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king james study
1:1 In the third year of the : 1:1 The Revelation of
reign of Jehoiakim king of : Christ, which God gave
Judah came Nebuchadnezzar king : him, to shew unto his
of Babylon unto Jerusalem, and : things which must
shortly come
besieged it. : to pass; and he sent and
1:2 And the Lord gave : signified it by his
angel unto
Jehoiakim king of Judah into : his servant John:
his hand, with part of the : 1:2 Who bare record of
vessels of the house of God: : word of God, and of the
which he carried into the land : testimony of Jesus
Christ, and
of Shinar to the house of his : of all things that he
god; and he brought the : 1:3 Blessed is he that
vessels into the treasure : readeth, and they that
house of his god. : the words of this
1:3 And the king spake unto : and keep those things
Ashpenaz the master of his : are written therein:
for the
eunuchs, that he should bring : time is at hand.
[certain] of the children of : 1:4 John to the seven
Israel, and of the king's : churches which are in
seed, and of the princes; : Grace be unto you, and
1:4 Children in whom [was] no : from him which is, and
blemish, but well favoured, : was, and which is to
come; and
and skilful in all wisdom, and : from the seven Spirits
cunning in knowledge, and : are before his throne;
understanding science, and : 1:5 And from Jesus
such as [had] ability in them : who is the faithful
to stand in the king's palace, : and the first begotten
of the
and whom they might teach the : dead, and the prince of
learning and the tongue of the : kings of the earth.
Unto him
Chaldeans. : that loved us, and
washed us
1:5 And the king appointed : from our sins in his own
them a daily provision of the : blood,
king's meat, and of the wine : 1:6 And hath made us
which he drank: so nourishing : and priests unto God
and his
them three years, that at the : Father; to him be glory
end thereof they might stand : dominion for ever and
before the king. : Amen.
1:6 Now among these were of : 1:7 Behold, he cometh
the children of Judah, Daniel, : clouds; and every eye
Hananiah, Mishael, and : see him, and they also
Azariah: : pierced him: and all
1:7 Unto whom the prince of : of the earth shall wail
the eunuchs gave names: for he : because of him. Even so,
gave unto Daniel [the name] of
Belteshazzar; and to Hananiah, : 1:8 I am Alpha and
Omega, the
of Shadrach; and to Mishael, : beginning and the
of Meshach; and to Azariah, of : saith the Lord, which
is, and
Abednego. : which was, and which is
1:8 But Daniel purposed in : come, the Almighty.
his heart that he would not : 1:9 I John, who also
am your
defile himself with the : brother, and companion
portion of the king's meat, : tribulation, and in the
nor with the wine which he : kingdom and patience of
drank: therefore he requested : Christ, was in the isle
of the prince of the eunuchs : is called Patmos, for
the word
that he might not defile : of God, and for the
himself. : of Jesus Christ.
1:9 Now God had brought : 1:10 I was in the
Spirit on
Daniel into favour and tender : the Lord's day, and
love with the prince of the : behind me a great voice,
as of
eunuchs. : a trumpet,
1:10 And the prince of the : 1:11 Saying, I am
Alpha and
eunuchs said unto Daniel, I : Omega, the first and
the last:
fear my lord the king, who : and, What thou seest,
write in
hath appointed your meat and : a book, and send it
unto the
your drink: for why should he : seven churches which
are in
see your faces worse liking : Asia;
than the children which [are] : 1:11 unto Ephesus, and
of your sort? then shall ye : Smyrna, and unto
Pergamos, and
make [me] endanger my : unto Thyatira, and unto
head to the king. : Sardis, unto
Philadelphia, and