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ISA-11:9 ...for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD,
 as the waters cover the sea.

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Introduction: Author: Expanded Dictionary Study

  • troduction: Author: Mark
  • Place: Rome
  • Date: AD 60-65 The Gospel according to Mark begins with the
  • statement that it is "the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God
  • " Jesus is pictured as a man of action and authority. His
  • authority is seen in his teaching, in His power over demons, and
  • in forgiving peoples' sins. Jesus speaks of Himself as the Son
  • of Man, and "Son of God", Who came to give His life to set
  • people free from sin.
  • Mark presents the story of Jesus in a straight-forward, vigorous
  • way, with emphasis on what Jesus did. After a brief prologue
  • about John the Baptist and the baptisim and temptation of Jesus,
  • the writer immediately takes up Jesus' ministry of healing and
  • teaching. As time goes on, the followers of Jesus come to
  • understand Him better, but Jesus' opponents become more hostile.
  • The closing chapters report the events of Jesus' last week of
  • earthly life especially His cucifixion and resurrection.
  • Outline:
  • 1. John the Baptist and the baptisim of Jesus 1:1-13 2. The
  • Galilean ministry of Jesus 1:14-9:50 3. Trip to Jerusalem, and
  • entry into the city 10:1-11:25 4. Conflicts in the city. 11:17-
  • 12:44 5. Prophecies of things to come 13:1-37
  • Mark: 1
  • 1. Who is Jesus Christ? 1: 1
  • 2. What did John preach? 1:4
  • 3. Where did the people come from to be baptized? 1:5
  • 4. What was John clothed with? 1:6
  • 5. Who came to John to be baptized? 1:9
  • 6. What form did the Spirit take? 1:10
  • 7. What did the Voice from heaven say? 1:11
  • 8. How many days was Jesus in the wilderness? 1:13
  • 9. Who did Jesus call to be come fishers of men? 1:16-20
  • 10. What did Jesus do on the Sabbath day? 1:21
  • 11. How did Jesus teach them? 1:22
  • 12. Did the unclean spirit recognize who Jesus was? 1:24
  • 13. How did Jesus answer the unclean spirit? 1:25
  • 14. Who was sick of a fever? 1:30
  • 15. What did she do after Jesus touched her? 1:31
  • 16. Besides healing the sick what else did Jesus do? 1:34
  • 17. What time of day did Jesus pray? 1:35 Do we need to Pray?
  • 18. Where did Jesus preach? 1:39
  • 19. What did the leper ask of Jesus? 1:40
  • 20. Who was the leper to show himself to? 1:44
  • 21. What was the leper to do after showing himself to the
  • Priest? 1:44
  • 22. Did the leper keep quiet about the miracle? 1:45
  • Mark 2: 1. Was there room to receive more people in the house?
  • 2:2
  • 2. Who brought the sick of palsy to Jesus? 2:3 3. By what
  • means did they get to Jesus? 2:4
  • 4. After they had broken the roof, what did they do with the
  • sick man? 2:4
  • 5. What did Jesus say unto the sick of the Palsy? 2:5 6. What
  • did the Scribes say in their heart about this? 2:6
  • 7. What did Jesus perceive in His spirit? 2:7-8
  • 8. Does Jesus have power on earth 2:10. 9. What did Jesus
  • tell the man to do? 2:1
  • 10. Where did Jesus go after this? 2:13
  • 11. Who arose and followed Jesus? 2:14
  • 12. Who sat and ate with Jesus? 2:15 13. Who needs a
  • physician? 2:17
  • 14. What kind of bottles must new wine be put in? 2:22
  • 15. What did Jesus' disciples do on the Sabbath Day? 2:23
  • 16. What did David do when He was hungry? 2:26
  • 17. Who was the Sabbath day made for? 2:27 18. Who is Lord of
  • the Sabbath day? 2:28
  • Mark 3:
  • 1. Who was at the synagogue? 3:1
  • 2. Why did they watch Jesus? 3:2
  • 3. What did Jesus ask them? 3:4
  • 4. Why was Jesus grieved? 3:5
  • 5. What did the Pharisees do straightway after the miracle? 3:6
  • 6. Where did the great multitude come from? 3:7-8 7. What
  • happened when they touched Jesus? 3:10
  • 8. What did the unclean spirits do when they saw Jesus? 3:11
  • 9. What did Jesus tell the unclean spirits? 3:12
  • 10. What power did Jesus give to his disciple? 3:15
  • 11. Name the 12 disciples? 3:16-19
  • 12. How did the Scribes say Jesus cast out the devil? 3:22
  • 13. If a Kingdom or house is divided against itself, what will
  • happen? 3:24-25
  • 14. If Satan rise up against himself can he stand? 3:26
  • 15. What sin is never forgiven? 3:29
  • 16. Who came calling for Jesus? 3:31
  • 17. Who is Jesus' brother, sister and mother? 3:35
  • Mark 4:
  • 1. Where did Jesus began to teach again? 4:1
  • 2. Why did Jesus have to get in a boat to teach? 4:1 3. How
  • did Jesus teach the people? 4:2
  • 4. What happened to the seeds that fell by the way side? 4:4
  • 5. Why did the sun scorch the new plant? 4:5-6
  • 6. What happened to the seed that fell in the thorns? 4:7 7.
  • What happened to the seed that fell on good ground? 4:8
  • 8. What did the twelve (12) ask Jesus? 4:10
  • 9. Unto whom was given the mystery of the Kingdom of God? 4:11
  • 10. Who took away the Word? 4:15 11. When the Word is sown on
  • stony ground what happens in times of affliction or persecution?
  • 4:16-17 12. If you have cares of this world in your heart what
  • will happen to the Word? 4:18-19
  • 13. How much fruit will good ground (heart) bring forth? 4:20
  • 14. What is a candle made for? 4:21
  • 15. Is there anything hidden from God? 4:22
  • 16. How is the Kingdom of God compared to a mustard seed? 4:30-
  • 32 17. How did Jesus speak unto the people? 4:33-34
  • 18. Did Jesus explain the parables to his disciples? 4:34
  • 19. What was Jesus doing when the storm arose? 4:38
  • 20. When Jesus spoke, what happened to the storm? 4:39 21.
  • What did Jesus say unto his disciples? 4:40 22. After the
  • storm was calmed, what question did the disciples ask
  • themselves? 4:41
  • Mark 5:
  • 1. To what country did they go into? 5:1
  • 2. Who met Jesus immediately? 5:2
  • 3. Where did the man live? 5:3
  • 4. How did the people try to tame him? 5:4
  • 5. What did the man do day and night? 5:5 6. What did the man
  • do when he saw Jesus? 5:6
  • 7. Who did the man call Jesus? 5:7 8. What did Jesus command
  • the unclean Spirit to do? 5:8
  • 9. What was the unclean spirit's name? Why? 5:9
  • 10. What did the devils want Jesus to do? 5:12
  • 11. What happened to the swine? 5:13
  • 12. How was the man that was possessed acting? 5:15
  • 13. What did Jesus tell the man to do? 5:18-19
  • 14. Who came and fell at Jesus' feet? 5:22
  • 15. What did he want? 5:23
  • 16. How long did the woman have the issue of blood? 5:25
  • 17. What did she do? 5:27
  • 18. How did Jesus know someone had touched Him? 5:30
  • 19. What did Jesus say to the woman? 5:34
  • 20. What did Jesus say to the ruler of the Synogogue? 5:36
  • 21. Who did Jesus suffer to follow Him? 5:37
  • 22. Why did the people laugh at Jesus? 5:39-40
  • 23. How old was the damsel that arose from the dead? 5:42
  • Mark 6:
  • 1. Who followed Jesus? 6:1
  • 2. Why were the people astonished? 6;2=3
  • 3. Why couldn't Jesus do mighty works? 6:4-5
  • 4. Why did Jesus marvel? 6:6
  • 5. How did Jesus send out the twelve? 6:7 6. Did Jesus send
  • the disciples out with lots of money? 6:8
  • 7. What did the twelve go out and preach? 6:12
  • 8. Who did King Herod think Jesus was? 6:14-16
  • 9. Why did Herod put John in prison? 6:17
  • 10. Who had a quarrel against John? 6:19
  • 11. Why did Herod fear John? 6:20
  • 12. What was the occasion for the great supper? 6:21
  • 13. Who danced before Herod and pleased him? 6:22
  • 14. What did Herod promise the damsel? 6:22-23
  • 15. What did she ask for? 6:24-25
  • 16. Who told her to ask for it? 6:24
  • 17. Why did Herod grant her the request? 6:26
  • 18. Who did the apostles go and tell? 6:30
  • 19. Why did Jesus want the apostles to go away? 6:31
  • 20. Why did Jesus have compassion on the people? 6:34
  • 21. Why did the disciples want Jesus to send the people away? 6:
  • 35-36
  • 22. How many loaves and fishes did they have? 6:38
  • 23. How did the people sit down? 6:40
  • 24. What did Jesus do before He passed out the food? 6:41
  • 25. How much food was left over? 6:42-43
  • 26. How many men ate? 6:44
  • 27. After Jesus had sent His disciples and the people away,
  • what did He do? 6:45-46
  • 28. Why did the disciples cry out? 6:49-50
  • 29. What did Jesus tell them? 6:50
  • 30. What did the people do when Jesus drew to the shore? 6:53-
  • 55
  • 31. Who was made whole? 6:56
  • Mark 7:
  • 1. What did the Pharisees find fault with the disciples? 7:1-3
  • 2. What was the Jews supposed to do after they came from the
  • market? 7:4
  • 3. Why did Jesus call them hypocrites? 7:6
  • 4. How did they worship God? 7:7
  • 5. Did they reject the commandment of God? 7:9
  • 6. What did Moses say should happen to a person if he cursed
  • his father or mother? 7:10
  • 7. Who did Jesus call unto Him? 7:14
  • 8. What defiles a man? 7:15
  • 9. Did the disciples understand the parables? 7:17
  • 10. Is it possible for the things we do to defile us? 7:18-19
  • 11. What comes out of the hearts of men that defiles him? 7:20-
  • 23
  • 12. Who came and fell at Jesus' feet? 7:25
  • 13. What nationality was the woman? 7:26
  • 14. What did she ask Jesus to do? 7:26
  • 15. Who ate the children's crumbs? 7:28
  • 16. What did the woman find when she got home? 7:30
  • 17. Who did they bring to Jesus? 7:32
  • 18. What did Jesus do when He took him aside? 7:33
  • 19. What did the people do when He charged them to tell no one?
  • 7:36
  • 20. Why were the people so astonished? 7:37
  • mark 8:
  • 1. Why did Jesus have compassion on the multitude? 8:1-2
  • 2. Did the disciples think they could feed the multitude? 8:4
  • 3. How many loaves did they have? 8:5
  • 4. Did Jesus pray over the bread before He passed it out? 8:6
  • 5. How many baskets were left? 8:8
  • 6. How many people ate? 8:9
  • 7. Who had begun to question Jesus? 8:11
  • 8. What were they seeking from Jesus? 8:11-12
  • 9. What did the disciples forget to take with them? 8:14
  • 10. How many baskets did the disciples take up when Jesus fed
  • the five thousand? 8:19
  • 11. Who did they bring to Jesus at Bethsaida? 8:22
  • 12. What did Jesus do to the blind man? 8:23
  • 13. What did the blind man see? 8:24
  • 14. What did Jesus do then? 8:25
  • 15. What did Jesus ask His disciples? 8:27
  • 16. Who did the people say Jesus was? 8:28
  • 17. Who did Peter say Jesus was? 8:29
  • 18. What did Jesus begin to teach His disciples? 8:31
  • 19. Who did Peter rebuke? 8:32
  • 20. What did Jesus say to Peter? 8:33
  • 21. What are we to take up and follow Jesus? 8:34
  • 22. How shall we save our lives? 8:35
  • 23. If we gain the whole world and lose our souls what will it
  • profit us? 8:36-37
  • 24. If we are ashamed of God what will happen? 8:38
  • MARK 9
  • 1. What did Jesus say some would see? 9:1
  • 2. Who did Jesus take with him to the mountains? 9:2
  • 3. What became white as snow? 9:3
  • 4. Who appeared unto them? 9:4
  • 5. Peter wanted to make three tabernacles for whom? 9:5
  • 6. Why did Peter say this? 9:6
  • 7. The voice from heaven said? 9:7
  • 8. Jesus told His disciples not to tell what they had seen,
  • until when? 9:9
  • 9. Did they understand what Jesus meant by rising from the
  • dead? 9:13
  • 10. What did Jesus see when He came to His disciples? 9:14
  • 11. What question did Jesus ask the scribes? 9:16
  • 12. What did the devil do to the boy? 9:18
  • 13. What did the Spirit do when it saw Jesus? 9:20
  • 14. What did Jesus tell the father of the child? 9:23
  • 15. What did the man cry out with tears? 9:24
  • 16. When the Spirit left him the child was as? 9:26
  • 17. Why could not the disciples cast out the devil? 9:28-29
  • 18. Did the disciples understand about Jesus death? 9:32
  • 19. Why did the disciples dispute among themselves? 9:34
  • 20. If a man desire to be first what shall he be? 9:35
  • 21. If we receive a child in His name, whom do we receive? 9:37
  • 22. Why didn't John want others casting out devils in Jesus'
  • name? 9:38
  • 23. It would be better for a millstone to be hung around our
  • necks than to? 9:42
  • 24. What will hell be like? 9:43-44
  • 25. Is salt good if it has lost it saltness? 9:50
  • 26. What are we to have one with another? 9:50
  • Mark 10:
  • 1. What did the Pharisees ask him? 10:2
  • 2. What did Moses command them? 10:3-4
  • 3. Why did Moses allow this? 10:5
  • 4. Was that the way God intended it? 10:6
  • 5. A man shall leave his mother and father and cleave to who?
  • 10:7
  • 6. What God has joined together should man put it asunder?
  • Why? 10:9
  • 7. What is adultery? 10:11-12
  • 8. Who did the disciples rebuke? 10:13
  • 9. Who was Jesus talking about, when He said, "For of such is
  • the kingdom of God?" 10:15
  • 10. How do we enter the Kingdom of God? 10:15
  • 11. Who did Jesus bless? 10:16
  • 12. Who is good? 10:19
  • 13. What commandments did Jesus tell the young man to do? 10:19
  • 14. What else did Jesus tell the young man to do? 10:21
  • 15. Did the young man obey Jesus? 10:22
  • 16. If we trust in riches will we enter the kingdom of God? 10:
  • 24
  • 17. What is possible with God? 10:27
  • 18. What did Peter say he left to follow Jesus? 10:28
  • 19. What will we receive if we leave all? 10:30
  • 20. To whom shall the Son of God be delivered in Jerusalem? 10:
  • 33
  • 21. On what day will Christ arise? 10:34
  • 22. Who came to Jesus for a favor? 10:35
  • 23. What did they ask? 10:37
  • 24. Who shall sit on Jesus right hand and on the left hand? 10:
  • 40
  • 25. Who was displeased with James and John? 10:41
  • 26. If you want to be great what must you do? 10:43
  • 27. Why did the Son of Man come for? 10:43
  • 28. Who sat by the highway begging? 10:46
  • 29. What did he do when he heard Jesus was coming by? 1O:47
  • 30. What did he do when the people tried to get him to hold his
  • peace? 10:48
  • 31. Who called the blind man? 10:49
  • 32. What did Jesus ask the blind man? 10:51
  • 33. What was his answer? 10:51
  • 34. What made the man whole? 10:5
  • Mark 11:
  • 1. Who did Jesus send forth to the village? Why? 11:1-2
  • 2. Did they find the colt? 11:4
  • 3. Did they say what Jesus commanded them to say? 11:6
  • 4. What did they put on the colt and spread in the way? 11:7-8
  • 5. What did the people cry? 11:9-10
  • 6. What did Jesus expect to find on the fig tree? 11:12-13
  • 7. What did Jesus say unto the fig tree? 11:14
  • 8. What did Jesus do in the temple? 11:15
  • 9. The people has turned the temple into what? 11:17
  • 10. Because the scribes feared Jesus they planned to? 11:18
  • 11. What did they see in the morning? 11:20
  • 12. What did Peter call to remembrance? 11:21
  • 13. Who are we to have faith in? 11:22
  • 14. What are we to do when we pray? 11:24
  • 15. Will our Father forgive us if we don't forgive others? 11:
  • 25-26
  • 16. What did the chief Priests ask Jesus? 11:27-28
  • 17. What question did Jesus ask of them? 11:29-30
  • 18. What did thev reason among themselves about? 11:31-32
  • 19. Who did the people count John as? 11:32
  • 20. What answer did they qive Jesus? 11:33
  • 21. Did Jesus answer their question? 11:33
  • MARK 12
  • 1. A certain man built a vineyard, then lent it out to? 12:1
  • 2. Who did the Lord send to the husbandmen? 12:2
  • 3. What did they do to him? 12:3
  • 4. What did the husbandmen do to the servants? 12:5
  • 5. Why did he send his Son? 12:6
  • 6. Why did they plan to kill the son? 12:7-8
  • 7. What shall the Lord of the vineyard do? 12:9
  • 8. The stone which the builders rejected has become? 12:10
  • 9. What were the Pharisees sent to Jesus for? 12:13
  • 10. What question did they ask Jesus? 12:14
  • 11. What did Jesus ask for? 12:15
  • 12. Whose image was on the penny? 12:16
  • 13. What are we to render to Caesar? to God? 12:17
  • 14. Did the Sadducees believe in the resurrection? 12:18
  • 15. If a man has more than one wife, whose shall she be in the
  • resurrection? 12:19-25
  • 16. Is God the God of the dead or God of the living? 12:26-27
  • 17. What did one of the scribes ask Jesus? 12:28
  • 18. What is the first of all the commandments? 12:30
  • 19. What is the second commandment? 12:31
  • 20. What is more than burnt offering and sacrifices? 12:33
  • 21. What did Jesus say to the man? 12:34
  • 22. Would you like this said about you?
  • 23. Where did Jesus teach? 12:35
  • 24. Who heard Jesus gladly? 12:37
  • 25. Who were the people to beware of? 12:3
  • 26. Who cast in two mites? 12:42
  • 27. Who cast in the most? Why? 12:43-44
  • Mark 13:
  • 1. What did Jesus disciples try to show him? 13:1
  • 2. What did Jesus say would happen to the temple? 13:2
  • 3. What did Peter, James, John and Andrew ask Jesus? 13:3-4
  • 4. What are we to take heed to? 3:5
  • 5. What shall we do when we hear of wars and rumors of wars?
  • 13:7
  • 6. What are the beginnings of sorrows? 13:8
  • 7. The Gospel must be preached to? 13:10
  • 8. Families shall betray one another and cause them to be? 13:
  • 12
  • 9. Why shall we be hated of all men? 13:13
  • 10. Who shall be saved? 13:13
  • 11. What kind of affliction will there be? 13:19
  • 12. Why will the Lord shorten the days? 13:20
  • 13. What will false Christs try to do? 13:22
  • 14. What will happen to the sun and moon? 13:24
  • 15. How will they see the Son of Man come? 13:26
  • 16. What will the angels do? 13:27
  • 17. What will pass away? 13:31
  • 18. What will not pass away? 13:31
  • 19. Who knows the hour the Son of Man will come? 13:32
  • 20. What can we do to be ready for Jesus' coming? 13:33
  • 21. Do we know when Jesus is coming? 13:32-35
  • 22. What are we to do? 13:35-37
  • Mark 14
  • 1. Why did not the chief Priests want to take Jesus on the
  • Feast Day? 14:1-2
  • 2. Where was Jesus eating? 14:3
  • 3. What did the woman do with the box of ointment? 14:3
  • 4. How much could the ointment have been sold for? 14:5
  • 5. To whom did they think the money should have gone to? 14:5
  • 6. What did Jesus tell them about the woman? 14:6
  • 7. Why did she put the ointment on Jesus? 14:8
  • 8. Who went to the chief Priests to betray Jesus? 14:10
  • 9. What did they promise him? 14:11
  • 10. Who were the disciples to follow? 14:13
  • 11. What were the disciples to ask Him? 14:14
  • 12. What was the man to show the disciples? 14:15
  • 13. What did Jesus tell his disciples that one of them would
  • do? 14:18
  • 14. How did the disciples react to this? 14:19
  • 15. What would have been better for the man that betrayed Jesus
  • to do? 14:21
  • 16. What is the bread for? 14:22
  • 17. What is the cup for? 14:23-24
  • 18. What did they do after they sang a hymn? 14:26
  • 19. Who stood by Jesus and said he wouldn't be offended? 14:29
  • 20. What did Jesus say to him? 14:30
  • 21. Where did Jesus and His disciples go to Pray? 14:32
  • 22. What did Jesus want Peter, James and John to do? 14:33-34
  • 23. What did Jesus do? 14:35
  • 24. How did Jesus pray? 14:36
  • 25. How did Jesus find Peter James and John? 14:37
  • 26. What can we do to not enter into temptation? 14:38
  • 27. How many times did Jesus find them sleeping? 14:41
  • 28. What did Jesus say to them the third time He found them
  • sleeping? 14:41-42
  • 29. What did Judas betray Jesus with? 14:44-45
  • 30. What did one of them do to the servant of the High Priest?
  • 14:47
  • 31. Why didn't they take Jesus in the temple? 14:49
  • 32. Who forsook Jesus at this time? 14:50
  • 33. Who followed Him afar off? 14:54
  • 34. Did the false witnesses agree with each other? 14:56
  • 35. How did Jesus answer the false witnesses? 14:60-61
  • 36. How did Jesus answer the High Priest? 14:61-62
  • 37. What did they think Jesus was guilty of? 14:64
  • 38. Who asked Peter if he was with Jesus? 14:66-67
  • 39. What did they do to Jesus? 14:65
  • 40. How many times did Peter deny Jesus? 14:66-67
  • 41. What did Peter call to mind? 14:72
  • 42. What did Peter do when he realized his sin? 14:72
  • Mark 15:
  • 1. Who did the chief Priests deliver Jesus to? 15:1
  • 2. What did Pilate ask Jesus? 15:2
  • 3. Why did Pilate marvel at Jesus? 15:4-5
  • 4. Who was Barabbas? 15:7
  • 5. Why did the Chief Priests deliver Jesus to Pilate? 15:10
  • 6. What did the Chief Priests move the people about? 15:11
  • 7. What did the people want to do to Jesus? 15:13
  • 8. Why did Pilate release Barabbas? 15:15
  • 9. How did they clothe Jesus and what did they put on His head?
  • 15:17
  • 10. How did they mock Jesus? 15:19-20
  • 11. Who did they compel to help Jesus with the cross? 15:21
  • 12. What does Golgatha mean? 15:22
  • 13. What hour did they crucify Jesus? 15:25
  • 14. What superscription did they write? 15:26
  • 15. Who was crucified with Jesus? 15:27
  • 16. What Scripture was fulfilled? 15:28
  • 17. What did the people passing by Jesus do? 15:29
  • 18. How long was the darkness over all the land? 15:33
  • 19. What did Jesus cry out at the ninth hour? 15:34
  • 20. What did it mean? 15:34
  • 21. What did one man do when Jesus cried out? 15:36
  • 22. What happened when Jesus cried out and gave up the ghost?
  • 15:37-38
  • 23. What did the centurion say? 15:39
  • 24. Who went to Pilate for the body of Jesus? 15:43
  • 25. Why did Pilate marvel? 15:44
  • 26. What did Joseph do with Jesus? 15:46
  • Mark 16:
  • 1. What happened after the sabbath was past? 16:1
  • 2. What did they say among themselves? 16:3
  • 3. What did the women see when they entered the sepulchre? 16:5
  • 4. What did the angel tell the women had happened to Jesus? 16:
  • 6
  • 5. What was the women to tell the disciples and Peter? 16:7
  • 6. Who did Jesus first appear to? 16:9
  • 7. Did they believe Mary Magdalene that Jesus was alive? 16:11-
  • 13
  • 8. Who did Jesus appear to who were sitting at meat? 16:14
  • 9. What did He tell then to do? 16:15
  • 10. What signs shall follow them that believe? 16:17-18
  • 11. Where did Jesus go after He spoke unto them? 16:19
  • 12. What did Jesus do in heaven? 16:19
  • 13. What did they do after Jesus was received up to heaven? 16:
  • 20
  • 14. Did signs follow them? 16:20