216> souls <5590> in
  • obeying <5218> the truth <0225> through <1223> the Spirit <4151>
  • unto unfeigned <0505> love <5360> of the brethren <5360>, [see
  • that ye] love <0025> one <0240> another <0240> with a pure
  • <2513> heart <2588> fervently <1619>:
  • 23 Being born <0313> again <0313>, not of corruptible <5349>
  • seed <4701>, but of incorruptible <0862>, by the word <3056> of
  • God <2316>, which liveth <2198> and abideth <3306> for ever
  • <0165>.
  • 24. For all <3956> flesh <4561> [is] as grass <5528>, and all
  • <3956> the glory <1391> of man <0444> as the flower <0438> of
  • grass <5528>. The grass <5528> withereth <3583>, and the flower
  • <0438> thereof <0846> falleth <1601> away <1601>:
  • 25 But the word <4487> of the Lord <2962> endureth <3306> for
  • ever <0165>. And this <5124> is the word <4487> which <3588> by
  • the gospel <2097> is preached <2097> unto you.
  • 1Peter 2
  • 1. Wherefore <3767> laying <0659> aside <0659> all <3956>
  • malice <2549>, and all <3956> guile <1388>, and hypocrisies
  • <5272>, and envies <5355>, and all <3956> evil <2636> speakings
  • <2636>,
  • 2 As newborn <0738> babes <1025>, desire <1971> the sincere
  • <0097> milk <1051> of the word <3050>, that ye may grow <0837>
  • thereby <0846>:
  • 3 If <1512> so be ye have tasted <1089> that the Lord <2962>
  • [is] gracious <5543>.
  • 4. To whom <3739> coming <4334>, [as unto] a living <2198>
  • stone <3037>, disallowed <0593> indeed <3303> of men <0444>, but
  • chosen <1588> of God <2316>, [and] precious <1784>,
  • 5 Ye also <2532>, as lively <2198> stones <3037>, are built
  • <3618> up a spiritual <4152> house <3624>, an holy <0040>
  • priesthood <2406>, to offer <0399> up spiritual <4152>
  • sacrifices <2378>, acceptable <2144> to God <2316> by Jesus
  • <2424> Christ <5547>.
  • 6 Wherefore <1352> also <2532> it is contained <4023> in the
  • scripture <1124>, Behold <2400>, I lay <5087> in Sion <4622> a
  • chief <0204> corner <0204> stone <3037>, elect <1588>, precious
  • <1784>: and he that believeth <4100> on <1909> him shall not be
  • confounded <2617>.
  • 7 Unto you therefore <3767> which <3588> believe <4100> [he
  • is] precious <5092>: but unto them which be disobedient <0544>,
  • the stone <3037> which the builders <3618> disallowed <0593>,
  • the same <3778> is made <1096> the head <2776> of the corner
  • <1137>,
  • 8 And a stone <3037> of stumbling <4348>, and a rock <4073> of
  • offence <4625>, [even to them] which <3739> stumble <4350> at
  • the word <3056>, being disobedient <0544>: whereunto <3739> also
  • <2532> they were appointed <5087>.
  • 9 But ye [are] a chosen <1588> generation <1085>, a royal
  • <0934> priesthood <2406>, an holy <0040> nation <1484>, a
  • peculiar <4047> people <2992>; that ye should shew <1804> forth
  • <1804> the praises <0703> of him who hath called <2564> you out
  • of darkness <4655> into <1519> his marvellous <2298> light
  • <5457>:
  • 10 Which <3588> in time <4218> past [were] not a people <2992>,
  • but [are] now <3568> the people <2992> of God <2316>: which
  • <3588> had not obtained <1653> mercy <1653>, but now <3568> have
  • obtained <1653> mercy <1653>.
  • 11 Dearly beloved <0027>, I beseech <3870> [you] as strangers
  • <3941> and pilgrims <3927>, abstain <0567> from fleshly <4559>
  • lusts <1939>, which <3748> war <4754> against <2596> the soul
  • <5590>;
  • 12 Having <2192> your <5216> conversation <0391> honest <2570>
  • among <1722> the Gentiles <1484>: that, whereas <3759> they
  • speak <2635> against <1909> you as evildoers <2555>, they may by
  • [your <3588>] good <2570> works <2041>, which they shall behold
  • <2029>, glorify <1392> God <2316> in the day <2250> of
  • visitation <1984>.
  • 13. Submit <5293> yourselves to every <3956> ordinance <2937>
  • of man <0442> for the Lord's <2962> sake: whether <1535> it be
  • to the king <0935>, as supreme <5242>;
  • 14 Or <1535> unto governors <2232>, as unto them that are sent
  • <3992> by him for the punishment <1557> of evildoers <2555>, and
  • for the praise <1868> of them that do <0017> well <0017>.
  • 15 For so <3779> is the will <2307> of God <2316>, that with
  • well <0015> doing <0015> ye may put <5392> to silence <5392> the
  • ignorance <0056> of foolish <0878> men <0444>:
  • 16 As free <1658>, and not using <2192> [your <3588>] liberty
  • <1657> for a cloke <1942> of maliciousness <2549>, but as the
  • servants <1401> of God <2316>.
  • 17 Honour <5091> all <3956> [men]. Love <0025> the brotherhood
  • <0081>. Fear <5399> God <2316>. Honour <5091> the king <0935>.
  • 18 Servants <3610>, [be] subject <5293> to [your <3588>]
  • masters <1203> with all <3956> fear <5401>; not only <3440> to
  • the good <0018> and gentle <1933>, but also <2532> to the
  • froward <4646>.
  • 19 For this <5124> [is] thankworthy <5485>, if <1487> a man
  • <5100> for conscience <4893> toward God <2316> endure <5297>
  • grief <3077>, suffering <3958> wrongfully <0095>.
  • 20 For what <4169> glory <2811> [is it], if <1487>, when ye be
  • buffeted <2852> for your faults <0264>, ye shall take it
  • patiently <5278>? but if <1487>, when ye do <0015> well <0015>,
  • and suffer <3958> [for it], ye take it patiently <5278>, this
  • <5124> [is] acceptable <5285> with God <2316>.
  • 21 For even hereunto <5124> were ye called <2564>: because
  • <3754> Christ <5547> also <2532> suffered <3958> for us, leaving
  • <5277> us an example <5261>, that ye should follow <1872> his
  • steps <2487>:
  • 22 Who <3739> did <4160> no <3756> sin <0266>, neither <3761>
  • was guile <1388> found <2147> in his mouth <4750>:
  • 23 Who <3739>, when he was reviled <3058>, reviled <0486> not
  • again <0486>; when he suffered <3958>, he threatened <0546> not;
  • but committed <3860> [himself] to him that judgeth <2919>
  • righteously <1346>:
  • 24 Who <3739> his own <0848> self <0846> bare <0399> our sins
  • <0266> in his own body <4983> on <1909> the tree <3586>, that we,
  • being dead <0581> to sins <0266>, should live <2198> unto
  • righteousness <1343>: by whose <3739> stripes <3468> ye were
  • healed <2390>.
  • 25 For ye were as sheep <4263> going <4105> astray <4105>; but
  • are now <3568> returned <1994> unto the Shepherd <4166> and
  • Bishop <1985> of your <5216> souls <5590>.
  • 1Peter 3
  • 1. Likewise <3668>, ye wives <1135>, [be] in subjection <5293>
  • to your <3588> own <2398> husbands <0435>; that, if <1487> any
  • <5100> obey <0544> not the word <3056>, they also <2532> may
  • without <0427> the word <3056> be won <2770> by the conversation
  • <0391> of the wives <1135>;
  • 2 While they behold <2029> your <5216> chaste <0053>
  • conversation <0391> [coupled] with fear <5401>.
  • 3 Whose <3739> adorning <2889> let it not be that outward
  • <1855> [adorning <2889>] of plaiting <1708> the hair <2359>, and
  • of wearing <4025> of gold <5553>, or <2228> of putting <1745> on
  • <1745> of apparel <2440>;
  • 4 But [let it be] the hidden <2927> man <0444> of the heart
  • <2588>, in that which is not corruptible <0862>, [even the
  • ornament] of a meek <4239> and quiet <2272> spirit <4151>, which
  • <3739> is in the sight <1799> of God <2316> of great <4185>
  • price <4185>.
  • 5 For after <3779> this <3779> manner <3779> in the old <4218>
  • time <4218> the holy <0040> women <1135> also <2532>, who <3588>
  • trusted <1679> in God <2316>, adorned <2885> themselves <1438>,
  • being in subjection <5293> unto their own <2398> husbands <0435>:
  • 6 Even <5613> as Sara <4564> obeyed <5219> Abraham <11>,
  • calling <2564> him lord <2962>: whose <3739> daughters <5043> ye
  • are, as long as ye do <0015> well <0015>, and are not afraid
  • <5399> with any <1536> amazement <4423>.
  • 7 Likewise <0036>, ye husbands <0435>, dwell <4924> with
  • [them] according <2596> to knowledge <1108>, giving <0632>
  • honour <5092> unto the wife <1134>, as unto the weaker <0772>
  • vessel <4632>, and as being heirs <4789> together <4789> of the
  • grace <5485> of life <2222>; that your <5216> prayers <4335> be
  • not hindered <1581>.
  • 8. Finally <5056>, [be ye] all <3956> of one <3675> mind <3675>,
  • having compassion <4835> one of another <4835>, love <5361> as
  • brethren <5361>, [be] pitiful <2155>, [be] courteous <5391>:
  • 9 Not rendering <0591> evil <2556> for evil <2556>, or <2228>
  • railing <3059> for railing <3059>: but contrariwise <5121>
  • blessing <2129>; knowing <1492> that ye are thereunto <5124>
  • called <2564>, that ye should inherit <2816> a blessing <2129>.
  • 10 For he that will <2309> love <0025> life <2222>, and see
  • <1492> good <0018> days <2250>, let him refrain <3973> his
  • tongue <1100> from evil <2556>, and his lips <5491> that they
  • speak <2980> no <3361> guile <1388>:
  • 11 Let him eschew <1578> evil <2556>, and do <4160> good
  • <0018>; let him seek <2212> peace <1515>, and ensue <1377> it.
  • 12 For the eyes <3788> of the Lord <2962> [are] over <1909>
  • the righteous <1342>, and his ears <3775> [are open] unto their
  • prayers <1162>: but the face <4383> of the Lord <2962> [is]
  • against <1909> them that do <4160> evil <2556>.
  • 13 And who <5101> [is] he that will harm <2559> you, if <1437>
  • ye be followers <3402> of that which is good <0018>?
  • 14 But and if ye suffer <3958> for righteousness <1343>' sake,
  • happy <3107> [are ye]: and be not afraid <5399> of their terror
  • <5401>, neither <3366> be troubled <5015>;
  • 15 But sanctify <0037> the Lord <2962> God <2316> in your
  • <5216> hearts <2588>: and [be] ready <2092> always <0104> to
  • [give] an answer <0627> to every <3956> man that asketh <0154>
  • you a reason <3056> of the hope <1680> that is in you with
  • meekness <4240> and fear <5401>:
  • 16. Having <2192> a good <0018> conscience <4893>; that,
  • whereas <3759> they speak <2635> evil <2635> of you, as of
  • evildoers <2555>, they may be ashamed <2617> that falsely accuse
  • <1908> your <5216> good <0018> conversation <0391> in Christ
  • <5547>.
  • 17 For [it is] better <2909>, if <1487> the will <2307> of God
  • <2316> be so, that ye suffer <3958> for well <0015> doing <0015>,
  • than <2228> for evil <2554> doing <2554>.
  • 18. For Christ <5547> also <2532> hath once <0530> suffered
  • <3958> for sins <0266>, the just <1342> for the unjust <0094>,
  • that he might bring <4317> us to God <2316>, being put <2289> to
  • death <2289> in the flesh <4561>, but quickened <2227> by the
  • Spirit <4151>:
  • 19 By which <3739> also <2532> he went <4198> and preached
  • <2784> unto the spirits <4151> in prison <5438>;
  • 20 Which sometime <4218> were disobedient <0544>, when <3753>
  • once <0530> the longsuffering <3115> of God <2316> waited <1551>
  • in the days <2250> of Noah <3575>, while the ark <2787> was a
  • preparing <2680>, wherein <3757> few <3641>, that is, eight
  • <3638> souls <5590> were saved <1295> by water <5204>.
  • 21. The like <0499> figure <0499> whereunto <3739> [even]
  • baptism <0908> doth also <2532> now <3568> save <4982> us (not
  • the putting <0595> away <0595> of the filth <4509> of the flesh
  • <4561>, but the answer <1906> of a good <0018> conscience <4893>
  • toward <1519> God <2316>,) by the resurrection <0386> of Jesus
  • <2424> Christ <5547>:
  • 22 Who <3739> is gone <4198> into <1519> heaven <3772>, and is
  • on <1722> the right <1188> hand of God <2316>; angels <0032> and
  • authorities <1849> and powers <1411> being made <5293> subject
  • <5293> unto him.
  • 1Peter 4
  • 1. Forasmuch then <3767> as Christ <5547> hath suffered <3958>
  • for us in the flesh <4561>, arm <3695> yourselves likewise
  • <2532> with the same <0846> mind <1771>: for he that hath
  • suffered <3958> in the flesh <4561> hath ceased <3973> from sin
  • <0266>;
  • 2 That he no <3371> longer <3371> should live <0980> the rest
  • <1954> of [his] time <5550> in the flesh <4561> to the lusts
  • <1939> of men <0444>, but to the will <2307> of God <2316>.
  • 3 For the time <5550> past <3928> of [our] life <0979> may
  • suffice <0713> us to have wrought <2716> the will <2307> of the
  • Gentiles <1484>, when we walked <4198> in lasciviousness <0766>,
  • lusts <1939>, excess <3632> of wine <3632>, revellings <2970>,
  • banquetings <4224>, and abominable <0111> idolatries <1495>:
  • 4. Wherein <3757> they think it strange <3579> that ye run
  • <4936> not with [them] to the same <0846> excess <0401> of riot
  • <0810>, speaking <0987> evil <0987> of [you]:
  • 5 Who <3739> shall give <0591> account <3056> to him that is
  • ready <2093> to judge <2919> the quick <2198> and the dead
  • <3498>.
  • 6 For for this <5124> cause was the gospel <2097> preached
  • <2097> also <2532> to them that are dead <3498>, that they might
  • be judged <2919> according <2596> to men <0444> in the flesh
  • <4561>, but live <2198> according <2596> to God <2316> in the
  • spirit <4151>.
  • 7. But the end <5056> of all <3956> things is at <1448> hand
  • <1448>: be ye therefore <3767> sober <4993>, and watch <3525>
  • unto prayer <4335>.
  • 8 And above <4253> all <3956> things have <2192> fervent
  • <1618> charity <0026> among <1519> yourselves <1438>: for
  • charity <0026> shall cover <2572> the multitude <4128> of sins
  • <0266>.
  • 9 Use <5382> hospitality <5382> one <0240> to another <0240>
  • without <0427> grudging <1112>.
  • 10 As every <1538> man hath received <2983> the gift <5486>,
  • [even so] minister <1247> the same <0846> one <1438> to another
  • <1438>, as good <2570> stewards <3623> of the manifold <4164>
  • grace <5485> of God <2316>.
  • 11 If <1487> any <1536> man speak <2980>, [let him speak
  • <2980>] as the oracles <3051> of God <2316>; if <1487> any
  • <1536> man minister <1247>, [let him do it] as of the ability
  • <2479> which <3739> God <2316> giveth <5524>: that God <2316> in
  • all <3956> things may be glorified <1392> through <1223> Jesus
  • <2424> Christ <5547>, to whom <3739> be praise <1391> and
  • dominion <2904> for ever <0165> and ever <0165>. Amen <0281>.
  • 12. Beloved <0027>, think it not strange <3579> concerning
  • <4012> the fiery <4451> trial which is to try <3986> you, as
  • though some strange <3581> thing happened <4819> unto you:
  • 13 But rejoice <5463>, inasmuch <2526> as ye are partakers
  • <2841> of Christ's <5547> sufferings <3804>; that, when <3588>
  • his glory <1391> shall be revealed <0602>, ye may be glad <5463>
  • also <2532> with exceeding joy <0021>.
  • 14 If <1487> ye be reproached <3679> for the name <3686> of
  • Christ <5547>, happy <3107> [are ye]; for the spirit <4151> of
  • glory <1391> and of God <2316> resteth <0373> upon you: on
  • <2596> their part he is evil <0987> spoken <0987> of, but on
  • <2596> your <5209> part he is glorified <1392>.
  • 15 But let none <3387> of you suffer <3958> as a murderer
  • <5406>, or <2228> [as] a thief <2812>, or <2228> [as] an
  • evildoer, or <2228> as a busybody <0244> in other <0244> men's
  • matters.
  • 16 Yet <1161> if <1487> [any man suffer] as a Christian <5546>,
  • let him not be ashamed <0153>; but let him glorify <1392> God
  • <2316> on <1722> this <5129> behalf <3313>.
  • 17 For the time <2540> [is come] that judgment <2917> must
  • begin <0756> at <0575> the house <3624> of God <2316>: and if
  • <1487> [it] first <4412> [begin] at <0575> us, what <5101> shall
  • the end <5056> [be] of them that obey <0544> not the gospel
  • <2098> of God <2316>?
  • 18 And if <1487> the righteous <1342> scarcely <3433> be saved
  • <4982>, where <4226> shall the ungodly <0765> and the sinner
  • <0268> appear <5316>?
  • 19 Wherefore <5620> let them that suffer <3958> according
  • <2596> to the will <2307> of God <2316> commit <3908> the
  • keeping of their souls <5590> [to him] in well <0016> doing
  • <0016>, as unto a faithful <4103> Creator <2939>.
  • 1Peter 5
  • 1. The elders <4245> which are among <1722> you I exhort <3870>,
  • who <3588> am also <2532> an elder <4850>, and a witness <3144>
  • of the sufferings <3804> of Christ <5547>, and also <2532> a
  • partaker <2844> of the glory <1391> that shall be revealed
  • <0601>:
  • 2 Feed <4165> the flock <4168> of God <2316> which is among
  • <1722> you, taking the oversight <1983> [thereof], not by
  • constraint <0317>, but willingly <1596>; not for filthy <0147>
  • lucre <0147>, but of a ready <4289> mind <4290>;
  • 3 Neither <3366> as being lords <2634> over <2634> [God's
  • <2316>] heritage <2819>, but being <1096> ensamples <5179> to
  • the flock <4168>.
  • 4 And when the chief <0750> Shepherd <0750> shall appear
  • <5319>, ye shall receive <2865> a crown <4735> of glory <1391>
  • that fadeth <0262> not away.
  • 5. Likewise <3668>, ye younger <3501>, submit <5293> yourselves
  • unto the elder <4245>. Yea <1161>, all <3956> [of you] be
  • subject <5293> one <0240> to another <0240>, and be clothed
  • <1463> with humility <5012>: for God <2316> resisteth <0498> the
  • proud <5244>, and giveth <1325> grace <5485> to the humble
  • <5011>.
  • 6 Humble <5013> yourselves therefore <3767> under <5259> the
  • mighty <2900> hand <5495> of God <2316>, that he may exalt
  • <5312> you in due time <2540>:
  • 7 Casting <1977> all <3956> your <5216> care <3308> upon him;
  • for he careth <3199> for you.
  • 8. Be sober <3525>, be vigilant <1127>; because <3754> your
  • <5216> adversary <0476> the devil <1228>, as a roaring <5612>
  • lion <3023>, walketh <4043> about <4043>, seeking <2212> whom
  • <5101> he may devour <2666>:
  • 9 Whom <3739> resist <0436> stedfast <4731> in the faith
  • <4102>, knowing <1492> that the same <0846> afflictions <3804>
  • are accomplished <2005> in your <5216> brethren <0081> that are
  • in the world <2889>.
  • 10. But the God <2316> of all <3956> grace <5485>, who <3588>
  • hath called <2564> us unto his eternal <0166> glory <1391> by
  • Christ <5547> Jesus <2424>, after that ye have suffered <3958> a
  • while <3641>, make <2675> you perfect <2675>, stablish <4741>,
  • strengthen <4599>, settle <2311> [you].
  • 11 To him [be] glory <1391> and dominion <2904> for ever
  • <0165> and ever <0165>. Amen <0281>.
  • 12 By Silvanus <4610>, a faithful <4103> brother <0080> unto
  • you, as I suppose <3049>, I have written <1125> briefly <3641>,
  • exhorting <3870>, and testifying <1957> that this <5026> is the
  • true <0227> grace <5485> of God <2316> wherein <3757> ye stand
  • <2476>.
  • 13 The [church <1577> that is] at <1722> Babylon <0897>,
  • elected <4899> together <4899> with [you], saluteth <0782> you;
  • and [so doth] Marcus <3138> my son <5207>.
  • 14 Greet <0782> ye one <0240> another <0240> with a kiss
  • <5370> of charity <0026>. Peace <1515> [be] with you all <3956>
  • that are in Christ <5547> Jesus <2424>. Amen <0281>.