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1:1 Now the word asleep.
of the LORD came 1:6 So the
unto Jonah the shipmaster came
son of Amittai, to him, and said
saying, unto him, What
1:2 Arise, go to meanest thou, O
Nineveh, that sleeper? arise,
great city, and call upon thy
cry against it; God, if so be
for their that God will
wickedness is think upon us,
come up before that we perish
me. not.
1:3 But Jonah 1:7 And they
rose up to flee said every one to
unto Tarshish his fellow, Come,
from the presence and let us cast
of the LORD, and lots, that we may
went down to know for whose
Joppa; and he cause this evil
found a ship [is] upon us. So
going to they cast lots,
Tarshish: so he and the lot fell
paid the fare upon Jonah.
thereof, and went 1:8 Then said
down into it, to they unto him,
go with them unto Tell us, we pray
Tarshish from the thee, for whose
presence of the cause this evil
LORD. [is] upon us;
1:4 But the LORD What [is] thine
sent out a great occupation? and
wind into the whence comest
sea, and there thou? what [is]
was a mighty thy country? and
tempest in the of what people
sea, so that the [art] thou?
ship was like to 1:9 And he said
be broken. unto them, I [am]
1:5 Then the an Hebrew; and I
mariners were fear the LORD,
afraid, and cried the God of
every man unto heaven, which
his god, and cast hath made the sea
forth the wares and the dry
that [were] in [land].
the ship into the 1:10 Then were
sea, to lighten the men
[it] of them. But exceedingly
Jonah was gone afraid, and said
down into the unto him, Why
sides of the hast thou done
ship; and he lay, this? For the men
and was fast knew that he fled
from the presence raging.
of the LORD, 1:16 Then the
because he had men feared the
told them. LORD exceedingly,
1:11 Then said and offered a
they unto him, sacrifice unto
What shall we do the LORD, and
unto thee, that made vows.
the sea may be 1:17 Now the
calm unto us? for LORD had prepared
the sea wrought, a great fish to
and was swallow up Jonah.
tempestuous. And Jonah was in
1:12 And he said the belly of the
unto them, Take fish three days
me up, and cast and three nights.
me forth into the
sea; so shall the 2:1 Then Jonah
sea be calm unto prayed unto the
you: for I know LORD his God out
that for my sake of the fish's
this great belly,
tempest [is] upon 2:2 And said, I
you. cried by reason
1:13 of mine
Nevertheless the affliction unto
men rowed hard to the LORD, and he
bring [it] to the heard me; out of
land; but they the belly of hell
could not: for cried I, [and]
the sea wrought, thou heardest my
and was voice.
tempestuous 2:3 For thou
against them. hadst cast me
1:14 Wherefore into the deep, in
they cried unto the midst of the
the LORD, and seas; and the
said, We beseech floods compassed
thee, O LORD, we me about: all thy
beseech thee, let billows and thy
us not perish for waves passed over
this man's life, me.
and lay not upon 2:4 Then I said,
us innocent I am cast out of
blood: for thou, thy sight; yet I
O LORD, hast done will look again
as it pleased toward thy holy
thee. temple.
1:15 So they 2:5 The waters
took up Jonah, compassed me
and cast him about, [even] to
forth into the the soul: the
sea: and the sea depth closed me
ceased from her round about, the
weeds were arose, and went
wrapped about my unto Nineveh,
head. according to the
2:6 I went down word of the LORD.
to the bottoms of Now Nineveh was
the mountains; an exceeding
the earth with great city of
her bars [was] three days'
about me for journey.
ever: yet hast 3:4 And Jonah
thou brought up began to enter
my life from into the city a