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1:1 <3972> <4610> <5095> <1577> <2331> <2316> <3962> <2962>
<2424> <5547>
1:2 <5485> <1515> <2316> <3962> <2962> <2424> <5547>
1:3 <3784> <2168> <2316> <3842> <0080> <0514> <3754> <5216>
<4102> <5232> <0026> <1538> <1520> <3956> <1519> <0240> <0240>
1:4 <5620> <0846> <2744> <1577> <2316> <5216> <5281> <4102>
<3956> <5216> <1375> <2347> <0430>
1:5 <1730> <1342> <2920> <2316> <2661> <2661> <0932> <2316>
<3739> <2532>
1:6 <1512> <1342> <2316> <0467> <2347> <2346>
1:7 <2346> <0425> <3739> <2962> <2424> <0602> <3772> <1411>
1:8 <5395> <4442> <1325> <1557> <1492> <2316> <5219> <2098>
<2962> <2424> <5547>
1:9 <3748> <5099> <0166> <3639> <4383> <2962> <1391> <2479>
1:10 <3752> <2064> <1740> <0040> <2296> <3956> <4100> <3142>
<1909> <4100> <2250>
1:11 <3739> <2532> <4336> <3842> <2316> <0515> <0515> <3588>
<2821> <4137> <3956> <2107> <0019> <2041> <4102> <1411>
:12 <3686> <2962> <2424> <5547> <1740> <2596> <5485> <2316>
<2962> <2424> <5547>
2:1 <1161> <2065> <0080> <3952> <2962> <2424> <5547> <1997>
2:2 <5030> <4531> <3563> <3383> <2360> <3383> <4151> <3383>
<3056> <3383> <1992> <2250> <5547> <1764> <1764>
2:3 <3361> <5100> <1818> <3367> <5158> <2064> <3362> <2064>
<0646> <0646> <4412> <0444> <0266> <0601> <5207> <0684>
2:4 <3588> <0480> <5229> <1438> <1909> <3956> <3004> <2316>
<2228> <4574> <5620> <2316> <2523> <3485> <2316> <0584> <1438>
2:5 <3421> <2089> <3004> <5023>
2:6 <3568> <1492> <3588> <2722> <0601> <2540>
2:7 <3466> <0458> <2235> <1754> <3440> <0737> <2722> <2722>
<2193> <1096> <3319>
2:8 <5119> <0459> <0601> <3739> <2962> <0355> <4151> <4750>
<2673> <2015> <3952>
2:9 <3739> <3952> <2596> <1753> <4567> <3956> <1411> <4591>
<5579> <5059>
2:10 <3956> <0539> <0093> <0622> <3739> <1209> <0026> <0225>
2:11 <5124> <1223> <2316> <3992> <1753> <4106> <4100> <5579>
2:12 <3956> <2919> <3588> <4100> <0225> <2106> <0093>
2:13 <3784> <2168> <0104> <2316> <0080> <0025> <2962> <3754>
<2316> <0746> <0138> <4991> <1722> <0038> <4151> <4102> <0225>
2:14 <3739> <2564> <2098> <4047> <1391> <2962> <2424> <5547>
2:15 <3767> <0080> <4739> <2902> <3862> <3739> <1321> <1535>
<3056> <1535> <1992>
2:16 <1161> <2962> <2424> <5547> <0846> <2316> <2532> <3962>
<3588> <0025> <1325> <0166> <3874> <0018> <1680> <1722> <5485>
2:17 <3870> <5216> <2588> <4741> <3956> <0018> <3056> <2041>
3:1 <3063> <0080> <4336> <3056> <2962> <5143> <1392> <2532>
3:2 <4506> <0824> <4190> <0444> <3956> <4102>
3:3 <2962> <4103> <3739> <4741> <5442> <4190>
3:4 <3982> <2962> <1909> <2532> <4160> <4160> <3739> <3853>
3:5 <2962> <2720> <5216> <2588> <1519> <0026> <2316> <1519>
<5281> <5547>
3:6 <1161> <3853> <0080> <3686> <2962> <2424> <5547> <4724>
<3956> <0080> <4043> <0814> <2596> <3862> <3739> <3880>
3:7 <0846> <1492> <4459> <1163> <3401> <0812> <0812> <1722>
3:8 <3761> <5315> <5100> <0740> <1432> <2038> <2873> <3449>
<3571> <2250> <1912> <5100>
3:9 <3754> <2192> <1849> <1325> <1438> <5179> <3401>
3:10 <2532> <3753> <5124> <3853> <1487> <1536> <2309> <2038>
<3366> <2068>
3:11 <0191> <5100> <4043> <1722> <0814> <2038> <3367> <3367>
3:12 <1161> <5108> <3853> <3870> <2962> <2424> <5547> <2271>
<2038> <2068> <1438> <0740>
3:13 <0080> <1573> <2569> <2569>
3:14 <1487> <5100> <5219> <3056> <3588> <1992> <4593> <3361>
<4874> <1788>
3:15 <2532> <2233> <2190> <3560> <0080>
3:16 <1161> <2962> <1515> <0846> <1325> <1515> <3956> <3956>
<5158> <2962> <3956>
3:17 <0783> <3972> <1699> <5495> <3739> <4592> <3956> <1992>
<3779> <1125>
3:18 <5485> <2962> <2424> <5547> <3956> <0281>
2Thessalonians 1
1. Paul <3972-Paulos->, and Silvanus <4610-Silouanos->, and
Timotheus <5095-Timotheos->, unto the church <1577-ekklesia-> of
the Thessalonians <2331-Thessalonikeus-> in God <2316-theos->
our Father <3962-pater-> and the Lord <2962-kurios-> Jesus <2424-
Iesous-> Christ <5547-Christos->:
2 Grace <5485-charis-> unto you, and peace <1515-eirene->, from
God <2316-theos-> our Father <3962-pater-> and the Lord <2962-
kurios-> Jesus <2424-Iesous-> Christ <5547-Christos->.
3 We are bound <3784-opheilo-> to thank <2168-eucharisteo-> God
<2316-theos-> always <3842-pantote-> for you, brethren <0080-
adephos->, as it is meet <0514-axios->, because <3754-hoti->
that your <5216-humon-> faith <4102-pistis-> groweth <5232-
huperauxano-> exceedingly, and the charity <0026-agape-> of
every <1538-hekastos-> one <1520-heis-> of you all <3956-pas->
toward <1519-eis-> each <0240-allelon-> other <0240-allelon->
aboundeth <4121-pleonazo->;
4 So <5620-hoste-> that we ourselves <0846-autos-> glory <2744-
kauchaomai-> in you in the churches <1577-ekklesia-> of God
<2316-theos-> for your <5216-humon-> patience <5281-hupomone->
and faith <4102-pistis-> in all <3956-pas-> your <5216-humon->
persecutions <1375-diogmos-> and tribulations <2347-thlipsis->
that ye endure <0430-anechomai->:
5. [Which is] a manifest token <1730-endeigma-> of the
righteous <1342-dikaios-> judgment <2920-krisis-> of God <2316-
theos->, that ye may be counted <2661-kataxioo-> worthy <2661-
kataxioo-> of the kingdom <0932-basileia-> of God <2316-theos->,
for which <3739-hos-> ye also <2532-kai-> suffer:
6 Seeing <1512-ei per-> [it is] a righteous <1342-dikaios->
thing with God <2316-theos-> to recompense <0467-antapodidomi->
tribulation <2347-thlipsis-> to them that trouble <2346-thlibo->
7 And to you who are troubled <2346-thlibo-> rest <0425-anesis-
> with us, when <3739-hos-> the Lord <2962-kurios-> Jesus <2424-
Iesous-> shall be revealed <0602-apokalupsis-> from heaven <3772-
ouranos-> with his mighty <1411-dunamis-> angels <0032-aggelos->,
8 In flaming <5395-phlox-> fire <4442-pur-> taking <1325-didomi-
> vengeance <1557-ekdikesis-> on them that know <1492-eido-> not
God <2316-theos->, and that obey <5219-hupakouo-> not the gospel
<2098-euaggelion-> of our Lord <2962-kurios-> Jesus <2424-Iesous-
> Christ <5547-Christos->:
9 Who <3748-hostis-> shall be punished <5099-tino-> with
everlasting <0166-aionios-> destruction <3639-olethros-> from
the presence <4383-prosopon-> of the Lord <2962-kurios->, and