@<Rev1 -:1 > The book of Revelation of St. John the Divine

 Notes from "The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge" (not

necessarily the opinions of the person typing in the data to

computer database.)

 The obscurity of this prophecy, which has been urged against

its genuineness, necessarily results from the highly figurative

and symbolical language in which it is delivered, and is, in

fact, a strong internal proof of its authenticity and divine

origin. 'For it is a part of this prophecy' as Sir Isaac Newton

justly remarks, 'that it should not be understood before the

last age of the world; and therefore it makes for the credit of

the prophecy that it is not yet understood. The folly of

interpreters has been to foretell times and things by this

prophecy, as if God designed to make them prophets. By this

rashness they have not only exposed themselves, but brought the

prophecy also into contempt. The design of God was much

otherwise. He gave this, and the prophecies of the Old Testament,

 not to gratify men's curiosities by enabling them to foreknow

things, but that, after that they were fulfilled, they might be

interpreted by the event; and his own prudence, not the

interpreter's, be then manifested thereby to the world. For the

event of things, predicted many ages before, will then be a

convincing argument that the world is governed by Providence.

For, as the few and obscure prophecies concerning Christ's first

coming were for setting up the Christian religion, which all

nations have since corrupted, so the many and clear prophecies

concerning the things to be done at Christ's second coming, are

not only for predicting, but also for effecting a recovery and

re-establishment of the long-lost truth, and setting up a

kingdom wherein dwells righteousness. The event will prove the

Apocolypse; and this prophecy, thus proved and understood, will

open the old prophets; and all together will make known the true

religion, and establish it. There is already so much of the

prophecy fulfilled, that as many as will take pains in this

study may see sufficient instances of God's promise; but then,

the signal revolutions predicted by all the holy prophets, will

at once both turn men's eyes upon considering the predictions,

and plainly interpret them. Till then we must content ourselves

with interpreting what hath already been fulfilled.' And, as Mr.

Weston observes, 'if we were in possession of a complete and

particularly history of Asia, not only of great events, without

person or place, names or dates, but of the exactest biography,

geography, topography, and chronology, we might, perhaps, still

be able to explain and appropriate more circumstances recorded

in the Revelation, under the emperors of the East and the West,

and in Arabia, Persia, Tartary, and Asia, the seat of the most

important revolutions with which the history of Christianity has

ever been interwoven and closely connected.' History is the

great interpreter of prophecy. 'Prophecy is, as I may say.'

observes Bp Newton, 'history anticipated and tracted; history is

prophecy accomplished and dilated; and the prophecies of

Scripture contain the fate of the most considerable nations, and

the substance of the most memorable transactions in the world,

from the earliest to the latest times. Daniel and St. John, with

regard to those latter times, are more copius and particular

than the other prophets. They exhibit a series and succession of

the most important events from the first of the four great

empires to the consummation of all things. Their prophecies may

really be said to be a summary of the history of the world; and

the history of the world is the best comment upon their

prophecies....and the more you know of ancient and modern times,

and the farther you search into the truth of history, the more

you will be satisfied of the truth of prophecy.' The Revelation

was designed to supply the place of that continued succession of

prophets, which demonstrated the continued providence of God to

the patriarchal and Jewish churches. 'The majority of

commentators on the Apocolypse,' says Mr. Townsend, 'generally

acted on these principles of interpretation. They discover in

this Book certain predictions of events which were fulfilled

soon after they were announced; they trace in the history of

later years various coincidences, which so fully agree with the

various parts of the Apocolypse, that they are justly entitled

to consider them as the fulfillment of its prophecies; and, by

thus tracing the one God of Revelation through the clouds of the

dark ages, through the storms of revolutions and wars, through

the mighty convulsions which at various periods have agitated

the world, their interpretations, even when they are most

contradictory, when they venture to speculate concerning the

future, are founded on so much undoubted truth that they have

materially confirmed the wavering faith of thousands. Clouds and

darkness must cover the brightness of the throne of God, till it

shall please him to enable us to bear the brighter beams of his

glory. In the mean time, we trace his footsteps in the sea of

the Gentile world, his path in the mighty waters of the

ambitions and clashing passions of man. We rejoice to anticipate

the day when bondage of Rome, which would perpetuate the

intellectual and spiritual slavery of man, will be overthrown,

and day-spring of united knowledge and holiness bless the world.'

 1-3 The preface 4-6 John's salutation to to the seven churches

of Asia 7- The coming of Christ 8-20 His glorious power and

majesty Revelation Chapter 1, Verse 1 * Revelation # <DAN2 -:28

> , 29 AM 3:7, RO 16:25, GA 1:12, EP 3:3, * which God # JNO 3:32,

 8:26, 12:49 * to shew # 22:6, PS 25:14, JNO 15:15 * Which must

# <REV1 -:3>, <REV1 -:19> , <REV4 -:1>, <REV22 -:10>, 2PE 3:8 *

and he # <REV22 -:6>, <REV22 -:16>, <DAN8 -:16>, <DAN9 -:21>,

<DAN9 -:23>, * John # <REV1 -:4>, <REV1 -:9> <REV21 -:2> The

book of Revelation of St. John the Divine 1-3 The preface 4-6

John's salutation to to the seven churches of Asia 7- The coming

of Christ 8-20 His glorious power and majesty Revelation Chapter

1, Verse 1 * Revelation # <DAN2- :28 > , 29 AM 3:7, RO 16:25, GA

1:12, EP 3:3, * which God # JNO 3:32, 8:26, 12:49 * to shew # 22:

6, PS 25:14, JNO 15:15 * Which must # <REV1 -:3>, 19, 4:1, 22:10,

 2PE 3:8 * and he # <REV22 -:6>, 16, DA 8:16, 9:21,23, * John #

<REV1 -:4>, 9 21:2 @<Rev1 -:2 > Revelation 1:2

 * bare # <REV1 -:9>, 6:9, 12:11,17 JNO 1:32 12:17 19:35 21:24

1CO 1:6 2:1 # 1JNO 5:7,11 3JNO 1:12 * and of all # <REV1 -:19>

JNO 3:11 AC 4:20 22:15 26:16 1JNO 1:1 4:14 @<Rev1 -:3 >

Revelation 1:3

 * blessed # Rev 22:7 PR 8:34 DA 12:12,13 LU 11:28 * for #

<REV22 -:6>, 10,12,20 RO 13:11 JA 5:8,9 1PE 4:7 2PE 3:8 @<Rev1 -:

4 > Revelation 1:4

 * John (see Rev 1:1 references) * to the # <REV1 -:11> ,20 2:1,

8,12,18 3:1,7,14 AC 19:10 1PE 1:1 * grace # RO 1:7 1CO 1:3 2CO 1:

2 1PE 1:2 * him # <REV1 -:8 > EX 3:14 PS 90:2 102:25-27 IS 41:4

57:15 MI 5:2 JNO 1:1 # HE 1:10-13 13:8 JA 1:17 * from the #

<REV3 -:1>, 4:5 5:6 ZEC 3:9 4:10 6:5 1CO 12:4-13 @<Rev1 -:5 >

Revelation 1:5

 * who is # <REV3 -:14> PS 89:36,37 IS 55:4 JNO 3:11,32 8:14-16

18:37 1TI 6:18 # 1JNO 5:7-10 * and the first # AC 26:23 1CO 15:

20-23 COL 1:18 * and the prince # <REV11 -:15> 17:14 19:16 PS 72:

11 89:27 PR 8:15,16 DA 2:2 7:14 # MAT 28:18 EP 1:20-22 1TI 6:15

* him # DE 7:8 23:5 JNO 13:1,34 15:9 RO 8:37 GA 2:20 EP 2:4 5:2,

25-27 # 1JNO 4:10 * washed # <REV7 -:14> ZEC 13:1 JNO 13:8-10 AC

20:28 1CO 6:11 HE 9:14 1PE 1:19 # 1JNO 1:7 @<Rev1 -:6 >

Revelation 1:6

 * made # <REV5 -:10> 20:6 EX 19:6 IS 61:6 RO 12:1 1PE 2:5-9 *

to him # <REV4 -:11> 5:12-14 PS 72:18,19 DA 4:34 MAT 6:13 JNO 5:

23 PHI 2:11 # 1TI 6:16 HE 13:21 1PE 4:11 5:11 2PE 3:18 JUDE 25

@<Rev1 -:7 > Revelation 1:7

 * he cometh # <REV14 -:14> -16 PS 97:2 IS 19:1 DA 7:13 NA 1:3

MAT 24:30 26:64 # MAR 13:26 14:62 LU 21:27 AC 1:9-11 1TH 4:17 *

and every # <REV22 -:4 > NU 24:17 JOB 19:26,27 33:26 1TH 1:10

1JNO 3:2 JUDE 14 * and they # PS 22:16 ZEC 12:10 JNO 19:34,37 HE

6:6 10:23 10:29 * and all # <REV6 -:15> -17 18:15-19 MAT 24:30

LU 23:28-30 * Even So # <REV18 -:20> 19:1-8 22:20 JU 5:31 PS 68:

1 @<Rev1 -:8 > Revelation 1:8

 * Alpha # <REV1 -:11> ,17 2:8 21:6 22:13 IS 41:4 43:10 44:6 48:

12 * which is (See on ver 4) * the Almighty # <REV4 -:8 > 11:17

16:14 19:15 21:22 ge 17:1 28:3 35:11 43:14 48:3 49:25 # ex 6:3

nu 24:4 is 9:6 2co 6:18 @<Rev1 -:9 > Revelation 1:9

 * John (See on Ver 4) * companion # <REV2 -:9>, 10 7:14 jno 16:

33 ac 14:22 ro 8:17 1co 4:9-13 phi 1:7 4:14 # 2ti 1:8 2:3-8 * in

the # <REV3 -:10> 13:10 14:12 ro 2:7,8 3:3,4 8:25 2th 1:4,5 3:5

he 10:36 # ja 5:7,8 * for the word # <REV1 -:2 > 6:9 11:7 12:11,

17 19:10 @<Rev1 -:10> Revelation 1:10

 * in # rev 4:2 17:3 21:10 mat 22:43 ac 10:10 2co 12:2-4 * on

the # jno 20:19,26 ac 20:7 1co 16:2 * as # <REV4 -:1 > 10:3-8

@<Rev1 -:11> Revelation 1:11

 * I am (See on verses 8, 17) * What # <REV1 -:19> 2:1 10:4 14:

13 19:9 21:3 de 31:19 is 30:8 je 30:2 hab 2:2 * seven (See on

verse 4) # <REV2 -:1>, 8,12,18 3:1 7:14 * Ephesus # ac 18:19-21,

24 19:1-41 20:17 1co 15:32 16:8 ep 1:1 1ti 1:3 * Laodeica # col

4:15,16 @<Rev1 -:12> Revelation 1:12

 * see # ez 43:5,6 mi 6:9 * I saw # <REV1 -:13> ,20 2:1 ex 25:37

zec 4:2 @<Rev1 -:13> Revelation 1:13

 * like # <REV14 -:14> ez 1:26-26 da 7:9,13 10:5,6,16 phi 2:7,8

he 2:14-17 4:15 * clothed # da 10:5 * and girt # 15:6 ex 28:6-8

39:5 le 8:7 is 11:5 @<Rev1 -:14> Revelation 1:14

 * and his hairs # da 7:9 mat 28:8 * and his eyes # <REV2 -:18>

19:12 da 10:6 @<Rev1 -:15> Revelation 1:15

 * his feet # <REV2 -:18> ez 1:7 40:3 da 10:6 * his voice #

<REV14 -:2 > 19:6 ps 93:4 is 17:13 ez 43:2 @<Rev1 -:16>

Revelation 1:16

 * he had # <REV1 -:20> 2:1 3:1 12:1 job 38:7 da 8:10 12:3 * out

# <REV2 -:12> ,16 19:15,21 is 11:4 49:2 ep 6:17 he 4:12 * and

his # <REV10 -:1 > is 24:23 60:19,20 mal 4:2 ac 26:13 @<Rev1 -:

17> Revelation 1:17

 * I fell # eze 1:28 da 8:18 10:8,9,17-19 hab 3:16 mat 17:2-6

jno 13:23 * and he # da 8:18 10:10 * Fear not # ge 15:1 ex 14:13

20:20 is 41:10 da 10:12 mat 28:4 mar 16:5,6 # lu 24:37-39 * I am

(See on verses 8, 11) # <REV2 -:8 > 22:18 is 41:4 44:6 48:12

@<Rev1 -:18> Revelation 1:18

 * that liveth # Job 19:25 Ps 18:46 jno 14:19 ro 6:9 2co 13:4 ga

2:20 col 3:3 # he 7:25 * was # Ro 14:8,9 2co 5:14,15 he 1:3 12:2

* I am alive # <REV4 -:9 > 5:14 he 7:16 * the keys # <REV3 -:7 >

9:1 20:1,2,14 ps 68:20 is 22:22 mat 16:19 @<Rev1 -:19>

Revelation 1:19

 * the things (See verses 11, 12 etc) * and the things which are

(Chapters 2 and 3) * and the things which shall be (Chapters 4-

22) @<Rev1 -:20> Revelation 1:20

 * mystery # mat 13:11 lu 8:10 * the seven stars # rev 1:13,16 *

the seven stars # rev 2:1,8,12,18 3:1,7,14 mal 2:7 * and the #

zec 4:2 mat 5:15,16 phi 2:15,16 1Ti 2:14-15 @<Rev2 -:1 >

Revelation 2:1

 * the angel # <REV2 -:8>, 12,18 3:1,7,14 * church (See chapter

1:11) # <REV1 -:11> * holdeth # <REV1 -:16> ,20 8:10-12 12:1 jno

5:35 * walketh # <REV1 -:12> ,13 ez 28:13,14 mat 18:20 28:20

@<Rev2 -:2 > Revelation 2:2

 * know # 2:9,13,19 3:1,8,15 ps 1:6 mat 7:23 1th 1:3 2ti 2:19 he

6:10 * how # <REV2 -:6>, 14,15,20,21 ga 1:7 ep 4:14 1th 5:21 2pe

2:1-3 1jno 4:1 * thou hast # 2co 11:13-15 1jno 2:21,22 4:1

@<Rev2 -:3 > Revelation 2:3

 * hast borne # ps 69:7 mi 7:9 mar 15:21 lu 14:27 1co 13:7 ga 6:

2 he 13:13 * hast patience # <REV1 -:9 > 3:10 ps 37:7 lu 8:15 21:

19 ro 2:7 5:3,4 8:25 12:12 15:4,5 # col 1:11 2th 3:5 he 6:12,15

10:36 12:1 ja 1:3,4 5:7-11 2pe 1:6 * hast laboured # ro 16:12

1co 16:16 2co 5:9 6:5 10:15 11:23 phi 2:16 4:3 1th 1:3 # 1th 2:9

5:12 2th 3:8 1ti 4:10 5:17 he 6:10 * hast not # lu 18:1 2co 4:1,

16 ga 6:9 2th 3:13 he 12:3-5 @<Rev2 -:4 > Revelation 2:4

 * I have # rev 2:14,20 * because # <REV3 -:14> -17 je 2:2-5 mat

24:12,13 phi 1:9 3:13-16 1th 4:9,10 # 2th 1:3 he 6:10,11 @<Rev2 -

:5 > Revelation 2:5

 * Remember # <REV3 -:3>, 19 eze 16:61-63 20:43 36:31 2pe 1:12,

13 * thou art # is 14:12 ho 14:1 ga 5:4 jude 24 * and repent #

<REV2 -:16> ,21,22 3:3,19 9:20,21 16:9 ac 17:30,31 * and do #

<REV2 -:19> 3:2,3 is 1:26 je 2:2,3 ho 9:10 mal 3:4 4:6 lu 1:17 *

else # <REV2 -:16> 3:3 mat 21:41-43 24:48-51 mar 12:9 lu 12:45,

46 20:16 @<Rev2 -:6 > Revelation 2:6

 * that # <REV2 -:14> ,15 2ch 19:2 ps 26:5 101:3 139:21,22 2jno

1:9,10 @<Rev2 -:7 > Revelation 2:7

 * that hath # <REV2 -:11> ,17,29 3:6,13,22 13:9 mat 11:15 13:9,

43 mar 7:16 * let him # <REV14 -:13> 22:17 1co 2:10 12:4-12 * to

him # <REV2 -:11> ,17,26-28 3:5,12,21 12:10,11 15:2 21:7 jno 16:

33 1jno 5:4,5 * the tree # <REV22 -:2>, 14 ge 2:9 3:22-24 pr 3:

18 11:30 13:12 15:4 * the paradise # lu 23:43 2co 12:4 @<Rev2 -:

8 > Revelation 2:8

 * the angel # <REV2 -:1 > * the first # <REV1 -:8>, 11,17,18

@<Rev2 -:9 > Revelation 2:9

 * know # <REV2 -:2 > * tribulation # <REV7 -:14> jno 16:33 ac

14:22 ro 5:3 8:35 12:12 1th 3:4 2th 1:6,7 * poverty # lu 4:18 6:

20 2co 8:2,9 ja 2:5 * thou art # rev 3:17,18 lu 12:21 2co 6:10

1ti 6:18 ja 2:5,6 * the blasphemy # lu 22:65 ac 26:11 1ti 1:13 *

which # Ro 2:17,28,29 9:6 * the synagogue # <REV3 -:9 > @<Rev2 -:

10> Revelation 2:10

 * Fear # mat 10:22 * shalt # da 3:16-18 mat 10:28 lu 12:4-7 *

the devil # <REV12 -:9-> 11 13:2,7,15-17 lu 21:12 jno 13:2,27 ep

2:2 6:12 1pe 5:8 * ye shall # <REV2 -:9 > * ten days # hab 2:3

1pe 1:6,7 * be thou # <REV12 -:11> mat 10:22 24:13 mar 8:35 13:

13 lu 21:16-19 jno 12:25 # ac 20:24 21:13 2ti 4:7,8 * a crown #

<REV3 -:11> ja 1:12 1pe 5:4 @<Rev2 -:11> Revelation 2:11

 * that hath # <REV2 -:7 > 13:9 * the second # <REV20 -:6>, 14

21:8 @<Rev2 -:12> Revelation 2:12

 * the angel # rev 2:1 1:11 * Pergamos (now Bergano, the ancient

metropolis of Mysia, and the residence of the Attalian kings, is

situated on the river Caicus about sixty miles north of Smyrna,

in long 27 deg E. lat 39 deg 11 mins north. It still retains

some measure of its ancient importance; containing a population

of 15,000 souls, and having nine or ten mosques, two churches,

and one synagogue * which hath # <REV2 -:16> 1:16 19:15,21 is 11:

4 he 4:12 @<Rev2 -:13> Revelation 2:13

 * know # <REV2 -:9 > * Satan's # 2:9,10,24 3:9 * thou holdest #

2:25 3:3,11 1th 5:21 2ti 1:13 he 3:6 10:23 * my name # <REV3 -:8

> mat 24:9 lu 21:17 ac 9:14 ja 2:7 * denied # mat 10:23 1ti 5:8

2ti 2:12 jude 1:3,4 * was # ac 22:20 @<Rev2 -:14> Revelation 2:14

 * I have # <REV2 -:4>, 20 * Balaam # nu 24:14 25:1-3 31:8,16

jos 24:9 2pe 2:15 jude 1:11 * a stumbling-block # is 57:14 je 6:

21 eze 3:20 44:12 mat 18:7 ro 9:32 11:9 14:13,21 # 1co 1:23 8:9

1pe 2:8 * eat # <REV2 -:20> ac 15:20,21,29 21:25 1co 8:4-13 10:

18-31 * to commit # <REV21 -:8 > 22:15 1co 6:13-18 7:2 he 13:4

@<Rev2 -:15> Revelation 2:15

 * the doctrine # <REV2 -:6 > @<Rev2 -:16> Revelation 2:16

 * repent # <REV2 -:5>, 21,22 3:19 16:9 ac 17:30 * else # <REV2 -

:5 > * will fight # <REV2 -:12> 1:16 19:15,21 is 11:4 49:2 ep 6:

17 2th 2:8 @<Rev2 -:17> Revelation 2:17

 * hath # 2:7,11 3:6,13,22 * to eat # ps 25:14 36:8 pr 3:32 14:

10 is 65:13 mat 13:11 jno 4:32 6:48-58 # col 3:3 * a new # <REV3

-:12> 19:12,13 is 56:4 65:15 * saving # 1 co 2:14 @<Rev2 -:18>

Revelation 2:18

 * unto # <REV2 -:2 > 1:11 * the son # ps 2:7 mat 3:17 4:3-6 17:

5 27:54 lu 1:35 jno 1:14,49 3:16,18,35,36 # jno 5:25 10:36 ac 8:

37 ro 1:4 * who # <REV1 -:14> ,15 @<Rev2 -:19> Revelation 2:19

 * know # <REV2 -:2>, 9,13 * charity # 1co 13:1-8 col 3:14 1th 3:

6 2th 1:3 1ti 1:5 1pe 4:8 2pe 1:7 * patience # <REV2 -:3 > * the

last # <REV2 -:4 > job 17:9 ps 92:14 pr 4:18 jno 15:2 2pe 3:18

@<Rev2 -:20> Revelation 2:20

 * I have # <REV2 -:4>, 14 * that woman # 1ki 16:31 17:4,13 19:1,

2 21:7-15,23-25 2ki 9:7,30-37 * and to seduce # <REV2 -:14> ex

34:15 nu 25:1,2 ac 15:20,29 1co 8:10-12 10:18-21,28 @<Rev2 -:21>

Revelation 2:21

 * space # <REV9 -:20> ,21 je 8:4-6 ro 2:4,5 9:22 1pe 3:20 2pe 3:

9,15 @<Rev2 -:22> Revelation 2:22

 * and them # <REV17 -:2 > 18:3,9 19:18:21 eze 16:37-41 23:29,45-

48 * except # je 36:3 eze 18:30-32 33:11 zep 3:7 lu 13:3,5 2co

12:21 2ti 2:25,26 @<Rev2 -:23> Revelation 2:23

 * with death # <REV6 -:8 > * and all # <REV2 -:7>, 11 de 13:11

17:13 19:20 21:21 zep 1:11 * I am # 1sa 16:7 1ch 28:9 29:17 2ch

6:30 ps 7:9 44:21 je 11:20 17:10 # je 20:12 jno 2:24,25 21:17 ac

1:24 ro 8:27 he 4:13 * and I will # <REV20 -:12> ps 62:12 is 3:

10,11 mat 16:27 ro 2:5-11 14:12 2co 5:10 # ga 6:5 1pe 1:17

@<Rev2 -:24> Revelation 2:24

 * the depths # <REV12 -:9 > 13:14 2co 2:11 11:3,13-15 ep 6:11,

12 2th 2:9-12 * I will # ac 15:28 @<Rev2 -:25> Revelation 2:25

 * that # <REV3 -:3>, 11 ac 11:28 ro 12:9 1th 5:21 he 3:6 4:14

10:28 * till # <REV1 -:7 > 22:7,20 jno 14:3 21:22,23 1co 4:5 11:

26 2pe 3:10 @<Rev2 -:26> Revelation 2:26

 * he # <REV2 -:7>, 11,17 3:5,12,21 21:7 ro 8:37 1jno 5:5 *

keepeth # mat 24:13 lu 8:13-15 jno 6:29 8:31,32 ro 2:7 1th 3:5 #

he 10:38,39 ja 2:20 1jno 2:19 3:23 * to him will I give # <REV3 -

:21> 20:4 22:5 ps 49:14 da 7:18,22,27 mat 19:28 lu 22:29,30 #

1co 6:3,4 @<Rev2 -:27> Revelation 2:27

 * he shall # rev 12:5 19:15 ps 2:8,9 49:14 149:5-9 da 7:22 *

even # mat 11:27 lu 22:29 jno 17:24 @<Rev2 -:28> Revelation 2:28

 # <REV22 -:16> lu 1:78,79 2pe 1:19 @<Rev2 -:29> Revelation 2:29

 # <REV2 -:7 > @<Rev3 -:1 > Revelation 3:1

 The angel of the church of Sardis is reproved, 1,2; exhorted to

repent, and threatened if he does not repent, 3-7: The angel of

the church of Philadelphia, 8,9, is approved for his diligence

and patience, 10-14; the angel of Laodecia rebuked for being

neither hot nor cold, 15-18, and admonished to be more zealous,

19: Christ stands at the door and knocks, 20-22:

 * unto # <REV1 -:11> ,20 * he that # <REV1 -:4 > 5:6 jno 1:16,

33 3:34 7:37-39 15:26,27 20:22 ac 2:33 # 1pe 1:11 * and the #

<REV1 -:16> ,20 2:1 * I know # <REV2 -:2>, 9,13,19 * and art #

lu 15:24,32 ep 2:1,5 col 2:13 1ti 5:6 ja 2:26 jude 12 @<Rev3 -:2

> Revelation 3:2

 * watchful # <REV16 -:15> is 56:10 62:6,7 eze 34:8-10 zec 11:16

mat 24:42-51 25:13 # mar 13:33-37 ac 20:28-31 2ti 4:1-4 1pe 4:7

5:8 * strengthen # <REV2 -:4 > de 3:28 job 4:4-5 16:5 is 35:3 lu

22:31,32 ac 18:23 * thy works # 1ki 11:4 15:3 2ch 25:2 is 57:12

da 5:27 mat 6:2-4 23:5,28-38 @<Rev3 -:3 > Revelation 3:3

 * Remember # <REV2 -:5 > eze 16:61-63 20:43 36:31 he 2:1 2pe 1:

13 3:1 * and hold # <REV3 -:11> 2:25 1ti 6:20 2ti 1:13 * repent

# <REV3 -:19> 2:5,21,22 * I will # <REV16 -:15> mat 24:42,43 lu

12:39,40 1th 5:2,4,5,6 2pe 3:10 * know # mat 25:13 mar 13:33,36

@<Rev3 -:4 > Revelation 3:4

 * names # <REV11 -:13> ac 1:15 * even # 1ki 19:18 is 1:9 ro 11:

4-6 * which # <REV7 -:14> 19:8 is 52:1 59:6 61:3,10 64:6 zec 3:3-

6 jude 23 * walk # <REV3 -:5>, 18 4:4 6:11 7:9,13 19:14 es 8:15

ps 68:14 ec 9:8 zec 3:4 # mar 16:5 * for # mat 10:11 lu 20:35 21:

36 2th 1:5 @<Rev3 -:5 > Revelation 3:5

 * that # <REV2 -:7 > 1sa 17:25 * the same # <REV3 -:4 > 19:8 *

blot # ex 32:32,33 de 9:14 ps 69:28 109:13 * the book # <REV15 -:

8 > 17:8 20:12,15 21:27 22:19 phi 4:3 * confess # mal 3:17 mat

10:32 lu 12:8 jude 24 @<Rev3 -:6 > Revelation 3:6

 # <REV2 -:7 > @<Rev3 -:7 > Revelation 3:7

 Philadelphia, so called for its founder, Attalus Philadelphus,

still exists in the town called Allabshebr, 'the city of God,'

'a column in the town of ruins.' It is situated on the slopes of

three or four hills, the roots of mount Tmolus, by the river

Cogamus, twenty seven miles E.S.E. from Sardis, about long. 28

deg 40 min, lat 38 deg 23 min. The number of houses is said to

be about 3000, of which 250 are Greek, the rest Turkish; and the

Christians have twenty-five places of worship, five of them

large and regular churches, a resident bishop, and twenty

inferior clergy.

 * he that is holy # <REV4 -:8 > 6:10 ps 16:10 89:18 145:17 is 6:

3 30:11 41:14,16,20 47:4 # is 48:17 49:7 54:5 55:5 mar 1:24 lu 4:

34 ac 3:14 * he that is true # <REV3 -:14> 1:5 6:10 15:3 16:7 19:

2,11 21:5 mat 24:35 jno 14:6 # 1jno 5:20 * the key # <REV1 -:18>

is 22:22 lu 1:32 * he that openeth # <REV5 -:3-> 5,9 job 11:10

12:14 mat 16:19 @<Rev3 -:8 > Revelation 3:8

 * I know # <REV1 -:15> 2:2 * an open # <REV3 -:7 > 1co 16:9 2co

2:12 col 4:3 * a little # da 11:34 2co 12:8-10 phi 4:13 * and

hast kept # <REV3 -:10> 22:7 jno 14:21-24 15:20 17:6 2ti 4:7 *

and hast not # <REV2 -:13> pr 30:9 mat 26:70-72 lu 12:9 ac 3:13,

14 1ti 5:8 # 1jno 2:22,23 jude 4 @<Rev3 -:9 > Revelation 3:9

 * the synagogue # <REV2 -:9 > * I will make them to # ex 11:8

12:30-32 1sa 2:36 es 8:17 job 42:8-10 is 49:23 60:14 # zec 8:20-

23 ac 16:37-39 @<Rev3 -:10> Revelation 3:10

 * the word # <REV1 -:9 > 13:10 14:12 * I also # Mat 6:13 26:41

1co 10:13 ep 6:13 2pe 2:9 * all # mat 24:14 mar 14:9 lu 2:1 ro 1:

8 * to try # is 24:17 da 12:10 zec 13:9 ja 3:12 1pe 4:12 @<Rev3 -

:11> Revelation 3:11

 * I come # <REV1 -:3 > 22:7,12,20 zep 1:14 phi 4:5 ja 5:9 *

hold # <REV3 -:3 > 2:13,25 * thy # <REV2 -:10> 4:4,10 1co 9:25

2ti 2:5 4:8 ja 1:12 1pe 5:3,4 @<Rev3 -:12> Revelation 3:12

 * overcometh # <REV2 -:7 > 17:14 1jno 2:13,14 4:4 * pillar #

1ki 7:21 je 1:18 ga 2:9 * I will # <REV2 -:17> 14:1 22:4 * the

city # <REV21 -:2>, 10-27 ps 48:8 87:3 ga 4:26,27 he 12:22 * my

new # <REV22 -:4 > is 65:15 ep 3:15 @<Rev3 -:13> Revelation 3:13

 See notes from Revelation 2:7

 # <REV2 -:7 > @<Rev3 -:14> Revelation 3:14

 * the angel # <REV1 -:11> 2:1 * of the Laoedicians (or in

Laodicia) # col 2:1 4:16 * the Amen # is 65:16 2co 1:20 * the

faithful # rev 3:7 1:5 19:11 22:6 is 55:4 je 42:5 * the

beginning # col 1:15 @<Rev3 -:15> Revelation 3:15

 * I know # <REV3 -:1 > 2:2 * that # <REV2 -:4 > mat 24:12 phi 1:

9 2th 1:3 1pe 1:22 * I would # de 5:29 ps 81:11-13 2co 12:20 *

thou # jos 24:15-24 1ki 18:21 pr 23:26 ho 7:8 10:2 zep 1:5,6 mat

6:24 # mat 10:37 lu 14:27,28 1co 16:22 ja 1:8 @<Rev3 -:16>

Revelation 3:16

 * I will spue thee out # <REV2 -:5 > je 14:19 15:1-4 zec 11:8,9

@<Rev3 -:17> Revelation 3:17

 * I am # <REV2 -:9 > pr 13:7 ho 12:8 zec 11:5 lu 1:53 6:24 18:

11,12 ro 11:20,25 # ro 12:3 1co 4:8-10 * have need # de 8:12-14

pr 30:9 je 2:31 mat 9:12 * knowest # ro 2:17-23 * wretched # mat

5:3 ro 7:24 * blind # is 42:19 jno 9:40,41 2pe 1:9 * naked #

<REV16 -:15> ge 3:7,10,11 ex 32:35 @<Rev3 -:18> Revelation 3:18

 * counsel # Ps 16:7 32:8 73:24 107:11 pr 1:25,30 19:20 ec 8:2 *

buy # pr 23:23 is 55:1 mat 13:44 25:9 * gold # mal 3:3 1co 3:12,

13 1pe 1:7 * that thou # <REV2 -:9 > lu 12:21 2co 8:9 1ti 6:18

ja 2:5 * white # <REV3 -:4>, 5 7:13 16:15 is 47:3 je 13:26 da 12:

2 mi 1:11 na 3:5 * anoint # jno 9:6-11 1jno 2:20,27 @<Rev3 -:19>

Revelation 3:19

 * many # De 8:5 2sa 7:14 job 5:17 ps 6:1 39:11 94:10 pr 3:11,12

15:10,32 # pr 22:15 is 26:16 je 2:30 7:28 10:24 30:11 31:18 #

zep 3:2 1co 11:32 2co 6:9 he 12:5-11 ja 1:12 * be # nu 25:11-13

ps 69:9 jno 2:17 ro 12:11 2co 7:11 ga 4:18 tit 2:14 * repent #

<REV2 -:5>, 21,22 @<Rev3 -:20> Revelation 3:20

 * I stand # Ca 5:2-4 lu 12:36 * I will # Jno 14:21-23 * will

sup # <REV19 -:9 > lu 12:37 17:8 @<Rev3 -:21> Revelation 3:21

 * him # <REV2 -:7 > 12:11 1jno 5:5,5 * to sit # <REV1 -:6 > 2:

26,27 mat 19:28 lu 22:30 1co 6:2,3 2ti 2:12 * even # jno 16:33 *

and am # <REV5 -:6-> 8 7:17 da 7:13,14 mat 28:18 jno 5:22,23 ep

1:20-23 # phi 2:9-21 @<Rev3 -:22> Revelation 3:22

 # rev 3:6,13 2:7,11,17

@<Rev4 -:1 > Revelation 4:1

 1-3 John sees the throne of God in heaven 4,5 The four and

twenty elders 6-9 The four beasts full of eyes before and behind

10-11 The elders lay down their crowns, and worship him that sat

on the throne

 * After # <REV1 -:3 > * a door # ex 1:1 mat 3:16 mar 1:10 lu 3:

21 ac 7:56 10:11 * the first # <REV1 -:10> 16:17 * Come # <REV11

-:12> ex 19:24 24:12 34:2,3 * and I # <REV1 -:19> 22:6 jno 16:13

07626-891008-0926-3 @<Rev4 -:2 > Revelation 4:2

 * I was # rev 1:10 17:3 21:10 eze 3:12-14 * a throne # <REV4 -:

5 > 20:11 is 6:1 je 17:12 ez 1:26,28 10:1 * and one # <REV4 -:9

> 3:21 5:1,6,7,13 6:16 7:9-17 12:5 19:4 21:5 22:1-3 is 6:1 # da

7:9 he 8:1 @<Rev4 -:3 > Revelation 4:3

 * like a # <REV21 -:11> ,19,20 # ex 24:10 eze 1:26 28:13 * a

rainbow # <REV10 -:1 > ge 9:13-16 is 54:9,10 eze 1:28 * like

unto # <REV21 -:19> ex 28:18 39:11 eze 28:13 @<Rev4 -:4 >

Revelation 4:4

 * were four # <REV11 -:16> 20:4 mat 19:28 lu 22:30 * four and

twenty # <REV4 -:10> 5:8,14 7:11 19:4 * clothed # <REV3 -:4>, 5

6:11 7:9,13,14 19:14 * crowns # <REV2 -:10> 9:7 es 8:15 ps 21:3

2ti 4:8 @<Rev4 -:5 > Revelation 4:5

 * proceeded # <REV8 -:5 > 11:19 16:17,18 ex 19:16 20:18 ps 18:

13,14 68:35 joel 3:16 # he 12:18-29 * seven # ge 15:7 ex 37:23

2ch 4:20 eze 1:13 zec 4:2,11-14 * the seven # <REV1 -:4 > 3:1 5:

6 mat 3:11 ac 2:3 1co 12:4-11 @<Rev4 -:6 > Revelation 4:6

 * a sea # <REV15 -:2 > ex 38:8 1ki 7:23 * crystal # <REV21 -:

11> 22:1 job 28:17 eze 1:22 * the midst # <REV5 -:6 > 7:17 eze 1:

4,5 * four beasts # <REV4 -:8>, 9 5:6,14 6:1 7:11 14:3 15:7 19:4

eze 1:5 10:14 * full # <REV4 -:8 > eze 1:18 10:12 @<Rev4 -:7 >

Revelation 4:7

 * the first beast # <REV4 -:6 > ge 49:9 nu 2:2 23:24 24:9 pr 28:

2 eze 1:10 10:14,21 * like a calf # eze 1:10 1co 9:9,10 * as #

1co 14:20 * a flying # de 28:49 2sa 1:23 is 40:31 eze 1:8,10 10:

14 da 7:4 ob 4 @<Rev4 -:8 > Revelation 4:8

 * six # is 6:2 eze 1:6 10:21,22 2ti 4:2 * full # <REV4 -:6 >

1ti 4:16 * and they # <REV7 -:15> is 62:1,6,7 ac 20:31 1th 2:9

2th 3:8,9 * rest not (Gr. have no rest) * Holy # <REV3 -:7 > ex

15:11 is 6:3 * Lord God Almighty # <REV1 -:8 > 11:17 15:3 16:7,

14 19:15 21:22 ge 17:1 ps 91:1 is 13:6 # Joel 1:15 2co 6:18 *

which # rev 4:4 he 13:8 @<Rev4 -:9 > Revelation 4:9

 * when # <REV5 -:13> ,14 7:11,12 * who # <REV1 -:18> 5:14 10:6

15:7 ex 15:18 ps 48:14 he 7:8,25 @<Rev4 -:10> Revelation 4:10

 * fall # <REV5 -:8>, 14 19:4 job 1:20 ps 72:11 mat 2:11 *

worship # <REV4 -:9 > 7:11 15:4 22:8,9 1ch 29:20 2ch 7:3 ps 95:6

mat 4:9,10 # lu 24:52 * cast # <REV4 -:4 > 1ch 29:11-16 ps 115:1

1co 15:10 @<Rev4 -:11> Revelation 4:11

 * art # <REV5 -:2>, 9,12 2sa 22:4 ps 18:3 * to receive # <REV14

-:7 > de 32:4 1ch 16:28,29 ne 9:5 job 36:3 ps 29:1,2 68:34 # ps

96:7,8 * for thou # <REV10 -:6 > ge 1:1 ex 20:11 is 40:26,28 je

10:11 32:17 jno 1:1-3 # ac 17:24 ep 3:9 col 1:16,17 he 1:2,10 *

and for # pr 16:4 ro 11:36 @<Rev5 -:1 > Revelation 5:1

 1-8 The book sealed with seven seals 9-11 which only the Lamb

that was slain is worthy to open 12-14 Therefore the elders

praise him, and confess that he redeemed them with his blood

 * that sat # rev 4:3 * a book # <REV10 -:2>, 8-11 is 34:16 eze

2:9,10 * sealed # rev 6:1 is 8:16 29:11 da 8:26 12:4-9 @<Rev5 -:

2 > Revelation 5:2

 * a strong # Ps 103:20 * Who # <REV5 -:5 > is 29:11,12 41:22,23

@<Rev5 -:3 > Revelation 5:3

 # rev 5:13 is 40:13,14 41:28 ro 11:34 @<Rev5 -:4 > Revelation 5:


 * because # <REV4 -:1 > da 12:8,9 @<Rev5 -:5 > Revelation 5:5

 * one # <REV4 -:4>, 10 7:13 * weep # je 31:16 lu 7:13 8:52 23:

28 jno 20:13 * the lion # ge 49:9,10 nu 24:9 he 7:14 * the root

# <REV22 -:16> is 11:1,10 je 23:5,6 ro 1:3 15:12 * hath # <REV1 -

:1 > 6:1 @<Rev5 -:6 > Revelation 5:6

 * in the midst of the throne * See on chapter 4:4-6 # <REV4 -:4-

> 6 * a Lamb (An emblematical representation of our Saviour's

high priesthood # <REV5 -:8>, 12 6:16 7:9-17 12:11 13:8 17:14 21:

23 22:1,3 is 53:7,8 # jno 1:29,36 ac 8:32 1pe 1:19,20 * seven

horns As a horn is the emblem of power and seven the number of

perfection, the seven horns may denote the almighty power of

Jesus Christ # 1sa 2:10 da 7:14 mi 4:13 hab 3:4 lu 1:69 phi 2:9-

11 * seven eyes His infinite knowledge and wisdom; especially

'the treasures of wisdom' laid up in him, to be communicated to

the Church by 'the seven spirits of God', i.e. the Holy Spirit *

the seven spirits # <REV4 -:5 > @<Rev5 -:7 > Revelation 5:7

 * out # <REV5 -:1 > 4:2,3 @<Rev5 -:8 > Revelation 5:8

 * the four # <REV5 -:14> 4:4,8,10 7:10-12 19:4 jno 5:23 ro 14:

10-12 phi 2:9-11 # he 1:6 * having # <REV14 -:2>, 3 15:2 ps 33:2

43:4 81:2 150:3 * golden # <REV15 -:7 > * odours (or incense)

the prayers # <REV8 -:3>, 4 ps 141:2 @<Rev5 -:9 > Revelation 5:9

 * sung # rev 7:10-12 14:3 ps 33:3 40:3 96:1 98:1 144:9 149:1 is

42:1 * Thou art # <REV5 -:2>, 3 4:11 * for # <REV5 -:6>, 12 13:8

* and hast # <REV14 -:4>, 6 mat 20:28 26:28 ac 20:28 ro 3:24-26

1co 6:20 7:23 # ep 1:7 col 1:14 tit 2:14 he 11:14 1pe 1:18,19

2pe 2:1 1jno 1:7 2:2 * out # <REV7 -:9 > 11:9 14:6 da 4:1 6:25

mar 16:15,16 col 1:23 @<Rev5 -:10> Revelation 5:10

 * kings # <REV1 -:6 > 20:6 22:5 ex 19:6 1pe 2:5-9 * we # <REV20

-:6 > da 7:18,27 @<Rev5 -:11> Revelation 5:11

 * many # <REV7 -:11> 1ki 22:19 2ki 6:16-18 ps 103:20 148:2 *

the throne # <REV4 -:4>, 6,9,10 * was # <REV19 -:6 > de 33:2 ps

68:17 da 7:10 he 12:22 @<Rev5 -:12> Revelation 5:20

 * Worthy # rev 5:9 zec 13:7 * to receive # <REV4 -:11> 7:12 19:

1 mat 28:18 jno 3:35,36 17:2 2co 8:9 phi 2:9-11 # 1ti 1:17

@<Rev5 -:13> Revelation 5:13

 * every # <REV5 -:3 > 7:9,10 ps 96:11-13 148:2-13 lu 2:14 phi 2:

10 col 1:23 * such # is 24:14 42:10 * blessing # <REV5 -:12> 1:6

1ch 29:11 ps 72:18,19 mat 6:13 ro 9:5 11:36 16:27 # ep 3:21 1ti

4:16 1pe 4:11 5:11 jude 25 * him # <REV4 -:2>, 3 * and unto #

<REV5 -:6>, 9 6:16 7:10 @<Rev5 -:14> Revelation 5:14

 * the four # <REV19 -:4 > * And the four and # <REV4 -:9-> 11

@<Rev6 -:1 > Revelation 6:1

 The opening of the seals in order, and what followed thereupon,

containing a prophecy to the end of the world.

 * when # <REV5 -:5-> 7 * the noise # <REV4 -:5 > 10:3,4 11:19 *

one # <REV6 -:3>, 5,7 4:6,7 ac 4:20 @<Rev6 -:2 > Revelation 6:2

 * a white This seems to be a representation of the person and

dignity of Christ, and the mild and beneficent triumphs of his

Gospel over all the powers of paganism. # <REV19 -:11> ,14 zec 1:

8 6:3 * and he that # ps 45:3-5 70:1 * and a # Rev 14:14 19:12

zec 6:11-13 mat 28:18 * and he went # <REV11 -:15> ,18 15:2 17:

14 ps 98:1 110:2 is 25:8 ro 15:18,19 # 1co 15:25,55-57 2co 10:3-

5 @<Rev6 -:3 > Revelation 6:3

 See on verse 1, ch 4:7 # <REV6 -:1 > 4:7 @<Rev6 -:4 >

Revelation 6:4

 * horse # <REV12 -:3 > 17:3,6 zec 1:8 6:2 * power # <REV13 -:

10> ex 9:16,17 is 37:26,27 eze 29:18-20 da 2:37,38 5:19 # jno 19:

11 * and there # ps 17:13 is 10:5,6 eze 30:24,25 @<Rev6 -:5 >

Revelation 6:5

 * he had # rev 6:1 4:6,7 5:5,9 * a black # zec 6:2,6 * had # le

26:26 la 5:10 eze 4:10,16 @<Rev6 -:6 > Revelation 6:6

 * A measure 'The word choenix signifieth a measure containing

one wine quart and the twelfth part of a quart # <REV9 -:4 > ps

76:10 @<Rev6 -:7 > Revelation 6:7

 # <REV6 -:1>, 8 4:7 @<Rev6 -:8 > Revelation 6:8

 * pale # zec 6:3 * was death # <REV20 -:13> ,14 is 25:8 ho 13:

14 hab 2:5 1co 15:55 * unto them or to him * over # <REV8 -:7->

12 9:15,18 12:4 * kill # le 26:22-33 je 15:2,3 16:4,16 43:11 eze

5:15-17 14:13-21 @<Rev6 -:9 > Revelation 6:9

 * I saw # <REV8 -:3 > 9:13 14:18 le 4:7 jno 16:2 phi 2:17 2ti 4:

6 * the souls # <REV20 -:4 > 2co 5:8 phi 1:23 * slain # <REV1 -:

9 > 2:13 11:3-7 12:11-17 19:10 2ti 1:8 @<Rev6 -:10> Revelation 6:


 * they cried # ge 4:10 ps 9:12 lu 18:7,8 he 12:24 * How # ps 13:

1 35:17 74:9,10 94:3,4 da 8:13 12:6 zec 1:12 * holy # <REV3 -:7

> 15:3,4 * dost # <REV11 -:18> 16:5-7 18:20,24 19:2 de 32:36-43

ju 16:28 1sa 24:12 # ps 58:10,11 is 61:2 63:1-6 lu 21:22 ro 12:

19 2th 1:6-8 * avenge This seal seems a prediction of the

terrible persecution of the church under Dioclesian and Maximian,

 from A.D. 270 to 304, which lasted longer, and was far more

bloody, than any or all by which it was preceded, whence it was

called 'the era of the martyrs.' @<Rev6 -:11> Revelation 6:11

 * white # <REV3 -:4>, 5 7:9,14 * that they # <REV14 -:13> is 26:

20,21 da 12:13 * until # <REV7 -:14> 13:15 17:6 mat 10:21 23:34,

35 jno 16:2 he 11:40 @<Rev6 -:12> Revelation 6:12

 * there # <REV8 -:5 > 11:13 16:18 1ki 19:11-13 is 29:6 am 1:1

zec 14:5 mat 24:7 # mat 27:54 28:2 * the sun # is 13:9,10 24:23

60:19,20 eze 32:7,8 joel 2:10,30,31 3:15 am 8:9 # hag 2:6,7,21,

22 mat 24:29 27:45 mar 13:24,25 15:33 lu 23:44,45 # ac 2:19,20

@<Rev6 -:13> Revelation 6:13

 * the stars # <REV8 -:10> -12 9:1 eze 32:7 da 8:10 lu 21:25 *

untimely figs (or green figs) * of a # is 7:2 33:9 da 4:14 na 3:

12 @<Rev6 -:14> Revelation 6:14

 * the heaven # ps 102:26 is 34:4 he 1:11-13 2pe 3:10 * and

every # <REV16 -:20> is 2:14-17 je 3:23 4:23-26 51:25 hab 3:6,10

@<Rev6 -:15> Revelation 6:15

 * the kings # <REV18 -:9-> 11 19:13-21 job 34:19,20 ps 2:10-12

49:1,2 76:12 110:5,6 # is 24:21,22 * hid # jos 10:16,17 ju 6:2

1sa 13:6 is 2:10,19 42:22 mi 7:17 he 11:38 @<Rev6 -:16>

Revelation 6:16

 * fall # <REV10 -:6 > je 8:3 ho 10:8 lu 23:30 * the face #

<REV4 -:2>, 5,9 20:11 * and from # <REV6 -:10> 19:15 ps 2:9-12

14:5 21:8-12 110:5,6 zec 1:14,15 # mat 26:64 2th 1:7-9 @<Rev6 -:

17> Revelation 6:17

 * the great # <REV11 -:18> 16:14 is 13:6 je 30:7 joel 2:31 zep

1:14 ro 2:5 jude 6 * who # ps 76:7 130:3,4 joel 2:11 mal 3:2

@<Rev7 -:1 > Revelation 7:1

 1-3 An angel seals the servants of God in their foreheads 4-8

The number of them that were sealed, of the tribes of Israel a

certain number 9-13 Of all the other nations an innumerable

multitude, which stand before the throne, clad in white robes,

and palms in their hands 14-17 Their robes were washed in the

blood of the Lamb

 * after # <REV4 -:6 > * four angels # <REV4 -:6 > 9:14 eze 7:2

37:9 zec 1:18-20 6:1 mat 24:31 mar 13:27 * holding # is 27:8 je

49:36 da 7:2 8:8 jon 1:4 mat 8:26,27 24:31 * the wind # <REV6 -:

6 > 9:4 is 27:3 @<Rev7 -:2 > Revelation 7:2

 * And I # <REV8 -:3 > 10:1 mal 3:1 4:2 ac 7:30-32 * having #

<REV7 -:3-> 8 REV 5:2 10:4 ca 8:6 jno 6:27 2co 1:22 ep 1:13 4:30

# 2ti 2:19 * living # de 5:26 1sa 17:26,36 2ki 19:4 mat 26:63

1th 1:9 he 12:22 * to whom # <REV1 -:3 > 8:7-12 @<Rev7 -:3 >

Revelation 7:3

 * Hurt not # <REV6 -:6 > 9:4 is 6:13 27:8 65:8 mat 24:22,31 *

till # rev 14:1 ex 12:13,23 is 26:20,21 ex 9:4-6 zep 2:3 * the

servants # <REV19 -:2 > is 54:17 da 3:17,26 6:16 mal 3:18 jno 12:

26 ro 6:22 * in their # <REV13 -:16> 14:1 20:4 22:4 @<Rev7 -:4 >

Revelation 7:4

 * I heard # <REV9 -:16> * an # <REV14 -:1>, 3 ge 15:5 ro 9:27

11:5,6 * all # eze 47:13 48:19,31 zec 9:1 mat 19:28 lu 22:30 ac

26:7 ja 1:1 @<Rev7 -:5 > Revelation 7:5

 * tribe of Juda # ex 1:2-4 nu 1:4-15 10:14-27 13:4-16 1co 2:1,2

@<Rev7 -:6 > Revelation 7:6

 * Aser # Lu 2:36 @<Rev7 -:9 > Revelation 7:9

 * a great # ge 49:10 ps 2:8 22:27 72:7-11 76:4 77:2 98:3 110:2,

3 <REV11 -:7 > # is 2:2,3 49:6-8 60:1-14 je 3:17 16:19 zec 2:11

8:20-23 ro 15:9-12 * no man # <REV5 -:11> 11:15 ge 13:16 ho 1:10

lu 12:1 ro 11:25 he 11:12 12:22 * of all # <REV5 -:9 > da 4:1 6:

25 * stood # lu 21:36 ep 6:13 * clothed # <REV7 -:13> ,14 3:4,5,

18 4:4 6:11 * palms # le 23:40 jno 12:13 @<Rev7 -:10> Revelation


 * cried # zec 4:7 * Salvation # <REV19 -:1 > ps 3:8 37:39 68:19,

20 115:1 is 43:11 45:15,21 je 3:23 # ho 13:4 jon 2:9 zec 9:9 lu

3:6 jno 4:22 ep 2:8 * sitteth # <REV4 -:2>, 3,9-11 5:7,13,14 21:

5 * unto # <REV4 -:6>, 9 22:3 jno 1:29,36 @<Rev7 -:11>

Revelation 7:11

 * all # <REV4 -:6 > 5:11-13 19:4-6 ps 103:20,21 148:1,2 * and

fell # <REV11 -:16> * and worshipped # <REV4 -:10> 15:4 19:4 22:

9 ps 45:11 97:7 mat 4:10 jno 5:23 he 1:6 @<Rev7 -:12> Revelation


 * Amen # <REV1 -:18> 5:13,14 19:4 ps 41:13 72:19 89:52 106:48

mat 6:13 jude 25 * Blessing # <REV5 -:12> ,13 * thanksgiving #

ne 12:8,46 ps 50:14 95:2 100:4 107:22 116:17 147:7 is 51:3 # je

33:9,11 jon 2:9 2co 4:15 9:11,12 col 2:7 3:17 @<Rev7 -:13>

Revelation 7:13

 * one # <REV4 -:4>, 10 5:5,11 * arrayed # <REV7 -:9 > * whence

# ge 16:8 ju 13:6 jno 7:28 @<Rev7 -:14> Revelation 7:14

 * thou # ex 37:3 * came # <REV2 -:9 > 6:9-11 15:2 17:6 jno 16:

33 ac 14:22 ro 5:3 2th 1:4 * and have # <REV1 -:5 > is 1:18 zec

3:3-5 13:1 jno 13:8-14 1co 6:11 ep 5:26,27 # he 9:14 1jno 1:7 *

the blood # <REV5 -:9 > 12:11 he 13:12 1pe 1:19 @<Rev7 -:15>

Revelation 7:15

 * are # <REV4 -:4 > 14:3-5 he 8:1 12:2 * serve # <REV20 -:10>

22:5 ps 134:1,2 * dwell # <REV21 -:3>, 4 22:3 ex 29:45 1ki 6:13

1ch 23:25 ps 68:16-18 is 4:5,6 # jno 1:14 1co 3:16 2co 6:16

@<Rev7 -:16> Revelation 7:16

 * hunger # ps 42:2 63:1 143:6 is 41:17 49:10 65:13 mat 5:6 lu 1:

53 6:21 # jno 4:14 * the sun # <REV21 -:4 > ps 121:6 ca 1:6 is 4:

5,6 25:4 32:2 jon 4:8 mat 13:6,21 # mar 4:6,17 ja 1:11 @<Rev7 -:

17> Revelation 7:17

 * in the # <REV5 -:6 > * feed # ps 22:26 23:1,2,5 28:9 36:8 ca

1:7,8 is 25:6 40:11 49:9 eze 34:23 # mi 5:4 7:14 mat 2:6 jno 10:

11,14 21:15-17 ac 20:28 1pe 5:2 * shall lead # <REV21 -:6 > ps

36:9 is 12:3 30:25 35:6,7 je 2:13 31:9 jno 4:11,14 # jno 7:37,38

* God # <REV4 -:11> 21:4 is 25:8 30:19 35:10 60:20 @<Rev8 -:1 >

Revelation 8:1

 1 At the opening of the seventh seal 2-5 Seven angels have

seven trumpets given them 6-8 Four of them sound their trumpets

and great plagues follow 9-13 Another angel puts incense to the

prayers of the saints on the golden altar

 * And # <REV5 -:1>, 9 6:1,3,5,7,9,12 * silence # job 4:16 ps 37:

7 62:1 hab 2:20 zec 2:13 @<Rev8 -:2 > Revelation 8:2

 * seven angels # <REV15 -:1 > 16:1 mat 18:10 lu 1:19 * trumpets

# <REV8 -:6-> 12 REV 9:1,13,14 11:15 nu 10:1-10 2ch 29:25-28 am

3:6-8 @<Rev8 -:3 > Revelation 8:3

 * another # <REV7 -:2 > 10:1 ge 48:15,16 ex 3:2-18 ac 7:30-32 *

stood # <REV9 -:13> ex 30:1-8 2ch 26:16-20 ro 8:34 he 7:25 *

having # le 16:12 1ki 7:50 he 9:4 * much # le 16:13 nu 16:46,47

mal 1:11 * offer with the prayers or add it to the prayers #

<REV8 -:4 > REV 5:8 ps 141:2 lu 1:10 he 4:15,16 10:19-22 1jno 2:

1,2 * the golden # <REV6 -:9 > 9:13 ex 37:25,26 40:26 @<Rev8 -:4

> Revelation 8:4

 # <REV8 -:3 > 15:8 ex 30:1 ps 141:2 lu 1:10 @<Rev8 -:5 >

Revelation 8:5

 * and filled # <REV16 -:1 > is 66:6,14-16 je 51:11 eze 10:2-7

lu 12:49 * into (or upon) * and there # <REV4 -:5 > 11:19 16:18

2sa 22:7-9 ps 18:13 is 30:30 he 12:18,19 * an # <REV11 -:13> ,19

1ki 19:11 is 29:6 zec 14:5 mat 24:7 27:52-54 ac 4:31 # ac 16:26

@<Rev8 -:6 > Revelation 8:6

 # <REV8 -:2 > @<Rev8 -:7 > Revelation 8:7

 * hail # <REV16 -:21> ex 9:23-25,33 jos 10:11 ps 11:5,6 18:12,

13 78:47,48 # ps 105:32 is 28:2 29:6 30:30 32:19 eze 13:10-15 38:

22 # mat 7:25-27 * cast # <REV16 -:2 > * the third # <REV8 -:9>,

10,12 REV 6:8 9:4 is 2:12,13 10:17,18 ja 1:11 1pe 1:24 @<Rev8 -:

8 > Revelation 8:8

 * and as # je 51:25 mar 11:23 * burning # am 7:4 * the third #

<REV8 -:7 > 16:3 * ex 7:17-21 eze 14:9 @<Rev8 -:9 > Revelation 8:


 * the third part of the creatures # <REV8 -:7>, 10,12 16:3 ex 7:

21 zec 13:8 * the ships # ps 48:7 is 2:16 23:1 @<Rev8 -:10>

Revelation 8:10

 * a great # <REV1 -:20> 6:13 9:1 12:4 is 14:12 lu 10:18 jude 13

* the fountains # <REV16 -:4 > ex 7:20,21 ju 15:11 2ki 2:19-22

2ch 32:3 is 12:3 # ho 13:15,16 @<Rev8 -:11> Revelation 8:11

 * Wormwood # de 29:18 ru 1:20 pr 5:4 je 9:15 23:15 la 3:5,19 am

5:7 6:12 # he 12:15 * many # ex 15:23 @<Rev8 -:12> Revelation 8:


 * and the third part of the sun # <REV16 -:8>, 9 is 13:10 24:23

je 4:23 eze 32:7,8 joel 2:10,31 am 8:9 # mat 24:29 27:45 mar 13:

24 15:33 lu 21:25 23:44,45 ac 2:20 * and the day # ex 10:21-23

2co 4:4 2th 2:9-12 @<Rev8 -:13> Revelation 8:13

 * flying # <REV14 -:3>, 6 19:17 ps 103:20 he 1:14 * Woe # <REV9

-:1>, 12 11:14 eze 2:10 @<Rev9 -:1 > Revelation 9:1

 1 At the sounding of the fifth angel, a star falls from heaven,

to whom is given the key to the bottomless pit. 2-11 He opens

the pit, and there come forth beasts like scorpions 12 the first

Woe is past 13 The sixth trumpet sounds 14-21 Four angels are

let loose, that were bound

 * the fifth # <REV9 -:12> ,13 REV 8:6-8,10,12 11:14,15 * a star

# <REV1 -:20> 8:10 is 14:12 lu 10:18 2th 2:3-8 2ti 3:1-5 * to

him # <REV1 -:18> 20:1 * the bottomless # <REV9 -:2>, 11 17:8 20:

10 lu 8:31 ro 10:7 @<Rev9 -:2 > Revelation 9:2

 * there # <REV9 -:17> 14:11 ge 15:17 19:28 is 14:31 joel 2:30

ac 2:19 * and the sun # <REV8 -:12> ex 10:21-23 joel 2:2,10

@<Rev9 -:3 > Revelation 9:3

 * locusts # ex 10:4-15 ju 7:12 is 33:4 joel 1:4 2:25 na 3:15,17

* as # <REV9 -:5>, 10,11 de 8:15 1ki 12:11 eze 2:6 lu 10:19

@<Rev9 -:4 > Revelation 9:4

 * that they # <REV6 -:6 > 7:3 job 1:10,12 ps 76:10 mat 24:24

2ti 3:8,9 * hurt # <REV8 -:7 > * but (corrupt and idolatrous

Christians, against whom the Savacens chiefly prevailed) * which

# <REV7 -:3>, 4 14:1 ex 12:23 job 2:6 eze 9:4,6 ep 4:30 @<Rev9 -:

5 > Revelation 9:5

 * it was # <REV13 -:5>, 7 da 5:18-22 7:6 jno 19:11 * they

should not (That is, should not kill them as a political body,

state, or empire; and accordingly, however they desolated the

Greek and Latin churches, they could not extirpate then, nor

gain possession of the empire.) # <REV11 -:7 > job 2:6 * they

should be # <REV9 -:10> * five (Five prophetical months, each

consisting of 30 days, and each day denoting a year, amount to

150 years; and accordingly, from the time that Mohammed began to

propagate his imposture A.D. 612, the the building of Bagdad,

when they ceased from their ravages, A.D. 763, are just 150

years.) * and their # <REV9 -:6 > @<Rev9 -:6 > Revelation 9:6

 * shall men # <REV6 -:16> 2sa 1:9 job 3:20-22 7:15,16 is 2:19

je 8:3 ho 10:8 # jno 4:8,9 lu 23:30 @<Rev9 -:7 > Revelation 9:7

 * the shapes # joel 2:4,5 na 3:17 * their faces # da 7:4,8

@<Rev9 -:8 > Revelation 9:8

 * hair # 2ki 9:30 is 3:24 1co 11:14,15 1ti 2:9 1pe 3:3 * and

their # ps 57:4 joel 1:6 @<Rev9 -:9 > Revelation 9:9

 * they had # <REV9 -:17> job 40:18 41:23-30 joel 2:8 * and the

# Job 39:25 is 9:5 joel 2:5-7 na 2:4,5 @<Rev9 -:10> Revelation 9:


 * tails # <REV9 -:3>, 5 @<Rev9 -:11> Revelation 9:11

 * they had # <REV12 -:9 > jno 12:31 14:30 16:11 2co 4:4 ep 2:2

1jno 4:4 5:19 * the angel # <REV9 -:1 > * Abaddon, that is, a

destroyer # jno 8:44 @<Rev9 -:12> Revelation 9:12

 * woe # <REV9 -:1>, 2 * two # <REV9 -:13> -21 8:13 11:14 @<Rev9

-:13> Revelation 9:13

 * the sixth # <REV9 -:1 > * a voice # <REV8 -:3-> 5 he 9:24 10:

21 @<Rev9 -:14> Revelation 9:14

 * to the # <REV8 -:2>, 6 * loose # <REV9 -:15> 16:12 * the

great # ge 2:14 2sa 8:3 je 51:63 @<Rev9 -:15> Revelation 9:15

 * for, or at * an hour # <REV9 -:5>, 10 * for to # <REV9 -:18>

8:7,9,11,12 @<Rev9 -:16> Revelation 9:16

 * the number # Ps 68:17 da 7:10 * horsemen # eze 23:6 38:4 da

11:40 * I heard # <REV7 -:4 > @<Rev9 -:17> Revelation 9:17

 * having (This appears to point out the scarlet, blue and

yellow colors, for which the Turks have always been remarkable.

The 'four angels bound in the Euphrates' denote their four

sultanies bordering on that river, where they were continued

till after the period of the crusades. The time for which they

were prepared, 'an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year,'

computing a year for each day amounts to 391 years, 15 days; and

from their first conquest over the Christians, A.D. 1281, the

the taking of Cameniec from the Poles, A.D. 1672, which was the

last conquest by which their dominion was extended, is exactly

that period.) # <REV9 -:9 > * jacinth # <REV21 -:20> * brimstone

# <REV9 -:18> 14:10 19:20 21:8 ge 19:24 ps 11:6 is 30:33 eze 33:

22 * as the # 1ch 12:8 is 5:28,29 @<Rev9 -:18> Revelation 9:18

 * the third # <REV9 -:15> ,17 @<Rev9 -:19> Revelation 9:19

 * in their tails # <REV9 -:10> is 9:15 ep 4:14 @<Rev9 -:20>

Revelation 9:20

 * And the (That is, those of the Latin and Greek churches, who

escaped destruction, still persisted in their idolatrous worship

of demons, etc.) # <REV9 -:21> 2:21,22 16:8 de 31:29 2ch 28:22

je 5:3 8:4-6 mat 21:32 # 2co 12:21 * worship # le 17:7 de 32:17

2ki 22:17 2ch 34:25 ps 106:37 is 2:8 je 25:6 # je 44:8 ac 7:41

19:26 1co 10:20,21 1ti 4:1 * and idols # ps 115:4-8 135:15-18 is

40:19,20 41:7 42:17,18 44:9-20 46:5-7 # je 10:3-5,8,9,14,15 15:

19,20 51:17 da 5:23 hab 2:18-20 ac 17:29 # ro 1:21-23 @<Rev9 -:

21> Revelation 9:21

 * their murders # <REV11 -:7-> 9 13:7,15 16:6 18:24 da 7:21-25

11:33 * their sorceries # <REV13 -:13> 18:23 21:8 22:15 is 47:9,

12 57:3 mal 3:5 * nor of their fornication # rev 14:8 17:2,5 18:

3 19:2 mat 15:19 2co 12:21 @<Rev10 -:1 > Revelation 10:1

 1-5 A mighty strong angel appears with a book open in his hand

6-8 He swears by him that lives for ever, that there shall be no

more time 9-11 John is commanded to take and eat the book *

another # <REV10 -:5>, 6 5:2 7:1,2 8:2-5,13 9:13,14 14:14,15 *

clothed # <REV1 -:7 > ex 16:10 le 16:2 ps 97:2 104:3 is 19:1 la

3:44 da 7:13 # lu 21:27 * a rainbow # <REV4 -:3 > ge 9:11-17 is

54:9 eze 1:28 * his face # <REV1 -:16> da 10:6 mat 17:2 ac 26:13

* <REV1 -:15> ca 5:15 @<Rev10 -:2 > Revelation 10:2

 * a little # <REV10 -:10> 5:1-5 6:1,3 eze 2:9,10 * he set #

<REV10 -:5>, 8 ps 2:8 65:5 pr 8:15,16 is 59:19 mat 28:18 ep 1:20-

22 # phi 2:10,11 @<Rev10 -:3 > Revelation 10:3

 * loud # Pr 19:12 is 5:29 31:4 42:13 je 25:30 joel 3:16 am 1:2

3:8 * seven # <REV8 -:5 > 14:2 15:1,7 @<Rev10 -:4 > Revelation


 * I was # <REV1 -:11> 2:1-29 3:1-22 is 8:1 hab 2:2,3 * seal up

# de 29:29 is 8:16 29:11 da 8:26 12:4,9 @<Rev10 -:5 > Revelation

10:5 and 10:6

 * stand # <REV10 -:2 > * lifted # ge 14:22 22:15,16 ex 6:8 de

32:40 eze 20:5,15,23,28,42 36:7 # eze 47:14 da 12:7 he 6:13 * by

him # <REV1 -:18> 4:9 je 10:10 * who # <REV4 -:11> 14:7 ge 1:1-

31 2:1-25 ex 20:11 ne 9:6 ps 95:3-6 146:5 # je 10:11-13 ac 14:15

17:23 ro 1:20 * that there (that time should not be yet, that is,

 the time of these glorious things which 'the mystery of God

should be finished.) Another interpretation might be "without

further delay" # <REV16 -:17> da 12:7 @<Rev10 -:6 > Revelation


 * Please see the notes and references for Revelation 10:5

@<Rev10 -:7 > Revelation 10:7

 * in the # <REV11 -:15> -18 * the mystery # ro 11:25 16:25 ep 3:

3-9 * as he # lu 24:44-47 ac 3:21 @<Rev10 -:8 > Revelation 10:08

 * the voice # <REV10 -:4>, 5 is 30:21 @<Rev10 -:9 > Revelation


 * Take # Job 23:12 je 15:16 eze 2:8 3:1-3,14 col 3:6 @<Rev10 -:

10> Revelation 10:10

 * sweet # Ps 19:10 104:34 119:103 pr 16:24 eze 3:3 * my belly #

Eze 2:10 3:14 @<Rev10 -:11> Revelation 10:11

 * Thou # <REV11 -:9 > 14:6 17:15 je 1:9,10 25:15,30 @<Rev11 -:1

> Revelation 11:1

 1-5 The two witnesses prophesy 6 They have power to shut heaven,

 that it rain not 7 The beast shall fight against them, and kill

them 8-10 They lie unburied 11-13 and after three and a half

days rise again 14 The second woe is past 15-19 The seventh

trumpet sounds

 * a reed # <REV21 -:15> is 28:17 eze 40:3-5 42:15-20 zec 2:1,2

ga 6:14-16 * and the # <REV10 -:1-> 5 * rise # nu 33:18 eze 40:1-

49 41:1-26 42:1-20 43:1-27 44:1-31 45:1-25 # eze 46:1-24 eze 47:

1-23 48:1-35 # 1co 3:16,17 2co 6:16 ep 2:20-22 1pe 2:5,9 @<Rev11

-:2 > Revelation 11:2

 * the court # eze 40:17-20 42:20 * leave out (Gr. cast out) *

it is (See chapters 13-18) # ps 79:1 la 1:10 lu 21:24 2th 2:3-12

1ti 4:1-3 2ti 3:1-6 * and the # <REV21 -:2 > 22:19 is 48:2 52:1

mat 4:5 27:53 * tread # da 7:19 8:10,24,25 mat 5:13 he 10:29 *

forty # <REV11 -:3:> 11 REV 12:6 13:5 nu 14:34 da 7:25 12:7,11,

12 @<Rev11 -:3 > Revelation 11:3

 * I will give power, etc. (I will give unto my two witnesses,

that they may prophesy) # jno 3:27 1co 12:28 ep 4:11 * two # de

17:6 19:15 mat 18:16 2co 13:1 * witnesses # <REV20 -:4 > lu 24:

48 jno 15:27 ac 1:8 2:32 3:15 13:31 * they shall # <REV19 -:10>

* a thousand # <REV11 -:2 > 12:6 * clothed # ge 37:34 1ch 21:16

es 4:1,2 job 16:15 is 22:12 la 2:10 jno 3:5-8 @<Rev11 -:4 >

Revelation 11:4

 * two olive # ps 52:8 je 11:16 zec 4:2,3,11-14 ro 11:17 * two

candlesticks # <REV1 -:20> mat 5:14-16 lu 11:13 * standing # de

10:8 1ki 17:1 * the God # ex 8:22 is 54:5 mi 4:13 zec 4:14

@<Rev11 -:5 > Revelation 11:5

 * fire # nu 16:28-35 2ki 1:10-12 ps 18:8 is 11:4 je 1:10 5:14

eze 43:3 # ho 6:5 zec 1:6 2:8 ac 9:4,5 @<Rev11 -:6 > Revelation


 * power # 1ki 17:1 lu 4:25 ja 5:16-18 * have power over (Eze

chapters 7-12,14) # ps 105:26-36 @<Rev11 -:7 > Revelation 11:7

 * when # <REV11 -:3 > lu 13:32 jno 17:4 19:30 ac 20:24 2ti 4:7

* the beast # <REV13 -:1>, 7,11 17:6-8 19:9,20 da 7:21,22,25 8:

23,24 zec 14:2 # 2th 2:8,9 * out # <REV9 -:2 > @<Rev11 -:8 >

Revelation 11:8

 * their dead # <REV11 -:9 > ps 79:2,3 je 26:23 eze 37:11 * the

great # <REV11 -:13> 14:8 16:19 17:1,5 18:2,10,18,21 * Sodom #

ge 13:13 19:24 is 1:10 je 23:14 eze 16:53-55 am 4:11 mat 10:15 #

2pe 2:6 jude 7 * egypt # ex 1:13,14 3:7 20:2 ps 78:43-51 * our

Lord # <REV18 -:24> lu 13:33,34 ac 9:4 he 6:6 13:12 @<Rev11 -:9

> Revelation 11:9

 * the people # <REV10 -:11> 13:7 17:15 * three # rev 11:2,3,11

* and shall not # <REV5 -:8 > 19:17,18 ps 79:2,3 ec 6:3 is 33:1

je 7:33 mat 7:2 @<Rev11 -:10> Revelation 11:10

 * dwell # <REV12 -:13> 13:8,14 mat 10:22 * rejoice # ju 16:23,

24 ps 13:4 35:19,24-26 89:42 pr 24:17 je 50:11 ob 12 # mi 7:8

jno 16:20 * make # Ne 8:10-12 1co 13:6 es 9:19-22 * these #

<REV11 -:5>, 6 16:10 1ki 18:17 21:20 22:8,18 je 38:4 jno 7:7 ac

5:33 # ac 7:54-57 17:5,6 @<Rev11 -:11> Revelation 11:11

 * three # <REV11 -:9 > * the spirit # ge 2:7 eze 37:5-14 ro 8:2,

11 * great # <REV11 -:13> jos 2:9 je 33:9 ho 3:5 ac 5:5,11

@<Rev11 -:12> Revelation 11:12

 * Come # <REV4 -:1 > ps 15:1 24:3 is 40:31 * and they # <REV3 -:

21> 12:5 2ki 2:11 is 14:13 ac 1:9 ro 8:34-37 ep 2:5,6 * in # is

60:8 ac 1:9 1th 4:17 * and their # ex 14:25 2ki 2:1,5,7 ps 86:17

112:10 mal 3:18 lu 16:23 @<Rev11 -:13> Revelation 11:13

 * was there # <REV11 -:19> 6:12 8:5 16:18 * and the tenth #

<REV8 -:9-> 12 13:1-3 16:10,19 * men (Gr names of men) # <REV3 -:

4 > ge 6:4 ac 1:15 * and the remnant # <REV11 -:11> * gave #

<REV14 -:7 > 15:4 16:9 jos 7:19 1sa 6:5 is 26:15,16 je 13:16 mal

2:2 @<Rev11 -:14> Revelation 11:14

 # <REV8 -:13> 9:12 15:1 16:1 @<Rev11 -:15> Revelation 11:15

 * the seventh # <REV8 -:2-> 6,12 9:1,13 10:7 * and there #

<REV12 -:10> 16:17 19:6 is 27:13 44:23 lu 15:6,10 * The kingdoms

# <REV12 -:10> 15:4 17:14 20:4 ps 22:27,28 72:11 86:9 89:15-17 #

is 2:2,3 49:6,7,22,23 55:5 60:3-14 je 16:19 da 2:44,45 7:14,18,

22 # da 7:27 ho 2:23 am 9:11,12 mi 4:1,2 zep 3:9,10 zec 2:11 8:

20-23 # zec 14:9 mal 1:11 * and he # ex 15:18 ps 110:4 146:10 is

9:7 eze 37:25 da 2:44 7:14,18,27 # mi 4:7 mat 6:13 lu 1:33 he 1:

8 @<Rev11 -:16> Revelation 11:16

 # <REV4 -:4>, 10 5:5-8,14 7:11 19:4 @<Rev11 -:17> Revelation 11:


 * We give # <REV4 -:9 > da 2:23 6:10 mat 11:25 lu 10:21 jno 11:

41 2co 2:14 9:15 # 1ti 1:12 * Lord God Almighty # <REV1 -:8 > 4:

8 15:3 16:7,14 ge 17:1 * which # <REV1 -:4>, 8 16:5 * thou hast

# <REV11 -:15> 19:6,11-21 20:1-3 ps 21:13 57:11 64:9,10 98:1-3

102:13-8 # is 51:9-11 52:10 @<Rev11 -:18> Revelation 11:18

 * the nations # <REV11 -:2>, 9,10 17:12-15 19:19,20 ps 2:1-3 is

34:1-10 63:1-6 # eze 38:9-23 joel 3:9-14 mi 7:15-17 zec 14:2,3 *

and thy # <REV6 -:15> -17 14:10 15:1,7 16:1-21 19:15 * and the

time # <REV6 -:10> ,11 20:4,5,12,15 is 26:19-21 da 7:9,10 12:1,2

he 9:27 * and that # <REV22 -:12> mat 5:12 2th 1:5,7 he 11:25,26

* and them # <REV19 -:5 > ps 85:9 103:11 115:13,14 147:11 ec 8:

12 12:13 lu 1:50 * shouldest # <REV13 -:10> 18:6,16-24 19:19,21

da 7:26 8:25 11:44,45 * which destroy or which corrupt @<Rev11 -:

19> Revelation 11:19

 * the temple # <REV14 -:15> -17 15:5-8 19:11 is 6:1-4 * the ark

# ex 25:21,22 nu 4:5,15 10:33 2co 3:14-16 he 9:4-8 * and there

were # <REV11 -:13> ,15 REV 4:5 8:5 16:18 * and great # <REV8 -:

7 > 16:21 ex 9:18-29 jos 10:11 job 38:22,23 ps 18:12 105:32 # is

28:2 30:30 32:19 eze 13:11 38:22 @<Rev12 -:1 > Revelation 12:1

 1-3 A woman clothed with the sun travails 4,5 The great dragon

stands before her, ready to devour her child 6 When she is

delivered she flees into the wilderness 7-12 Michael and his

angels fight with the dragon and prevail 13-17 The dragon, being

cast down into the earth, persecutes the woman

 * there # <REV12 -:3 > REV 11:19 15:1 2ch 32:31 mar 13:25 ac 2:

19 * wonder (or sign) # mat 12:38 24:30 lu 21:11,25 * a woman #

is 49:14-23 54:5-7 60:1-4 ho 2:19,20 jno 3:29 2co 11:2 ep 5:25-

27 # ep 5:32 * clothed # <REV21 -:23> ps 84:11 is 60:19,20 61:10

mal 4:2 ro 3:22 13:14 ga 3:27 * and the # ga 6:14 tit 2:11,12 *

crown # <REV1 -:20> 21:14 is 62:3 zec 9:16 @<Rev12 -:2 >

Revelation 12:2

 * travailing # <REV12 -:4 > is 53:11 54:1 66:7,8 mi 5:3 jno 16:

21 ga 4:19,27 @<Rev12 -:3 > Revelation 12:3

 * wonder (or sign) # <REV12 -:1 > * a great # <REV12 -:4>, 9,17

13:2,4 16:13 17:3,4 20:2 is 27:1 51:9 * seven heads # <REV13 -:

1>, 3 17:9,10 * ten # <REV17 -:3>, 7,12,16 # is 9:15 da 2:42 7:7,

8,20,24 * seven crowns # <REV13 -:1 > @<Rev12 -:4 > Revelation


 * his tail # <REV9 -:10> ,19 da 8:9-12 * of the # <REV17 -:18>

* the dragon # <REV12 -:2 > ex 1:16 mat 2:3-16 jno 8:44 1pe 5:8

@<Rev12 -:5 > Revelation 12:5

 * she # <REV12 -:2 > is 7:14 je 31:22 mi 5:3 mat 1:25 * rule #

<REV2 -:26> ,27 19:15 ps 2:9,10 * caught # <REV11 -:12> mar 16:

19 @<Rev12 -:6 > Revelation 12:6

 * the woman # <REV12 -:4>, 14 * that # 1ki 17:3-6,9-16 19:4-8

mat 4:11 * a thousand # <REV11 -:2>, 3 @<Rev12 -:7 > Revelation


 * war # <REV13 -:7 > 19:11-20 is 34:5 ep 6:12 * Michael # is 55:

4 da 10:13,21 12:1 he 2:10 jude 9 * and his # Mat 13:41 16:27 24:

31 26:53 2th 1:7 * the dragon # <REV12 -:3 > 20:2 * his angels #

<REV12 -:9 > ps 78:49 mat 25:41 2co 12:7 2pe 2:4 @<Rev12 -:8 >

Revelation 12:8

 * prevailed not # <REV12 -:11> ps 13:4 118:10-13 129:2 je 1:19

5:22 mat 16:18 ro 8:31-30 * their # job 7:10 8:18 20:9 27:21-23

ps 37:10 ac 1:25 jude 6 @<Rev12 -:9 > Revelation 12:9

 * the great # <REV12 -:3>, 7 lu 10:18 jno 12:31 * that # <REV12

-:14> ,15 20:2 ge 3:1,4,13 is 27:1 65:25 * the Devil # <REV9 -:

20> 16:14 18:2 mat 4:1,5,8 13:39 lu 8:12 jno 8:44 1ti 3:6,7 # he

2:14 1jno 3:8-10 jude 9 * and Satan # <REV2 -:9>, 13,24 3:9 1ch

21:1 job 1:6-12 2:1 ps 109:6 zec 3:1,2 # mat 4:10 lu 13:16 22:3,

31 ac 5:3 26:18 ro 16:20 2co 2:11 11:14 # 2co 12:7 2th 2:9 *

deceiveth # <REV13 -:14> 18:23 19:20 20:3,8,10 mat 24:24 ro 16:

18 2co 11:3 ep 4:14 # 2th 2:3,9-11 1ti 2:14 2ti 3:13 1jno 5:19 *

he was # <REV9 -:1 > eze 28:16 lu 10:18 jno 12:31 * into # job 1:

7 2:2 is 14:12 65:25 jno 14:30 16:11 2co 4:4 1pe 5:8 @<Rev12 -:

10> Revelation 12:10

 * I heard # <REV11 -:15> 19:1-7 * the kingdom # 1ch 29:11 ps 22:

28 45:6 145:11-13 da 2:44 mat 6:10 lu 11:2 * the power # <REV2 -:

26> ps 2:8-12 110:5,6 mat 26:64 28:18 1co 5:4 2co 12:9 * the

accuser # job 1:9 2:5 zec 3:1,2 lu 22:31 tit 2:3 @<Rev12 -:11>

Revelation 12:11

 * they overcame # <REV2 -:7>, 11,17,26 3:5,12,21 jno 16:33 ro 8:

33-39 16:20 1co 15:57 # 2co 10:3-5 ep 6:13-18 2ti 4:7,8 he 2:14,

15 1jno 2:13,14 4:4 5:5 * the blood # <REV7 -:10> -14 14:1-4 15:

3 * the word # <REV12 -:17> 1:2,9 6:9 11:7 19-10 * they loved

not # <REV2 -:10> ,13 20:4 lu 14:26 ac 20:24 21:13 he 11:35-38

@<Rev12 -:12> Revelation 12:12

 * rejoice # <REV18 -:20> 19:1-7 ps 96:11-13 148:1-4 is 49:13 55:

12,13 lu 2:14 # lu 15:10 * Woe # <REV8 -:13> 9:12 11:10,14 *

because # <REV10 -:6 > he 10:37 2pe 3:8 @<Rev12 -:13> Revelation


 # <REV12 -:4>, 5 ge 3:15 ps 37:12-14 jno 16:33 @<Rev12 -:14>

Revelation 12:14

 * to the # Ex 19:4 de 32:11,12 ps 55:6 is 40:31 * she might #

<REV12 -:6 > 17:3 * for a time # <REV11 -:2>, 3 da 7:25 12:7

@<Rev12 -:15> Revelation 12:15

 * cast # <REV17 -:15> ps 18:4 65:7 93:3,4 is 8:7 28:2 59:19

@<Rev12 -:16> Revelation 12:16

 # Ex 12:35,36 1ki 17:6 2ki 8:9 @<Rev12 -:17> Revelation 2:17

 * the dragon # <REV12 -:12> jno 8:44 1pe 5:8 * to make # <REV11

-:7 > 13:7 17:6,14 18:20 19:19 20:8,9 ge 3:15 da 7:23-26 11:36 *

which # <REV14 -:12> 22:14 mat 28:20 1jno 5:2 * and have #

<REV12 -:11> 1:2,9 6:9 20:4 1co 2:1 1jno 5:10 @<Rev13 -:1 >

Revelation 13:1

 1-10 A beast rises out of the sea with seven heads and ten

horns to whom the dragon gives his power 11-13 Another beast

comes out of the earth 14 causes an image to be made of the

former beast 15 and that men should worship it 16-18 and receive

his mark

 * upon # je 5:22 * and saw # <REV11 -:7 > 17:8 da 7:2,3 *

having # <REV12 -:3 > 17:3,7-12,16 da 7:7,8,19,20,23,24 * ten

crowns # <REV12 -:3 > * name (or names) blasphemy # <REV13 -:5>,

6 17:3,5 da 7:25 11:36 2th 2:3,4 @<Rev13 -:2 > Revelation 13:2

 * was like # Je 5:6 13:23 da 7:6,7 ho 13:7 hab 1:8 * and his

feet # 1sa 17:34-37 2ki 2:24 pr 17:12 28:15 da 7:4,5 ho 13:8 am

5:19 * and his mouth # ps 22:21 is 5:29 ho 11:10 am 3:12 2ti 4:

17 1pe 5:8 * dragon # <REV12 -:3>, 4,9,13,15 * gave # <REV16 -:

10> 17:12 19:20 20:2 @<Rev13 -:3 > Revelation 13:3

 * one # <REV13 -:1>, 2,14 17:10 * wounded (gr.) slain * and his

# eze 30:24 * all # <REV17 -:6>, 8,13,17 lu 2:1 jno 12:19 ac 8:

10,11,13 2th 2:9-12 @<Rev13 -:4 > Revelation 13:4

 * And they # <REV13 -:2 > 9:20 ps 106:37,38 1co 10:20-22 2co 4:

4 * and they # <REV13 -:12> ,13,15 da 11:36,37 2th 2:4 * Who is

like # <REV18 -:18> * who is able # <REV17 -:14> de 9:2 1sa 17:

24 @<Rev13 -:5 > Revelation 13:5

 * a mouth # da 7:8,11,25 11:36 * and power # <REV11 -:2>, 3 12:

6,14 * to continue (or to make war) # <REV13 -:7 > 11:7 @<Rev13 -

:6 > Revelation 13:6

 * he opened # job 3:1 mat 12:34 15:19 ro 3:13 * and his #

<REV21 -:3 > jno 1:14 col 1:19 2:9 he 9:2,11,12,24 * and them #

<REV4 -:1-> 4 5:13 7:9 11:12 12:12 18:20 19:1-6 he 12:22,23

@<Rev13 -:7 > Revelation 13:7

 * to make # <REV11 -:7 > 12:17 da 7:21,25 8:24,25 11:36-39 12:1

* and power # <REV10 -:11> 11:18 17:15 ex 9:16 is 10:15 37:26 je

25:9 27:6,7 # je 51:20-24 da 5:18-23 lu 4:6 jno 19:11 @<Rev13 -:

8 > Revelation 13:8

 * all # <REV13 -:3>, 4,14,15 * whose # <REV3 -:5>, 20 12:15 21:

27 ex 32:32 is 4:3 da 12:1 lu 10:20 phi 4:3 * Lamb # <REV5 -:6->

9,12 jno 1:29 * from # <REV17 -:8 > ep 1:4 tit 1:2 1pe 1:19,20

@<Rev13 -:9 > Revelation 13:9

 # <REV2 -:7>, 11,17,29 @<Rev13 -:10> Revelation 13:10

 * that leadeth # Ex 21:23-25 is 14:2 33:1 mat 7:2 * he that

killeth # <REV16 -:6 > ge 9:5,6 is 26:21 mat 26:52 * here #

<REV1 -:9 > 2:2,19 3:3,10 14:12 la 3:26 hab 2:3 lu 18:1-8 21:19

# col 1:11 he 6:12 10:36,37 12:3,4 ja 1:2-4 5:7,8 @<Rev13 -:11>

Revelation 13:11

 * coming # <REV13 -:1 > 11:7 17:8 * and he had # mat 7:15 ro 16:

18 2co 11:13-15 * and he spake # <REV13 -:17> 12:3,4,17 17:6 da

7:8,24,25 2th 2:4 @<Rev13 -:12> Revelation 13:12

 * causeth # <REV13 -:3>, 14-17 17:10,11 2th 2:4 @<Rev13 -:13>

Revelation 13:13

 * he doeth # <REV16 -:14> 19:20 ex 7:11,12,22 8:7,18,19 9:11 de

13:1-3 mat 24:24 # mar 13:22 ac 8:9-11 2th 2:9,10 * he maketh #

<REV11 -:5 > nu 16:35 1ki 18:38 2ki 1:10-14 mat 16:1 lu 9:54-56

# 2ti 3:8 @<Rev13 -:14> Revelation 13:14

 * deceiveth # <REV12 -:9 > 18:23 19:20 20:3,10 2ki 22:20 job 12:

16 is 44:20 eze 14:9 # 2th 2:9-12 * dwell # <REV13 -:3>, 8 *

they # <REV13 -:3>, 4,11,12,15 14:9,11 15:2 16:2 19:20 20:4 2ki

20:7 # eze 8:10 16:17 da 11:36 2th 2:4 @<Rev13 -:15> Revelation


 * life (Gr. breath) # Ge 2:7 ps 135:17 je 10:14 51:17 hab 2:19

ja 2:26 * speak # ps 115:5 135:16 je 10:5 * cause # <REV13 -:14>

16:2,5 17:6,14,17 18:20,24 19:20 20:4 da 7:20,25 * @<Rev13 -:16>

Revelation 13:16

 * both # <REV11 -:18> 19:5,18 20:12 2ch 15:13 ps 115:13 ac 26:

22 * rich # job 34:19 ps 49:2 * free # <REV6 -:15> 19:18 1co 12:

13 ga 3:28 ep 6:8 col 3:11 * receive (Gr. give them) * a mark #

<REV14 -:9-> 11 15:2 19:20 20:4 zec 13:6 * or # <REV7 -:3 > ex

13:9 de 6:8 11:18 eze 9:4 2ti 3:8 @<Rev13 -:17> Revelation 13:17

 * mark # <REV13 -:16> * name # <REV3 -:12> 14:11 17:5 22:4 *

the number # <REV13 -:18> 15:2 @<Rev13 -:18> Revelation 13:18

 * Here # <REV1 -:3 > 17:9 ps 107:43 da 12:10 ho 14:9 mar 13:14

* count # <REV15 -:2 > * the number # <REV21 -:17> de 3:11 ro 3:

5 @<Rev14 -:1 > Revelation 14:1

 1-5 The Lamb standing on mount Sion with his company 6-7 An

angel preaches the gospel 8-14 The fall of Babylon 15-19 the

harvest of the world 20 The winepress of the wrath of God

 * I looked # <REV14 -:14> 4:1 6:8 15:5 je 1:11 eze 1:4 2:9 8:7

10:1,9 44:4 am 8:2 # zec 4:2 * a lamb # <REV5 -:5-> 9,12,13 7:9-

17 * mount # ps 2:6 132:13,14 is 49:14 joel 2:32 mi 4:7 ro 9:33

he 12:22-24 * an # <REV7 -:4-> 8 * having # <REV3 -:12> 7:3 13:

16,17 lu 12:8 @<Rev14 -:2 > Revelation 14:2

 * a voice # <REV10 -:4 > 11:12,15 19:1-7 * of many # <REV1 -:

15> 19:6 ps 93:4 is 17:13 eze 43:2 * of a # <REV1 -:10> 8:7-13 9:

1 10:3,4 11:15 ex 19:16 20:18 zec 9:14 * harpers # <REV5 -:8 >

15:2 18:22 2sa 6:5 1ch 25:1-7 ps 33:2 43:4 57:8 92:3 # ps 98:5

147:7 149:3 150:3-6 @<Rev14 -:3 > Revelation 14:3

 * a # <REV5 -:9 > 15:3 ps 33:3 40:3 96:1 98:1 144:9 149:1 is 42:

10 * throne # <REV4 -:2-> 11 * no # <REV14 -:1 > 2:17 ps 25:14

mat 11:25-27 1co 1:18 2:14 * redeemed # <REV5 -:9 > @<Rev14 -:4

> Revelation 14:4

 * for # ps 45:14 ca 1:3 6:8 mat 25:1 1co 7:25,26,28 2co 11:2

1ti 4:3 * which follow # <REV3 -:4 > 7:15-17 17:14 mat 8:19 lu 9:

57-62 jno 8:12 10:27 12:26 # jno 13:37 * These were # <REV5 -:9

> * redeemed (Gr. bought) # ps 74:2 ac 20:28 1co 6:20 ep 1:14

1pe 2:9 * the first fruits # je 2:3 am 6:1 1co 16:15 ja 1:18

@<Rev14 -:5 > Revelation 14:5

 * in # ps 32:2 34:13 55:11 pr 8:8 is 53:9 zep 3:13 mat 12:34

jno 1:47 # 1pe 3:10 * without # Ca 4:7 da 6:4 ho 10:2 lu 23:4 ep

5:27 col 1:22 jude 24 @<Rev14 -:6 > Revelation 14:6

 * another # <REV8 -:13> is 6:2,6,7 eze 1:14 da 9:21 * in # ge 1:

6 * everlasting # 2sa 23:5 ps 119:142 139:24 145:13 is 40:8 45:

17 51:6,8 # ep 3:9-11 2th 2:16 tit 1:1-3 he 13:20 * preach # mat

10:27 mar 16:15 ro 16:25 col 1:23 * every # <REV10 -:11> 13:7 da

4:1 6:25,26 ep 3:9 @<Rev14 -:7 > Revelation 14:7

 * with # is 40:3,6,9 44:23 55:7,8 58:1 ho 8:1 * Fear # <REV11 -:

18> 15:4 19:5 ge 22:12 ps 36:1 89:7 ec 12:13,14 * give # <REV4 -:

9 > 16:9 jos 7:19 1sa 6:5 is 42:12 mal 2:2 lu 17:18 * hour #

<REV11 -:18> 15:4 18:10,17,19 eze 7:2,6 da 8:19 mat 25:13 jno 5:

25-29 # 1pe 4:7 * worship # <REV4 -:11> ex 20:11 ne 9:6 ps 33:6

95:5 124:8 146:5,6 pr 8:22-31 # je 10:10 ac 14:15 17:23-25

@<Rev14 -:8 > Revelation 14:8

 * Babylon # <REV16 -:19> 17:5,18 18:2,3,10,11,18-21 is 21:9 je

51:7,8,64 * because # <REV11 -:8 > 17:2-5 18:3,10,18,21 19:2 je

51:7 eze 16:15 na 3:19 * wrath # <REV13 -:15> -17 17:6 @<Rev14 -:

9 > Revelation 14:9

 * the third # <REV14 -:6-> 8 je 44:4 * If # <REV14 -:11> REV 13:

3-6,11-17 @<Rev14 -:10> Revelation 14:10

 * drink # <REV16 -:19> 18:3 job 21:20 ps 11:6 60:3 75:8 is 29:9

51:17,21,22 # je 25:15-17,27 51:57 * into # <REV18 -:6 > ps 73:

10 is 51:17 je 49:12 la 4:21 hab 2:16 mat 20:22 # mat 26:39 * be

# <REV9 -:17> ,18 19:20 20:10 21:8 ge 19:24 de 29:23 job 18:15

ps 11:6 # is 30:33 34:9 mat 25:41 jude 7 * in the # ps 37:34 52:

6 91:8 eze 20:48 mat 13:41,42,49,50 2th 1:8,9 @<Rev14 -:11>

Revelation 14:11

 * smoke # <REV18 -:18> 19:3 ge 19:28 is 33:14 34:10 joel 2:30

lu 16:23 * for # <REV4 -:9>, 10 5:13,14 7:12 11:15 20:10 22:5 ex

15:18 ps 10:16 145:1 # mat 25:41,46 he 1:8 * no # de 28:65 is 57:

20 mat 11:28 mar 9:43-49 lu 16:24 @<Rev14 -:12> Revelation 14:12

 * is # <REV13 -:10> * here are # <REV12 -:7 > * the faith #

<REV3 -:8>, 10 2ti 4:7 @<Rev14 -:13> Revelation 14:13

 * a voice # <REV11 -:15> ,19 16:17 mat 3:17 * Write # <REV1 -:

11> 2:1 10:4 19:9 21:5 * blessed # <REV20 -:6 > ec 4:1,2 is 57:1,

2 2co 5:8 phi 1:21-23 * die # ro 14:8 1co 15:18 1th 4:14,16 5:10

* from henceforth: Yea saith the Spirit or (from henceforth

saith * the Spirit, Yea) * rest # <REV6 -:11> 7:14-17 job 3:17-

19 is 35:10 57:2 lu 16:25 2th 1:6,7 # he 4:9-11 * and their # ps

19:11 85:13 mat 25:35-40 lu 16:9 1co 15:58 ga 6:7,8 phi 2:17 #

2ti 4:7,8 he 6:10,11 @<Rev14 -:14> Revelation 14:14

 * behold # <REV14 -:15> ,16 1:7 10:1 20:11 ps 97:2 is 19:1 mat

17:5 lu 21:27 * like # <REV1 -:13> eze 1:26 da 7:13 * a golden #

<REV6 -:2 > 11:17 19:12 ps 21:3 he 2:9 * a sharp # <REV14 -:15> -

17 joel 3:12,13 mat 13:30 mar 4:29 @<Rev14 -:15> Revelation 14:15

 * came # <REV16 -:17> * crying # <REV6 -:10> is 62:1,6,7 *

thrust # <REV14 -:14> * harvest # <REV13 -:12> je 51:33 joel 3:

13 mat 13:30,39 * ripe (or dried) # <REV14 -:18> ge 15:6 zec 5:6-

11 mat 23:32 1th 2:16 @<Rev14 -:16> Revelation 14:16

 * he # <REV14 -:14> mat 16:27 jno 5:22,23 * thrust # <REV14 -:

19> 16:1 @<Rev14 -:17> Revelation 14:17

 * came # <REV14 -:14> ,15,18 15:5,6 16:1 @<Rev14 -:18>

Revelation 14:18

 * came # <REV6 -:9>, 10 * which # <REV16 -:8 > * and cried #

<REV14 -:15> ,16 * thrust # joel 3:13 @<Rev14 -:19> Revelation


 * and cast # <REV19 -:15> -21 de 32:32,33 @<Rev14 -:20>

Revelation 14:20

 * the winepress # is 63:1-3 La 1:15 * without # <REV11 -:8 > he

13:11,12 * and blood # <REV19 -:14> -21 is 34:5-7 66:24 eze 39:

17-21 @<Rev15 -:1 > Revelation 15:1

 1,2 The seven angels with the seven last plagues 3-6 The song

of them that overcame the beast 7,8 The seven vials full of the

wrath of God

 * I saw # <REV12 -:1-> 3 da 4:2,3 6:27 * seven angels # <REV15 -

:6 > 8:2,6 10:3 16:1-17 21:9 mat 13:41,42,49,50 * last # <REV8 -:

13> 11:14 16:17-21 17:1 * is filled # <REV15 -:7 > 14:10,19 16:

19 19:15 da 12:6,7,11,12 @<Rev15 -:2 > Revelation 15:2

 * a sea # <REV4 -:6 > 21:18 * mingled # is 4:4,5 mat 3:11 1pe 1:

7 4:12 * that had # <REV11 -:11> ,12 12:11 13:14-18 14:1-5 *

stand (the reference given Eze 14:30,31 does not exist, maybe

EX?) # ex 14:30,31 * having # <REV5 -:8 > 14:2 19:1-7 @<Rev15 -:

3 > Revelation 15:3

 * sing the song # ex 15:1-18 de 31:30 32:1-43 * the servant #

de 34:5 1ch 6:49 2ch 24:6 ne 9:14 da 6:20 9:11 jno 1:17 he 3:5 *

and the song # <REV5 -:9-> 13 7:10,11 14:3,8 * Great # Ex 15:11

job 5:9 de 32:4 ps 78:12 105:5 111:2 118:22,23 139:14 # ps 145:6

da 4:2,3 * Lord God Almighty # <REV4 -:8 > 11:17 ge 17:1 * just

# <REV16 -:5-> 7 19:2 de 32:4 ps 85:10,11 99:4 100:5 145:17 is

45:21 # ho 14:9 mi 7:20 zep 3:5 * thou # is 9:6,7 32:1,2 33:22

zec 9:9 * saints (or nations or ages) # <REV17 -:14> 19:16

@<Rev15 -:4 > Revelation 15:4

 * Who # ex 15:14-16 ps 89:7 is 60:5 je 5:22 10:7 ho 3:5 lu 12:4,

5 * and glorify # ps 22:23 86:9 is 24:15 25:3 ro 15:9 2th 1:10-

12 * thou only # <REV3 -:7 > 4:8 6:10 1sa 2:2 ps 22:3 99:5,9 111:

9 is 6:3 57:15 hab 1:12 # 1pe 1:16 * for all # <REV11 -:15> ps

22:27 86:9 117:1,2 is 45:23 66:18-20,22 je 16:19 # zec 2:11 8:20-

23 14:16 mal 1:11 * for thy # <REV16 -:7 > 19:2 ps 97:8 105:7 is

26:9 @<Rev15 -:5 > Revelation 15:5

 # <REV11 -:19> ex 25:21 nu 1:50,53 mat 27:51 @<Rev15 -:6 >

Revelation 15:6

 * the seven angels # <REV15 -:1 > * clothed # <REV1 -:13> ex 28:

5-8 eze 44:17,18 lu 24:4 @<Rev15 -:7 > Revelation 15:7

 * one # <REV4 -:6-> 9 * seven # <REV5 -:8 > 16:2 17:1 21:9 ps

75:8 je 25:15 * who # <REV4 -:9 > 10:6 1th 1:9 @<Rev15 -:8 >

Revelation 15:8

 * was # ex 40:34 1ki 8:10 2ch 5:14 ps 18:8-14 is 6:4 * from the

# ps 29:9 2th 1:9 * no # je 15:1 la 3:44 ro 11:33 * till #

<REV15 -:1 > @<Rev16 -:1 > Revelation 16:1

 1-5 The angels pour out their vials of wrath 6-14 The plagues

that follow 15-21 Christ comes as a thief. Blessed are they that


 * I heard # <REV14 -:15> ,18 15:5-8 * the seven # <REV15 -:1>,

6 * and pour # <REV16 -:2-> 12,17 14:9-11 15:7 1sa 15:3,18 eze 9:

5-8 10:2 mat 13:41,42 @<Rev16 -:2 > Revelation 16:2

 * upon the earth # <REV8 -:7 > 14:16 * a noisome (References

2ch 21: 15:18 aren't logical, not used) # ex 9:8-11 de 7:15 28:

27 1sa 5:6,9 job 2:7,8 ps 78:26 is 1:5,6 # is 3:17,24 lu 16:20-

22 ac 12:23 * had # <REV13 -:15> -18 @<Rev16 -:3 > Revelation 16:


 * upon # <REV8 -:8 > 10:2 13:1 * it became # <REV11 -:6 > ex 7:

17-21 ps 78:44 105:29 eze 16:38 * and every # <REV8 -:9 > ge 7:

22 @<Rev16 -:4 > Revelation 16:4

 * upon # <REV8 -:10> ,11 * and they # <REV16 -:5 > 14:7 ex 7:20

8:5 is 50:2 eze 35:8 ho 13:15 @<Rev16 -:5 > Revelation 16:5

 * the angel # <REV16 -:4 > * Thou art # <REV16 -:7 > 15:3 19:2

ge 18:25 ps 129:4 145:17 la 1:18 da 9:14 # ro 2:5 3:5 2th 1:5,6

* which art # <REV1 -:4>, 8 4:8 11:17 @<Rev16 -:6 > Revelation


 * they have # <REV6 -:10> ,11 13:10,15 17:6,7 18:24 19:2 de 32:

42,43 2ki 24:4 # is 49:26 51:22,23 je 2:30 la 4:13 mat 7:2 21:35-

41 23:30-37 * for they are # <REV11 -:18> 18:20 je 26:11,16 lu

12:48 he 10:29 @<Rev16 -:7 > Revelation 16:7

 * out # <REV6 -:9 > 8:3-5 14:18 is 6:6 eze 10:2,7 * even #

<REV15 -:3>, 4 * true # <REV13 -:10> 14:10 19:2 @<Rev16 -:8 >

Revelation 16:8

 * upon # <REV6 -:12> 8:12 9:2 is 24:23 lu 21:25 ac 2:20 * and

power # <REV7 -:16> 9:17,18 14:18 jon 4:8 mat 13:6 @<Rev16 -:9 >

Revelation 16:9

 * scorched (or burned) * blasphemed # rev 16:10,11,21 2ki 6:33

2ch 28:22 is 1:5 8:21 je 5:3 6:29,30 # eze 24:13 * and they #

<REV16 -:11> 2:21 9:20 da 5:22,23 lu 13:3,5 2co 12:21 * to give

# <REV11 -:13> 14:7 jos 7:19 je 13:6 am 4:6-12 @<Rev16 -:10>

Revelation 16:10

 * upon # <REV11 -:2>, 8 13:2-4 17:9,17 18:2,21,23 * full #

<REV9 -:2 > 18:11-19 ex 10:21-23 ps 78:49 is 8:21,22 mat 8:12 22:

13 # 1pe 2:17 * they # <REV11 -:10> mat 13:42,50 24:51 lu 13:28

@<Rev16 -:11> Revelation 16:11

 * blasphemed # <REV16 -:9>, 21 * the God # 2ch 36:23 ezr 1:2 5:

11,12 6:10 7:12,21,23 ne 1:4 2:4 ps 136:26 # da 2:18,19,44 jon 1:

9 * because # <REV16 -:2>, 9 * and repented not # <REV16 -:9 >

2ti 3:13 @<Rev16 -:12> Revelation 16:12

 * upon # <REV9 -:14> 11:14 is 8:7 * and the water # <REV17 -:

15> is 11:15 42:15 44:27 je 50:38-40 51:36 * that the # is 41:2,

3,25 eze 38:1-23 39:1-29 da 11:43-45 @<Rev16 -:13> Revelation 16:


 * three # <REV16 -:14> 2th 2:9-11 1ti 4:1-3 2ti 3:1-6 2pe 2:1-3

1jno 4:1-3 * like # ex 8:2-7 ps 78:45 105:30 * come out of #

<REV12 -:3>, 4,9-13 13:1-7,11-18 * the false # <REV19 -:20> 20:

10 @<Rev16 -:14> Revelation 16:14

 * the spirits # <REV12 -:9 > 1ki 22:19-23 2ch 18:18-22 eze 14:9

jno 8:44 2co 11:13-15 # 1ti 4:1 ja 3:15 * working # <REV13 -:13>

,14 19:20 de 13:1,2 mat 24:24 mar 13:22 2th 2:9 * which # 1ki 22:

6,10,11,19-22 ac 13:8-10 * the whole # <REV3 -:10> 12:9 13:3 lu

2:1 ro 1:8 1jno 5:19 * to gather # <REV16 -:16> 17:14 19:19 20:8

is 34:1-8 63:1-6 eze 38:8-12 # joel 3:11-14 * God Almighty #

<REV16 -:7 > @<Rev16 -:15> Revelation 16:15

 * I come # <REV3 -:3 > mat 24:43 1th 5:2,3 2pe 3:10 * Blessed #

mat 24:42 25:13 26:41 mar 13:33,37 14:38 lu 12:37-43 21:36 # ac

20:31 1th 5:6 1pe 4:7 * lest # <REV3 -:4>, 18 ex 32:25 is 47:3

eze 16:37 ho 2:3 hab 2:15 2co 5:3 @<Rev16 -:16> Revelation 16:16

 * he # <REV17 -:14> 19:17-21 ju 4:7 joel 3:9-14 zec 14:2,3 *

the Hebrew # <REV9 -:11> jno 5:2 19:13,17 ac 26:14 * Armageddon

# ju 5:19 2ki 23:29,30 zec 12:11 @<Rev16 -:17> Revelation 16:17

 * into # <REV20 -:1-> 3 ep 2:2 6:12 * there # <REV16 -:1 > 11:

19 14:17 15:5,6 * It is # <REV10 -:6>, 7 21:6 da 12:7-13 jno 19:

30 @<Rev16 -:18> Revelation 16:18

 * were # <REV4 -:5 > 8:5 11:19 * a # <REV11 -:13> da 12:1

@<Rev16 -:19> Revelation 16:19

 * the great # <REV14 -:8 > 17:18 18:2,10,16-19,21 * great #

<REV17 -:5 > da 4:30 * in # <REV14 -:8-> 10 18:5 is 49:26 51:17-

23 je 25:15,16,26 @<Rev16 -:20> Revelation 16:20

 # <REV6 -:14> 20:11 is 2:14-17 je 4:23-25 @<Rev16 -:21>

Revelation 16:21

 * there fell # <REV8 -:7 > 11:19 ex 9:23-26 jos 10:11 is 30:30

eze 13:11,13 38:21,22 * blasphemed # <REV16 -:9>, 11 is 8:21

@<Rev17 -:1 > Revelation 17:1

 1-4 A woman arrayed in purple and scarlet, with a golden cup in

her hand sits upon the beast 5-8 which is great Babylon, the

mother of all abominations 9-11 The interpretation of the seven

heads 12,13 and the ten horns 14,15 The victory of the Lamb 16-

18 punishment of the whore

 * one # <REV15 -:1>, 6 17:1-17 21:9 * talked # <REV4 -:1 > 21:

15 lu 9:30 24:32 * I will # <REV16 -:19> 18:16-19 * the great #

<REV17 -:4>, 5,15,16 19:2 is 57:3 na 3:4,5 * that sitteth #

<REV17 -:15> je 51:13 @<Rev17 -:2 > Revelation 17:2

 # <REV17 -:13> ,17 14:8 18:3,9,23 je 51:7 @<Rev17 -:3 >

Revelation 17:3

 * he carried # <REV1 -:10> 4:2 21:10 1ki 18:12 2ki 2:16 eze 3:

12 8:3 11:24 ac 8:39 * into # <REV12 -:6>, 14 ca 8:5 * a woman #

<REV17 -:4>, 6,18 12:3 * full # <REV13 -:1-> 6 da 7:8,20,25 11:

36 2th 2:4 * having # <REV17 -:9-> 12 12:3 13:1 @<Rev17 -:4 >

Revelation 17:4

 * arrayed # <REV18 -:7>, 12,16 * decked (Gr. gilded) # da 11:38

* golden # <REV14 -:8 > 18:6 19:2 je 51:7 2th 2:3-10 *

abominations # de 29:17 1ki 14:24 2ki 21:2 is 66:3 eze 20:30 ho

9:10 * filthiness (Reference eze 2:11,13 is bad; maybe 20:11,

13?) # ezr 9:11 la 1:9 eze 20:11,13 36:25 @<Rev17 -:5 >

Revelation 17:5

 * upon # <REV7 -:3 > is 3:9 phi 3:19 * MYSTERY # 2th 2:7 2ti 3:

1-5 * BABYLON # <REV11 -:8 > 14:8 16:19 18:2,10,21 je 51:47,48 *

THE MOTHER # <REV18 -:9 > 19:2 * HARLOTS (or fornications)

@<Rev17 -:6 > Revelation 17:6

 * drunken # <REV13 -:7>, 15 16:6 18:20-24 da 7:21,25 * the

martyrs # <REV2 -:13> 6:9,10 12:11 ac 22:20 * I wondered # hab 1:

13 @<Rev17 -:7 > Revelation 17:7

 * I will # <REV17 -:1-> 6,8 @<Rev17 -:8 > Revelation 17:8

 * beast that thou (The Roman empire was the beast or idolatrous

persecuting power, when under the Pagan emperors; it ceased to

be so when it became Christian; and became so again under the

Roman pontiffs, and shall 'go into perdition.' # <REV9 -:2 > 11:

7 13:1-11 * go # <REV17 -:11> 14:8-20 16:1-21 18:1-24 19:15-21

20:10 da 7:11,26 11:45 # 2th 2:3-8 * shall wonder # <REV13 -:3>,

4 * whose # <REV13 -:8 > 20:12,15 * from # mat 25:34 jno 17:24

ac 15:18 ep 1:4 tit 1:2 1pe 1:20 * the beast that was # <REV13 -:

1-> 4,11,12 @<Rev17 -:9 > Revelation 17:9

 * here # <REV13 -:18> da 12:4,8-10 ho 14:9 mat 13:11 24:15 *

The seven # <REV17 -:3>, 7,18 13:1 @<Rev17 -:10> Revelation 17:10

 * No notes listed for this verse @<Rev17 -:11> Revelation 17:11

 * that was # <REV17 -:8 > @<Rev17 -:12> Revelation 17:12

 * the ten # <REV12 -:3 > 13:1 da 2:40-43 7:7,8,20,24 zec 1:18-

21 @<Rev17 -:13> Revelation 17:13

 * one # phi 1:27 2:2 * shall # <REV17 -:17> is 10:5-7 eze 38:10

ac 4:28 @<Rev17 -:14> Revelation 17:14

 * shall make (Invalid reference Daniel 13: possibly 12?) #

<REV11 -:7 > 8:6,7 16:14 19:15-21 da 7:21,25 12:9-12 zec 2:8 #

mat 25:40 ac 9:4,5 * the Lamb shall # <REV6 -:12> -17 ps 2:8,9

21:8-12 110:5 je 50:44 da 2:44 7:26,27 # 1co 15:24 * Lord #

<REV1 -:5 > 19:16 de 10:17 ps 136:2,3 pr 8:15,16 da 2:47 1ti 6:

15 * and they (Invalid reference Jer 1:44,45: no guess supplied)

# <REV14 -:1-> 4 19:14 ps 149:5-9 mi 5:7-9 jno 15:16 ro 8:30 #

ro 8:37 2ti 2:4 he 3:1,2 1pe 2:9 * and faithful # <REV2 -:10>

@<Rev17 -:15> Revelation 17:15

 * The waters # <REV17 -:1 > ps 18:4 65:7 93:3-4 is 8:7,8 je 51:

13,42,55 * are # <REV10 -:11> 11:9 13:7,8 @<Rev17 -:16>

Revelation 17:10

 * the ten # <REV17 -:2:> 10,12 * these The ten horns, which the

angel explained of 'ten kings' or kingdoms, and which one

exalted and supported he ecclesiastical tyranny, will hate,

desolate, strip, and devour her. They will be the principal

instruments in the destruction of popery and the ruin of Rome

itself. # <REV17 -:1>, 2,3 REV 16:12 is 13:17,18 je 50:41,42 *

and naked # <REV18 -:16> ,17 eze 16:37,44 23:45-49 * eat # job

31:31 ps 27:2 da 7:5 * and burn # <REV18 -:8>, 16 le 21:9

@<Rev17 -:17> Revelation 17:17

 * God hath # <REV18 -:13> ac 4:27,28 * put # ezr 7:27 ps 105:25

pr 21:1 je 32:40 2th 2:10-12 ja 1:13-17 * to fulfil # lu 22:3,22,

37 jno 13:2,18 * until # <REV6 -:11> 10:7 15:1 pr 19:21 is 45:17

46:10,11 je 27:6,7 eze 38:16 # eze 38:17 da 12:7 jno 10:35 12:39,

40 19:24,28 @<Rev17 -:18> Revelation 17:18

 * the woman # <REV16 -:19> 18:2 da 2:40,41 7:23 lu 2:1 * which

reigneth The city which, at the time of the vision, 'reigned

over the kings of the earth,' was undoubtedly Rome; and from its

foundation, it has, in different ways, accomplished this object

to the present time. # <REV12 -:4 > @<Rev18 -:1 > Revelation 18:1

 1-3 Babylon is fallen 4-8 People commanded to depart out of her

9-19 The kings of the earth, with the merchants and mariners,

lament over her 20-24 The saints rejoice for the judgments of

God upon her

 * I saw # <REV17 -:1 > * and the # <REV21 -:23> is 60:1-3 eze

43:2 lu 17:24 2th 2:8 @<Rev18 -:2 > Revelation 18:2

 * cried # <REV1 -:15> 5:2 10:3 14:15 je 25:30 joel 3:16 *

Babylon # <REV18 -:10> ,21 REV 14:8 16:19 17:5,18 is 13:19 21:9

je 51:8,60-64 * become # le 11:13-19 is 13:20-22 14:23 21:8 34:

11-15 je 50:39,40 51:37 # mar 5:3-5 lu 8:27,28 @<Rev18 -:3 >

Revelation 18:3

 * all # <REV18 -:9 > 14:8 17:2 je 51:7 * the merchants # <REV18

-:11> -17,23 is 47:15 2pe 2:1-3 * abundance (or power) # pr 23:1-

3 * her delicacies # je 51:34 la 4:5 lu 7:25 @<Rev18 -:4 >

Revelation 18:4

 * Come # ge 19:12,13 nu 16:26,27 is 48:20 52:11 je 50:8 51:6,45,

50 # mat 24:15,16 2co 6:17 * partakers # ps 50:18 mat 23:30 1ti

5:22 2jno 11 @<Rev18 -:5 > Revelation 18:5

 * reached # ge 18:20,21 2ch 28:9 ezr 9:6 je 51:9 jon 1:2 * and

# <REV16 -:19> @<Rev18 -:6 > Revelation 18:6

 * Reward # <REV13 -:10> 16:5,6 ex 21:23-25 ps 137:8 je 50:15,29

51:24,49 # 2ti 4:14 * double unto # is 40:2 61:7 je 16:18 17:18

zec 9:12 * the cup # <REV14 -:10> 16:19 17:2,4 @<Rev18 -:7 >

Revelation 18:7

 * much she # is 22:12,14 47:1,2,7-9 eze 28:2-10 zep 2:15 2th 2:

4-8 * I sit # ps 45:9 je 13:18 * no widow # is 47:7,8 la 1:1

@<Rev18 -:8 > Revelation 18:8

 * shall her # <REV18 -:10> ,17,19 is 47:9-11 je 51:6 * and she

# <REV18 -:9 > 17:18 19:3 je 51:58 * for # <REV11 -:17> job 9:19

ps 62:11 is 27:1 je 50:31,34 1co 10:22 @<Rev18 -:9 > Revelation


 * the kings # <REV18 -:3>, 7 17:2,12,13 * shall bewail # <REV18

-:20> ps 58:10 je 50:46 eze 26:16,17 32:9,10 da 4:14 zec 11:2,3

* the smoke # <REV18 -:18> 14:11 19:3 ge 19:28 de 29:23 is 13:19

30:33 34:9,10 # je 50:4 @<Rev18 -:10> Revelation 18:10

 * afar # nu 16:34 * alas # <REV18 -:16> ,19 je 30:7 joel 1:15

am 5:16 * that great # <REV14 -:8 > is 21:9 * for # <REV18 -:8>,

17,19 je 51:8,9 @<Rev18 -:11> Revelation 18:11

 * the merchants # <REV18 -:3>, 9,15,20,23 REV 13:16,17 is 23:1-

15 47:15 eze 26:17,21 # eze 27:27-36 zep 1:11,18 * buyeth # pr 3:

14 mat 22:5 jno 2:16 2pe 2:3 @<Rev18 -:12> Revelation 18:12

 * merchandise # <REV17 -:4 > 1ki 10:11,12 pr 8:10,11 eze 27:5-

25 * thyine (or sweet) # 1ki 10:11 2ch 2:8 @<Rev18 -:13>

Revelation 18:13

 * cinnamon # 1ki 10:10,15,25 2ch 9:9 pr 7:17 ca 1:3 4:13,14 5:5

am 6:6 # jno 12:3-8 * slaves (or bodies) # ex 21:16 de 24:7 28:

68 ne 5:4,5,8 is 50:1 eze 27:13 am 2:6 8:6 # 1ti 1:10 * and

souls (By the sale of indulgences, dispensations, absolutions,

masses, bulls, etc.) # 2pe 2:3 @<Rev18 -:14> Revelation 18:14

 * thy soul # nu 11:4,34 ps 78:18 106:14 1co 10:6 ja 4:2 1jno 2:

16,17 * departed # lu 12:20 16:25 @<Rev18 -:15> Revelation 18:15

 * which # <REV18 -:3>, 11 ho 12:7,8 zec 11:5 mar 11:17 ac 16:19

19:24-27 * shall # <REV18 -:11> ju 18:23,24 eze 27:31 am 5:16,17

@<Rev18 -:16> Revelation 18:16

 * alas # <REV18 -:10> ,11 17:4 lu 16:19 @<Rev18 -:17>

Revelation 18:17

 * in one # <REV18 -:10> is 47:9 je 51:8 la 4:6 * and every #

<REV18 -:11> is 23:14 eze 27:27-36 jon 1:6 @<Rev18 -:18>

Revelation 18:18

 * when # <REV18 -:9 > * What # <REV18 -:10> REV 13:4 is 23:8,9

je 51:37 eze 27:30-32 @<Rev18 -:19> Revelation 18:19

 * they cast # jos 7:6 1sa 4:12 2sa 13:19 ne 9:1 job 2:12 eze 27:

30 * weeping # <REV18 -:10> ,15,16 * for # <REV18 -:8 > @<Rev18 -

:20> Revelation 18:20

 * Rejoice # <REV19 -:1-> 3 ju 5:31 ps 48:11 58:10 96:11-13 107:

42 109:28 pr 11:10 # is 44:23 49:13 je 51:47,48 * and ye It is

peculiarly worth of remark, that the apostles, who are

idolatrously honoured at Rome, and daily worshipped, should be

specially mentioned as rejoicing in her fall; as if it 'avenged

them' on her, for the dishonor cast on their characters, while

it vindicated the glory of God # ep 2:20 3:5 4:11 2pe 3:2 jude

17 * God # <REV6 -:10> 19:2 de 32:42 ps 18:47 94:1 is 26:21 lu

11:49,50 18:7,8 @<Rev18 -:21> Revelation 18:21

 * a mighty: This was to represent the violence of her fall, and

that she should never rise again; which is further illustrated

by varied emphatical expressions taken from the ancient prophets.

 But Rome is still standing and flourishing, and honoured by

many nations as the metropolis of the Christian world; she still

resounds with singers and musicians; she still excels in arts,

which serve for pomp and luxury; she still abounds with candles,

and lamps, and torches, burning even by day, as well as by night;

 and consequently this prophecy has not been, but remains to

fulfilled. * Thus # ex 15:5 ne 9:11 je 51:63,64 * and shall #

<REV18 -:22> 12:8 16:20 20:11 job 20:8 ps 37:36 eze 26:21 da 11:

19 @<Rev18 -:22> Revelation 18:22

 * the voice # is 24:8,9 je 7:34 16:9 25:10 33:11 eze 26:13

@<Rev18 -:23> Revelation 18:23

 * the light # <REV22 -:5 > job 21:17 pr 4:18,19 24:20 * the

voice # <REV18 -:22> * thy merchants # <REV18 -:3>, 11-19 is 23:

8 eze 27:24,25,33,34 * for # <REV18 -:3>, 9 12:9 13:13-16 17:2,5

21:8 22:15 2ki 9:22 is 47:9 na 3:4 # ac 8:11 @<Rev18 -:24>

Revelation 18:24

 * in her # <REV11 -:7 > 16:6 17:6 19:2 je 2:34 eze 22:9,12,27

da 7:21 mat 23:27 # lu 11:47-51 ac 7:52 1th 2:15 * were # je 51:

49 @<Rev19 -:1 > Revelation 19:1

 1-6 God is praised in heaven for judging the great whore and

avenging the blood of his saints 7-9 The marriage of the Lamb 10-

16 The angel will not be worshipped 17-21 The fowls called to

the great slaughter

 * after # <REV18 -:1-> 24 * I heard # <REV11 -:15> 18:20 *

Alleluia # <REV19 -:3>, 4,6 ps 106:1 111:1 115:18 146:1 148:1

149:1 150:1 * Salvation # <REV4 -:10> ,11 5:9-13 7:10-12 11:15

12:10 1ch 29:11 ps 3:8 jon 2:9 # mat 6:13 1ti 1:16,17 @<Rev19 -:

2 > Revelation 19:2

 * true # <REV15 -:3 > 16:5-7 de 32:4 ps 19:9 is 25:1 * judged #

<REV17 -:1>, 2,15,16 18:3,9,10,23 * and hath # <REV6 -:10> 18:20,

24 de 32:35,43 @<Rev19 -:3 > Revelation 19:3

 * Alleluia # <REV19 -:1 > * And her # <REV14 -:11> 18:9,18 ge

19:28 is 34:10 jude 7 @<Rev19 -:4 > Revelation 19:4

 * the four # <REV4 -:4-> 10 5:8-11,14 11:15,16 15:7 * Amen #

<REV5 -:14> 1ch 16:36 ne 5:13 8:6 ps 41:13 72:19 89:52 106:48 je

28:6 # mat 6:13 28:20 1co 14:16 * Alleluia # <REV19 -:1 >

@<Rev19 -:5 > Revelation 19:5

 * a voice # <REV7 -:15> 11:19 16:17 * praise # ps 103:20-22 134:

1 135:1,19,20 148:11-13 150:6 * both # <REV11 -:18> 20:12

@<Rev19 -:6 > Revelation 19:6

 * and as the voice of many # <REV1 -:15> 14:2 Eze 1:24 43:2 *

and as the voice of mighty # <REV4 -:5 > 6:1 8:5 job 40:9 ps 29:

3-9 77:18 * for # <REV11 -:15> -18 12:10 21:22 ps 47:2,7 93:1 97:

1,12 99:1 is 52:7 # mat 6:13 @<Rev19 -:7 > Revelation 19:7

 * be glad # de 32:43 1sa 2:1 ps 9:14 48:11 85:1-3 100:1,2 107:

42 pr 29:2 # is 66:10,14 zec 9:9 jno 3:29 phi 3:3 * for # <REV21

-:2>, 9 ps 45:10-16 ca 3:11 is 62:5 ho 2:19,20 mat 22:2 # mat 25:

1-10 2co 11:2 ep 5:32 * and his # Is 52:10 @<Rev19 -:8 >

Revelation 19:8

 * to her # <REV3 -:4>, 5,18 ps 45:13,14 is 61:10 eze 16:10 mat

22:12 ro 3:22 # ro 13:14 ep 5:26,27 * white or bright # mat 17:2

mar 9:3 lu 24:4 ac 1:10 * the fine # <REV7 -:13> ,14 ps 132:9

@<Rev19 -:9 > Revelation 19:9

 * Write # <REV1 -:19> 2:1,8,12,18 3:1,7,14 10:4 14:13 is 8:1

hab 2:2 * Blessed # <REV19 -:7>, 8 3:20 mat 22:2-4 lu 14:15,16 *

These # <REV19 -:11> 21:5 22:6 1ti 1:15 4:9 2ti 2:11 tit 3:8

@<Rev19 -:10> Revelation 10:9

 * I fell # <REV22 -:8>, 9 mar 5:22 7:25 ac 10:25,26 14:11-15

1jno 5:21 * See # 2co 8:7 ep 5:15,33 1th 5:15 he 12:25 * I am #

ps 103:20,21 da 7:10 lu 1:19 he 1:14 * the testimony # <REV1 -:9

> 12:11,17 22:9 1jno 5:10 * worship # <REV4 -:10> 14:7 15:4 ex

34:14 2ki 17:36 ps 45:11 mat 4:10 jno 4:22-24 # phi 3:3 * for

the # lu 24:25-27,44 jno 5:39 ac 3:12-18 10:43 13:27 ro 3:21,22

# 1pe 1:10-12 2pe 1:19-21 @<Rev19 -:11> Revelation 19:11

 * heaven # <REV4 -:1 > 11:19 15:5 * a white # <REV6 -:2 > zec 1:

8 * faithful # <REV1 -:5 > 3:7,14 jno 14:6 * and in # <REV15 -:3-

> 7 ps 45:3-7 50:6 72:2-4 96:13 98:9 99:4 is 11:3-5 32:1 # is 45:

21 63:1-5 je 23:5,6 33:15 zec 9:9,10 he 7:1,2 @<Rev19 -:12>

Revelation 19:12

 * eyes # <REV1 -:14> 2:18 * on his # <REV6 -:2 > 12:3 13:1 ps 8:

5 ca 3:11 is 62:3 zec 9:16 mat 21:5 28:18 # he 2:9 * a name #

<REV19 -:16> 2:17 3:12 ge 32:29 ex 23:21 ju 13:18 is 9:6 mat 11:

27 # lu 10:22 @<Rev19 -:13> Revelation 19:13

 * clothed # <REV14 -:20> ps 58:10 is 9:5 34:3-8 63:1-6 * The #

jno 1:1,14 1jno 1:1 5:7 @<Rev19 -:14> Revelation 19:14

 * the armies # <REV14 -:1>, 20 17:14 ps 68:17 149:6-9 zec 14:5

mat 26:53 2th 1:7 # jude 14 * white horse # <REV19 -:11> *

clothed # <REV19 -:8 > 4:4 7:9 mat 28:3 @<Rev19 -:15> Revelation


 * out # <REV19 -:21> 1:16 2:12,16 is 11:4 30:33 2th 2:8 * and

he shall # <REV2 -:27> 12:5 ps 2:9 * and he treadeth # <REV14 -:

17> -20 is 63:2-6 @<Rev19 -:16> Revelation 19:16

 * on his vesture # <REV19 -:12> ,13 * KING # <REV17 -:14> ps 72:

11 pr 8:15,16 da 2:47 phi 2:9-11 1ti 6:15 @<Rev19 -:17>

Revelation 19:17

 * an angel # <REV8 -:13> 14:6 is 34:1-8 * saying # <REV19 -:21>

is 56:9 je 12:9 eze 39:17-20 @<Rev19 -:18> Revelation 19:18

 * ye # de 28:26 1sa 17:44,46 ps 110:5,6 je 7:33 16:4 19:7 34:20

# eze 29:5 39:18-20 mat 24:28 lu 17:37 * of all # <REV6 -:15> 13:

16 @<Rev19 -:19> Revelation 19:19

 * I saw # <REV13 -:1-> 10 14:9 16:14,16 17:12-14 18:9 eze 38:8-

18 da 7:21-26 # da 8:25 11:40-45 joel 3:9-14 * him # <REV19 -:

11> -14 @<Rev19 -:20> Revelation 19:20

 * the beast # <REV19 -:19> 13:1-8,18 17:3-8,12 da 2:40-45 7:7,

12-14,19-21,23 * the false # <REV13 -:11> -17 16:13,14 20:10 22:

15 da 7:8-11,24-26 8:24,26 # 2th 2:8-11 * these # <REV20 -:10> ,

14 da 7:11 11:45 * burning # <REV14 -:10> 21:8 ge 19:24 de 29:23

job 18:15 ps 11:6 is 30:33 34:9 # eze 38:22 @<Rev19 -:21>

Revelation 19:21

 * the remnant # <REV19 -:11> -15 REV 1:16 * and all # <REV19 -:

17> ,18 17:16 @<Rev20 -:1 > Revelation 20:1

 1-5 Satan bound for a thousand years 6 The first resurrection;

the blessed that have part therein 7 Satan let loose again 8,9

Gog and Magog 10,11 The devils cast into the lake of fire and

brimstone 12-15 The last and general resurrection (Typist's note:

 there is no such thing as a 'general resurrection' there is a

resurrection of the saved at the rapture and of the lost after

the millennium)

 * I saw # <REV10 -:1 > 18:1 * having # <REV1 -:18> 9:1,2 lu 8:

31 * a great # 2pe 2:4 jude 6 @<Rev20 -:2 > Revelation 20:2

 * he laid # ge 3:15 is 27:1 49:24,25 mat 8:29 19:29 mar 5:7 lu

11:20-22 # jno 12:31 16:11 ro 16:20 he 2:14 * the dragon # <REV9

-:11> 12:9,13,15,17 13:2,4 job 1:7 2:1,2 1pe 5:8 2pe 2:4 jude 6

@<Rev20 -:3 > Revelation 20:3

 * cast # <REV20 -:1 > 17:8 * and set # da 6:17 mat 27:66 *

should deceive # <REV20 -:8 > 12:9 13:14 16:14-16 17:2 mat 24:24

2co 11:3,13-15 # 2th 2:9-11 * the thousand # ps 90:4 2pe 3:8 *

and after # <REV20 -:7-> 10 @<Rev20 -:4 > Revelation 20:4

 * thrones # da 7:9,18,22,27 mat 19:28 lu 22:30 1co 6:2,3 * the

souls # <REV6 -:9 > mal 4:5 mat 17:10-13 mar 9:11 lu 1:17 9:7-9

* beheaded # mat 24:10 mar 6:16,27 lu 9:9 * the witness # <REV1 -

:9 > 11:3,7 12:11 * and which # <REV13 -:12> -17 14:11 15:2 17:8

* and they # <REV5 -:9 > 11:11,15 da 2:44 7:18,27 ro 8:17 11:15

2ti 2:12 @<Rev20 -:5 > Revelation 20:5

 * the rest # <REV20 -:8>, 9 19:20,21 * this # <REV11 -:11> ,15

eze 37:2-14 ro 11:15 @<Rev20 -:6 > Revelation 20:6

 * Blessed # <REV20 -:5 > 14:13 22:7 is 4:3 da 12:12 lu 14:15 *

the second # <REV20 -:14> 2:11 21:8 * priests # <REV1 -:6 > 5:10

is 61:6 ro 12:1 1pe 2:5,9 * and shall # <REV20 -:4 > 1:6 5:10 ro

8:17 2ti 2:12 @<Rev20 -:7 > Revelation 20:7

 # <REV20 -:2 > @<Rev20 -:8 > Revelation 20:8

 * to deceive # <REV20 -:3>, 10 * Gog # eze 38:1-23 eze 39:1-29

* to gather # <REV16 -:14> * the number # ju 7:12 1sa 13:5 1ki 4:

20 is 10:22 je 33:22 he 11:12 @<Rev20 -:9 > Revelation 20:9

 * went # is 8:7,8 eze 38:9,16 hab 1:6 * and compassed # 2ki 6:

15 mi 2:13 mat 16:16-18 lu 19:43 21:20 * the camp # ps 48:1-3 74:

2-4 125:1,2 he 13:13 * and fire # <REV11 -:5 > 13:13 ge 19:24 ex

9:23,24 le 10:2,3 nu 11:1 16:35 # 2ki 1:10-15 ps 97:3 106:18 is

30:33 37:36 eze 38:22 39:6 lu 9:54 # lu 17:29 2th 1:8 @<Rev20 -:

10> Revelation 20:10

 * the devil # <REV20 -:2>, 3,8 * the lake # <REV20 -:14> ,15 19:

20 * tormented # <REV14 -:10> mat 25:41,46 @<Rev20 -:11>

Revelation 20:11

 * I saw # <REV20 -:2 > 19:11 ge 18:25 ps 9:7,8 14:6,7 47:8 89:

14 97:2 mat 25:31 # ac 17:30,31 ro 2:5 * from # <REV6 -:14> 16:

20 21:1 je 4:23-26 da 2:35 mat 24:35 2pe 3:7,10-12 * and there #

<REV12 -:8 > job 9:6 @<Rev20 -:12> Revelation 20:12

 * I saw # <REV20 -:11> da 12:2 jno 5:28,29 11:25,26 ac 24:15

1co 15:21-23 # 1th 4:15-17 * small # <REV19 -:5 > * stand # ro

14:10-12 1co 4:5 2co 5:10 * the books # da 7:10 * and another #

<REV3 -:5 > 13:8 17:8 21:27 ps 69:28 da 12:1 lu 10:20 phi 4:3 *

according # <REV20 -:13> 2:23 22:12 ps 28:4 62:12 pr 24:12,29 ec

12:14 je 17:10 # je 32:19 mat 16:27 ro 2:6 2co 5:10 @<Rev20 -:

13> Revelation 20:13

 * the sea # jno 5:28,29 * and death # <REV20 -:14> 6:8 ho 13:14

1co 15:50-58 * hell (or the grave) # 1co 15:55 * and they #

<REV20 -:12> @<Rev20 -:14> Revelation 20:14

 * death # <REV19 -:20> ho 13:14 1co 15:26,53 * This * <REV20 -:

6 > 21:8 @<Rev20 -:15> Revelation 20:15

 * whosoever # mar 16:16 jno 3:18,19,36 14:6 ac 4:12 he 2:3 12:

25 1jno 5:11,12 * was cast # <REV19 -:20> mat 25:41 mar 9:43-48

@<Rev21 -:1 > Revelation 21:1

 1-9 A new heaven and a new earth 10-22 The heavenly Jerusalem

with a full description thereof 23 She needs no sun, the glory

of God being her light 24-27 The kings of the earth bring their

riches unto her

 * a new # <REV21 -:5 > is 65:17-19 66:22 2pe 3:13 * for #

<REV20 -:11> * and there # <REV13 -:1 > is 27:1 57:20 da 7:3

@<Rev21 -:2 > Revelation 21:2

 * I # <REV1 -:1>, 4,9 * the holy # <REV3 -:12> ps 48:1-3 87:3

is 1:21 52:1 je 31:23 he 11:10 12:22 13:14 * coming # <REV21 -:

10> ga 4:25,26 * as # <REV19 -:7>, 8 ps 45:9-14 is 54:5 61:10 62:

4 jno 3:29 2co 11:2 # ep 5:25-27,30-32 @<Rev21 -:3 > Revelation


 * a great # <REV10 -:4>, 8 12:10 * Behold # <REV7 -:15> le 26:

11,12 1ki 8:27 2ch 6:18 is 12:6 eze 37:27 43:7 # jno 1:14 14:23

2co 6:16 * they shall # <REV21 -:7 > ge 17:7,8 je 31:33 32:38

zec 13:9 2co 6:18 he 8:10 11:16 * God himself # zec 8:8 @<Rev21 -

:4 > Revelation 21:4

 * God shall # <REV7 -:17> is 25:8 * no # <REV20 -:14> 22:3 is

25:8 ho 13:14 1co 15:26,54-58 he 2:14,15 * neither sorrow # is

30:19 35:10 60:20 61:3 65:18,19 je 31:13 * the former # <REV21 -:

1 > ps 144:4 mat 24:35 1co 7:31 2co 6:17 2pe 3:10 1jno 2:17

@<Rev21 -:5 > Revelation 21:5

 * that sat # <REV4 -:2>, 9 5:1 20:11 * Behold # is 42:9 43:19

2co 5:17 * Write # <REV1 -:11> ,19 * these # <REV19 -:9 >

@<Rev21 -:6 > Revelation 21:6

 * It is # <REV16 -:17> * I am # <REV1 -:8>, 11,17 22:13 * I

will # <REV7 -:17> 22:17 is 12:3 55:1-3 jno 4:10,14 7:37,38 *

the fountain # ps 36:9 je 2:13 joel 3:18 * freely # ho 14:4 ro 3:

24 8:32 1co 2:12 3:5,12,21 1jno 5:4,5 @<Rev21 -:7 > Revelation


 * overcometh # <REV2 -:11> ,17,25 * inherit # 1sa 2:8 pr 3:35

is 65:9 mat 19:29 25:34 mar 10:17 1co 3:21-23 # 1pe 1:3,4 3:9 *

all things (or these things) * and I # <REV21 -:3 > zec 8:8 ro 8:

15-17 he 8:10 1jno 3:1-3 @<Rev21 -:8 > Revelation 21:8

 * the fearful # de 20:8 ju 7:3 is 51:12 57:11 mat 8:26 10:28 lu

12:4-9 # jno 12:42,43 1pe 3:14,15 1jno 5:4,5,10 * and the #

<REV22 -:15> mal 3:5 1co 6,9,10 ga 5:19-21 ep 5:5,6 1ti 1:9,10 #

he 12:24 13:4 1jno 3:15 * and idolators # 1co 10:20,21 * and all

# <REV2 -:2 > pr 19:5,9 is 9:15 jno 8:44 2th 2:9 1ti 4:2 1jno 2:

22 * the lake # <REV19 -:9 > 20:14,15 * which is # <REV20 -:14>

@<Rev21 -:9 > Revelation 21:9

 * which # <REV15 -:1-> 7 16:1-17 * the Lamb's # <REV21 -:2 > 19:

7 @<Rev21 -:10> Revelation 21:10

 * he carried # <REV1 -:10> 4:2 17:3 1ki 18:12 2ki 2:16 eze 3:14

8:3 11:1,24 40:1-3 # ac 8:39 2co 12:2-4 * that # <REV21 -:2 >

eze 40:1-49 48:15-22 @<Rev21 -:11> Revelation 21:11

 * the glory # <REV21 -:22> ,23 22:5 is 4:5 60:1,2,19,20 eze 48:

35 * her # <REV21 -:19> eze 1:26 28:13,14,16 * clear # <REV21 -:

18> 4:6 22:1 job 28:17 eze 1:22 @<Rev21 -:12> Revelation 21:12

 * a wall # <REV21 -:17> -20 ezr 9:9 ne 12:27 ps 51:18 122:7 *

twelve gates # <REV21 -:21> ,25 is 54:12 60:18 eze 48:31-34 *

twelve angels # mat 18:10 lu 15:10 16:22 he 1:14 * and names #

<REV7 -:4-> 8 nu 2:2-32 ac 26:7 @<Rev21 -:13> Revelation 21:13

 # Eze 48:31-34 @<Rev21 -:14> Revelation 21:14

 * foundations # <REV21 -:19> -21 is 54:11 he 11:10 * and in #

<REV18 -:20> mat 10:2-4 16:18 1co 3:10,11 ga 2:9 ep 2:20 3:5 4:

11 # jude 17 @<Rev21 -:15> Revelation 21:15

 * a golden # <REV11 -:1>, 2 ex 40:3-5 zec 2:1 @<Rev21 -:16>

Revelation 21:16

 * four square The square form of this city probably denotes its

stability; while its vast dimensions, being 1500 miles on each

side, are emblematical of magnificence, and of its capability of

containing all the multitude of inhabitants which should ever

enter it, however immense or innumerable * Note: the given

reference of eze 11:47 is invalid, maybe 48:35 # eze 48:20,35 *

twelve # eze 48:8-19 @<Rev21 -:17> Revelation 21:17

 * an # <REV7 -:4 > 14:3 @<Rev21 -:18> Revelation 21:18

 * was of # <REV21 -:11> ,19 * like # <REV21 -:11> ,21 @<Rev21 -:

19> Revelation 21:19

 * the foundations # job 28:16-19 pr 3:15 is 54:11,12 * sapphire

# Ex 28:17-21 29:10-14 @<Rev21 -:20> Revelation 21:20

 * no references given for this verse @<Rev21 -:21> Revelation


 * the twelve # <REV21 -:12> 17:4 mat 13:45,46 * every several

This may denote, that every thing will be super- latively

glorious, beyond all comparison with anything ever seen on earth

* pure # <REV21 -:18> 17:4 18:16 22:2 1ki 6:20 is 60:17,18 * as

it # <REV21 -:11> ,18 @<Rev21 -:22> Revelation 21:22

 * I saw # <REV21 -:4>, 5 1ki 8:27 2ch 2:6 6:18 is 66:1 jno 4:23

* the Lord # <REV1 -:8 > 4:8 11:17 15:3 16:7,14 19:15 * the Lamb

# jno 2:19-21 10:30 col 1:19 2:9 he 9:1-12 @<Rev21 -:23>

Revelation 21:23

 * the city # <REV21 -:11> 22:5 is 24:23 60:19,20 * for # <REV21

-:11> 18:1 is 2:10,19,21 hab 3:3 mat 16:27 mar 8:38 jno 17:24 #

ac 22:11 * the Lamb # lu 2:32 jno 1:4,9,14,18 5:23 @<Rev21 -:24>

Revelation 21:24

 * the nations # <REV22 -:2 > de 32:43 ps 22:27 is 2:2 52:15 55:

5,10 66:12,18 je 4:2 # zec 2:11 8:22,23 ro 15:10-12,16,26 * walk

# is 2:5 * the kings # ps 72:10,11 is 60:3-10,13 66:11,12

@<Rev21 -:25> Revelation 21:25

 * the gates # is 60:11 * for # <REV22 -:5 > is 60:20 zec 14:7

@<Rev21 -:26> Revelation 21:26

 * the glory # <REV21 -:24> @<Rev21 -:27> Revelation 21:27

 * there # le 13:46 nu 5:3 12:15 ps 101:8 is 35:8 52:1 60:21

joel 3:17 # mat 13:41 1co 6:9,10 ga 5:19-21 ep 5:5 he 12:14 *

worketh # <REV17 -:4>, 5 * or maketh # <REV21 -:8 > 22:14,15 *

they # <REV3 -:5 > 13:8 20:12,15 phi 4:3 @<Rev22 -:1 >

Revelation 22:1

 1 The river of the water of life 2-4 The tree of life 5-8 The

light of the city of God is himself 9-17 The angel will not be

be worshipped 18-21 Nothing may be be added to the word of God,

nor taken therefrom

 * A pure # Ps 36:8 46:4 is 41:18 48:18 66:12 eze 47:1-9 zec 14:

8 jno 7:38,39 * water # <REV7 -:17> 21:6 ps 36:9 je 2:13 17:13

jno 4:10,11,14 * clear # <REV21 -:11> * proceeding # <REV3 -:21>

4:5 5:6,13 7:10,11,17 jno 14:16-18 15:26 16:7-15 # ac 1:4,5 2:33

@<Rev22 -:2 > Revelation 22:2

 * the midst # <REV22 -:1 > 21:21 eze 47:1,12 * the tree of life

(rather the definite article not being in the original, 'a tree

of life;' for there were three trees; one in the street, and one

on each side of the river # <REV22 -:14> 2:7 ge 2:9 3:22-24 pr 3:

18 * healing # <REV21 -:24> ps 147:3 is 6:10 57:18,19 je 17:14

eze 47:8-11 ho 14:4 # mal 4:2 lu 4:18 1pe 2:24 @<Rev22 -:3 >

Revelation 22:3

 * there # <REV21 -:4 > de 27:26 zec 14:11 mat 25:41 ge 3:10-13

* but # <REV7 -:15> -17 21:22,23 ps 16:11 17:15 is 12:6 eze 48:

35 mat 25:21 # jno 14:3 17:24 * his # <REV7 -:15> jno 12:26

@<Rev22 -:4 > Revelation 22:4

 * they # eze 33:18-20,23 job 33:26 ps 4:6 is 33:17 35:2 40:5

mat 5:8 # jno 12:26 17:24 1co 13:12 he 12:14 1jno 3:2,3 * and

his # <REV3 -:12> 14:1 @<Rev22 -:5 > Revelation 22:5

 * no night # <REV18 -:23> 21:22-25 ps 36:9 84:11 pr 4:18,19 is

60:19,20 * and they # <REV3 -:21> 11:15 da 7:18,27 mat 25:34,46

ro 5:17 2ti 2:12 1pe 1:3,4 @<Rev22 -:6 > Revelation 22:6

 * These # <REV19 -:9 > 21:5 * the holy # <REV18 -:20> lu 1:70

16:16 ac 3:18 ro 1:2 1pe 1:11,12 2pe 1:21 3:2 * sent # <REV1 -:1

> da 3:28 6:22 mat 13:41 ac 12:11 2th 1:7 * which # <REV22 -:7 >

ge 41:32 1co 7:29 2pe 3:8,9 @<Rev22 -:7 > Revelation 22:7

 * I come # <REV22 -:10> ,12,20 3:11 * blessed # <REV22 -:9 > 1:

3 @<Rev22 -:8 > Revelation 22:8

 * I fell # <REV19 -:10> ,19 @<Rev22 -:9 > Revelation 22:9

 * See # <REV19 -:10> de 4:19 col 2:18,19 1jno 5:20 * worship

God # <REV4 -:10> 9:20 14:7 15:4 ex 34:14 2ki 17:36 ps 45:11 mat

4:9 lu 4:7 # jno 4:22,23 @<Rev22 -:10> Revelation 22:10

 * he saith # <REV22 -:12> ,13,16,20 * Seal # <REV5 -:1 > 10:4

is 8:16 da 8:26 12:4,9 mat 10:27 * for # <REV1 -:3 > is 13:6 eze

12:23 ro 13:12 2th 2:3 1pe 4:7 @<Rev22 -:11> Revelation 22:11

 * that is unjust # <REV16 -:8-> 11,21 ps 81:12 pr 1:24-33 14:32

ec 11:3 eze 3:27 da 12:10 # mat 15:14 21:19 25:10 jno 8:21 2ti 3:

13 * and he that # <REV22 -:3 > 7:13-15 job 17:9 pr 4:18 mat 5:6

ep 5:27 col 1:22 jude 24 @<Rev22 -:12> Revelation 22:12

 * I come # <REV22 -:7 > zep 1:14 * and my # <REV11 -:18> is 3:

10,11 40:10 62:11 1co 3:8,14 9:17,18 * to give # <REV20 -:12>

mat 16:27 ro 2:6-11 14:12 @<Rev22 -:13> Revelation 22:13

 # <REV1 -:8>, 11 21:6 is 41:4 44:6 48:12 @<Rev22 -:14>

Revelation 22:14

 * Blessed # <REV22 -:7 > ps 106:3-5 112:1 119:1-6 is 56:1,2 da

12:12 mat 7:21-27 # lu 12:37,38 jno 14:15,21-23 15:10-14 1co 7:

19 ga 5:6 # 1jno 3:3,23,24 5:3 * may have # jno 4:12 1co 8:9 9:5

* to the # <REV22 -:2 > 2:7 * and may # <REV21 -:27> jno 10:7,9

14:6 @<Rev22 -:15> Revelation 22:15

 * without # <REV9 -:20> ,21 21:8,27 1co 6:9,10 ga 5:19-21 ep 5:

3-6 col 3:6 * dogs # phi 3:2 * sorcerers # <REV9 -:21> 18:23 is

47:9,12 57:3 mal 3:5 ac 8:11 13:6-11 * whoremongers # <REV17 -:1-

> 6 * whosoever # <REV21 -:8>, 27 1ki 22:8,21-23 is 9:15,16 je 5:

31 jno 3:18-21 # jno 8:46 2th 2:10-12 @<Rev22 -:16> Revelation


 * I Jesus # <REV22 -:6 > 1:1 * to testify # <REV22 -:20> 22:1,

11 2:7,11,17,29 3:6,13,22 * I am # <REV5 -:5 > is 11:1 zec 6:12

mat 22:42,45 ro 1:3,4 9:5 * the bright # <REV2 -:28> nu 24:17

mat 2:2,7-10 lu 1:78 2pe 1:19 @<Rev22 -:17> Revelation 22:17

 * the Spirit # <REV22 -:16> is 55:1-3 jno 16:7-15 * the bride #

<REV21 -:2>, 9 * Come # is 2:5 * let him that heareth # ps 34:8

is 2:3,5 48:16-18 je 50:5 mi 4:2 zec 8:21-23 jno 1:39-46 # jno 4:

29 1th 1:5-8 * let him that is athirst # <REV21 -:6 > is 55:1

jno 7:37 * let him take # is 12:3 jno 4:10,14 * freely # ro 3:24

1co 2:12 @<Rev22 -:18> Revelation 22:18

 * testify # <REV22 -:16> 3:14 ep 4:17 1th 4:6 * heareth # <REV1

-:3 > * If # de 4:2 12:32 pr 30:6 mat 15:6-9,13 * God # <REV14 -:

10> ,11 15:1 16:1-21 19:20 20:10,15 le 26:18,24,25,28,37 @<Rev22

-:19> Revelation 22:19

 * take # <REV2 -:18> lu 11:52 * God # <REV3 -:5 > 13:8 ex 32:33

ps 69:28 * out of the book of life (or from the tree of life) #

<REV22 -:2 > * and out # <REV21 -:2>, 22-27 * and from # <REV22 -

:12> @<Rev22 -:20> Revelation 22:20

 * which # <REV22 -:18> * Surely # <REV22 -:7>, 10,12 * Amen #

<REV1 -:18> ca 8:14 is 25:9 jno 21:25 2ti 4:8 he 9:28 2pe 3:12-

14 @<Rev22 -:21> Revelation 22:21

 # <REV1 -:4 > ro 1:7 16:20,24 2co 13:14 ep 6:23,24 2th 3:18

