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1:1 The vision 1:6 How are [the
of Obadiah. Thus things] of Esau
saith the Lord searched out!
GOD concerning [how] are his
Edom; We have hidden things
heard a rumour sought up!
from the LORD, 1:7 All the men
and an ambassador of thy
is sent among the confederacy have
heathen, Arise brought thee
ye, and let us [even] to the
rise up against border: the men
her in battle. that were at
1:2 Behold, I peace with thee
have made thee have deceived
small among the thee, [and]
heathen: thou art prevailed against
greatly despised. thee; [they that
eat] thy bread
1:3 The pride of have laid a wound
thine heart hath under thee:
deceived thee, [there is] none
thou that understanding in
dwellest in the him.
clefts of the 1:8 Shall I not
rock, whose in that day,
habitation [is] saith the LORD,
high; that saith even destroy the
in his heart, Who wise [men] out of
shall bring me Edom, and
down to the understanding out
ground? of the mount of
1:4 Though thou Esau?
exalt [thyself] 1:9 And thy
as the eagle, and mighty [men], O
though thou set Teman, shall be
thy nest among dismayed, to the
the stars, thence end that every
will I bring thee one of the mount
down, saith the of Esau may be
LORD. cut off by
1:5 If thieves slaughter.
came to thee, if 1:10 For [thy]
robbers by night, violence against
(how art thou cut thy brother Jacob
off!) would they shame shall cover
not have stolen thee, and thou
till they had shalt be cut off
enough? if the for ever.
grapegatherers 1:11 In the day
came to thee, that thou
would they not stoodest on the
leave [some] other side, in
grapes? the day that the
strangers carried delivered up
away captive his those of his that
forces, and did remain in the
foreigners day of distress.
entered into his 1:15 For the day
gates, and cast of the LORD [is]
lots upon near upon all the
Jerusalem, even heathen: as thou
thou [wast] as hast done, it
one of them. shall be done
1:12 But thou unto thee: thy
shouldest not reward shall
have looked on return upon thine
the day of thy own head.
brother in the 1:16 For as ye
day that he have drunk upon
became a my holy mountain,
stranger; neither [so] shall all
shouldest thou the heathen drink
have rejoiced continually, yea,
over the children they shall drink,
of Judah in the and they shall
day of their swallow down, and
destruction; they shall be as
neither shouldest though they had
thou have spoken not been.
proudly in the 1:17 But upon
day of distress. mount Zion shall
1:13 Thou be deliverance,
shouldest not and there shall
have entered into be holiness; and
the gate of my the house of
people in the day Jacob shall
of their possess their
calamity; yea, possessions.
thou shouldest 1:18 And the
not have looked house of Jacob
on their shall be a fire,
affliction in the and the house of
day of their Joseph a flame,
calamity, nor and the house of
have laid [hands] Esau for stubble,
on their and they shall
substance in the kindle in them,
day of their and devour them;
calamity; and there shall
1:14 Neither not be [any]
shouldest thou remaining of the
have stood in the house of Esau;
crossway, to cut for the LORD hath
off those of his spoken [it].
that did escape; 1:19 And [they
neither shouldest of] the south
thou have shall possess the
mount of Esau;
and [they of] the
plain the
Philistines: and
they shall
possess the
fields of
Ephraim, and the
fields of
Samaria: and
Benjamin [shall
possess] Gilead.